The problem of war

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Reply Fri 28 May, 2010 03:22 am
War and Peace > February 2009 > United News

Nations or states can develop good relationships, but all of that depends on who is in charge and what pressures or forces act on them. States want control and power. They seek wealth, honor and respect. They want a voice in the world. Ideologies develop that change people. For instance, Hitler taught his citizens that they were the "superior race." That changed the behavior of many people toward their neighbors.

The death of a ruler, corruption that has been uncovered, propaganda, financial setbacks or threats from perceived enemies all impact states. Our newspapers are filled with accounts of events that have changed and shaped history.
Some religious leaders infuse the minds of their people with the belief that they and only they have the truth and with it, a mandate from God to act on His behalf. Because of this, many have argued that more wars have been fought over religion than almost any other cause.

Even if states have come to a time of peace, another generation will come along continuing the cycle of war. It seems we shuttle between war and peace in a constant motion. As George Santyana once wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Whether we speak of individuals, groups or states, the same thinking pattern rings true.
The Carnal Mind at Work

War is natural for states, but is this statement also true for individual people, families or tribes? Is the state of war indeed the natural state for man?

God tells us that we humans do not know the way of peace (Romans 3:17). That does not mean we do not seek peace or that many do not want peace. It only means that although we seek peace, other factors prevent peace from happening and continuing.
James 4:1-3 was directed towards the members of the Body of Christ, people who are converted and now striving to live Christ-like lives. Yet

James asks: "Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures."

If those who are dedicated to following Christ have issues with wars and fighting, should we wonder that it truly does apply to individuals, families, tribes and states?

Paul also noted the condition within the Church in Corinth. In 1 Corinthians 3:3 Paul wrote: "For you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?"

Jesus Christ set the standard by His life and by His teachings. He told His followers that they were not to be like the rest of this world.
In a marriage relationship, so many aspects of life are shared that it should be considered the best chance for living in peace. Brothers and sisters, relatives or close friends can develop good relationships.
But things change, people change, and circumstances change.

Those changes very often interfere with living side by side peacefully. On an individual basis, changing habits, lengthy separations, illness or frustrations can lead to a change in peaceful harmony. Jealousy, coveting what others have and a growing desire for power, respect, honor or wealth all change a person. Those changes often cause division between the closest of friends. Many have witnessed family tensions when inheritances are not deemed to be "equal." Families can be torn apart.
Jesus' Standard of Peace

Jesus Christ gave a different mandate for behavior to mankind. His followers are to strive to live by His words. He said in the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9).

It takes a great deal more courage and inner strength to become a peacemaker than it does to declare war. In marriage, a wise mate focused on maintaining peace will be alert to the times when his or her spouse is having a "bad day." He or she will realize that things like illnesses, headaches, toothaches, worry and fear can affect us all, and will be understanding to changes in mood or health. Peter admonishes us to have a fervent love for one another (1 Peter 4:8).

It is difficult for two people, two groups or two states to live together in peace. God also knows this and has declared that the Prince of Peace must come to take over the governments of this world-to order it and establish it (Isaiah 9:6-7). He and only He has the right, correct and perfectly just way of living. Every other way leads to the wars the world has experienced.

To end all wars, Christ will rule with all the strength and power necessary (Revelation 12:5). He will overcome the evil forces on this earth, and there will finally be a lasting and perpetual peace. The target will be justice for all-a goal that reaches into eternal life for all humans.
Meanwhile, let us all put every effort into the goal of extending the peace in our own lives and relationships until He comes. UN

Do I believe all the above, yes I do, we are all accountable for what we have done in life or not done in life

  1. Philosophy Forum
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  3. » The problem of war
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