The Origin of Evil?

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Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2009 12:32 am
Origin of Evil.

Here are my conclusions on the origin of Evil.

I cannot comprehend the view that a perfect, good; loving god of pure light could ever conceive the concept of evil in his totally pure and holy mind.

Evil is totally opposite to gods absolute goodness, completely alien to his innate intrinsic nature and essence. All evil is a monstrous abomination to God.

God is perfect and would, therefore, does not permit the concept of evil to originate or exist in his perfect holy mind or in his presence of pure light.

How then could god create a being with the "potential" for the utter evil that we see all around us on planet earth and in the universe? (Lucifer, eve, Adam and some of mankind)? Lucifer was perfect when created! Adam was innocent!

How could a perfect being like Lucifer become corrupt? I like to use the analogy of the perfect motor car. A perfect motor car would simply last forever in its original perfect condition. Except under one condition "outside destructive interference".

The very same result would be with a perfect being such as Lucifer! (Who told him he was beautiful? certainly not God!) God would never write into his book of existence the concept or possibility of a malignant thing such as evil. Evil must, therefore, have originated outside of his perfect self and mind! What possible use could evil be to god?

God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (all - present) and omniscient (all - knowing) he is however not "everything" god is "light" and in him is no darkness whatsoever! , Therefore, "darkness" must be an external something separate from Himself.

I know from experience, that the source of EVIL and its origin is from some external eternal monster that lurks remote from god in the primeval darkness of the deep (Gen 1:1). I call this place the "void"(hell). I am convinced that the '('VOID') is HELL by a terrifying personal experience during a near death episode.

I was shown an evil monster of almost infinite intelligence lurks in the deepest darkness of the void (hell), while there. It is this eternal monster that I believe tempted Lucifer, resulting in his downfall and his metamorphosis into Satan or the Devil. This monster is the complete opposite to god and dwells in utmost darkness deep, and very remote from god. I know this is true as I was shown this Malignant Monstrous Beast by an intelligence I took for God, while in the Void (HELL).

I was told that it is God's eternal enemy and the reason for evil and its origin and perpetuation. This thing is almost as mighty as God is himself! (Light against darkness). It seemed to be some type of antigod? There is an Anti-Christ-why not an Anti-God, Maybe they are one and the same evil being?

If we do not accept my explanation, then one must go to the Bible and read Isaiah 45; 7 were GOD says" I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil: I the lord do all these things. This verse could be a very definite and clear indication of the origin of evil; namely evil originating from god himself and god having two natures.

On what basis do I justify my previous statements? They are justified on the basis of my own personal terrible confrontation with this evil monster that lurks deep in the "Void" or hell. (Three times during brought on by near death episodes).

This "void" monster is worshiped by Satan and I am convinced is the ultimate source and origin of all evil. Satan did not confront me during one of my near death experiences, but by something almost infinitely worse! Satan is the prince of darkness, not the king of Evil! This thing is god's eternal enemy and has a diabolic almost infinite evil dark intelligence and power.

I experienced that God due to his innate perfection is forced to judge Evil (darkness) and remove it forever from his being. I felt this judgment more as an emotional separation from God, with feelings of utter darkness, desolation, despair, and fear terror, horror and everlasting dark cold hopelessness, the Void.

I was shown that totally depraved dark evil beings , would have to eternally exist, somewhere far together, forever, separate and remote from god's love and could never enter his light. (Darkness cannot penetrate the light!). Because of their utter evil depravity and darkness, totally

Evil and Depraved beings would never enter Gods light and would be forgotten by God in their own Evil Depraved Perversions forever in the Void" A terrible thought".

When I was so very ill, I communicated with intelligence, who revealed these things to me? I got the impression that God would someday rescue persons of much lesser evil, who had some light (goodness) in them. From the lesser upper regions of the Void into His eternal blessed light. (Out of the eternal darkness).

Let me assure the reader that there is no love, joy peace or light in the Void. Only utmost hopeless desolation and everlasting despair.

There is Good and Evil throughout the Universe. I know this from personal experience! The battle is from Eternal past but God will destroy the Beast of the Abysses

But do not despair if you are reading this short essay of mine, you are safe because God is within you and you have a spark of eternal life energy that can never be extinguished. This light will one day become a blazing furnace of love.

God does not have two natures!

God is love!


By Alan McDougall
Hi My Name Is
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 11:32 am
@Alan McDougall,
Here is your solution: God does not exist.

I know. I'm being incredibly blase and athiest (sp?).
In my defense, I will bring up several myths and legends to appease you.
In Greek mythology, Pandora (ancient Greek, Πανδώρα, traditionally derived from πᾶν "all" and δῶρον "gift", thus "giver of all", "all-endowed") was the first woman.[1] As Hesiod related it, each god helped create her by giving her unique gifts. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mould her out of Earth as part of the punishment of mankind for Prometheus' theft of the secret of fire, and all the gods joined in offering this "beautiful evil" seductive gifts. Her other name, inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum,[2] is Anesidora, "she who sends up gifts,"[3] up implying "from below" within the earth. According to the myth, Pandora opened a jar (pithos), in modern accounts referred to as "Pandora's box", releasing all the evils of mankind- although the particular evils, aside from plagues and diseases, are not specified in detail by Hesiod - leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again.[4] She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act.[5]

I just noticed the original Christians and the ancient Greek myths all criticize women.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 05:28 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Al...God was once undifferenciated power, and with the power of the human mind that God was divided into good power, and bad power... People were too real to be the equal of good power, but they desired the ability to work the power of good for their benefit... The bad power that no one wanted was taken by the eneimies of man kind...
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 06:12 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Confession: I'm the origin of evil. Sorry about the boils.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 07:52 pm
TickTockMan;118346 wrote:
Confession: I'm the origin of evil. Sorry about the boils.

If you take the boils I will throw in the chancres... Take it all...I'll give you all the credit you need... No returns...
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 12:49 pm
@Alan McDougall,
for those having a problem reconciling their faith with the existence and extent of evil in the world. I have some suggestions (alternative ways or looking at things).

1. Consider abandoning the idea that God created the world ex nihilo (from nothing). Instead consider that god brings order from the formless void or the primordial chaos.

2. Consider abandoning the idea tha God is omnipotent (all powerful) instead consider the idea that god is very powerful (powerful enough to bring forth order, complexity, life, mind and experience) but not all powerful.

3. Consider evil as primordial chaos and the formless void breaking through. Evil is inherent in the world not the result of divine action or divine plan. Without god all that exists would be chaos there would be nothing of value.

I am not saying these things are true only that such concepts can be helpful to some with religous inclinations who are confronted by unexplainable evil.
Hi My Name Is
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 01:12 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Perhaps God (this is rather objective according to your religion) lets evil be amok in the world because he forgives the sins of everyday people.

At least, that is what it says in your bible, isn't it?
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 02:59 pm
@Hi My Name Is,
Hi! My Name Is:;118542 wrote:
Perhaps God (this is rather objective according to your religion) lets evil be amok in the world because he forgives the sins of everyday people.

At least, that is what it says in your bible, isn't it?

if you do not believe in a "god" and do not want to believe in a "god" then evil is not really a problem for you, is it? Evil is just part of reality, inherent in the world and largely just a human conception at that.

Evil is only a problem who those who wish to see transcendent purpose or value in the universe and existence.
When someone speaks of "god" in a philosophy forum they may not accept supernatural theism or revealed religion and may not belong to any particular established religion.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 01:46 am
@Alan McDougall,
How about Satan the Devil as the primordial cause of evil?

Below is a story I wrote on the Battle of Good and Evil and how I percerived evil to come into existence in the light of a God of goodness

[CENTER]A story I wrote giving a possible view on how good and evil came to exist[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Alan ""the thinker[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Battle of good against Evil[/CENTER]

[CENTER]In the beginning[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Of the eternal cycle[/CENTER]

Below is my view on the origin of Evil.

"Existence is a duality"

The battle of Good and Evil

God wars against his eternal enemy Evilian

God dwelled in the eternal composite white light

Evilian the Lord of Darkness lurked in the abysmal dark

These two absolutes took all primeval inexhaustible energy of existence and with great cosmic superstrings, formulated the very fabric of reality.

The good portion of the absolutes then became aware that he was separate and completely different in character from Evil. He named himself "God", and in the utter loneliness of the deep, said "let there be light", and he became pure light, and so there was now light in the darkness of the deep. God then moved upward, out of the darkness of the deep, to separate himself from darkness and Evil forever

God then existed in the pure light of love, which had emanating out from him, filling his own infinite domain, a place he called heaven! He was one but a unique unity of three - manifestations. These are spirit (God the father- spirit), mind (God - the holy ghost), and the creative word (God -Jesus Christ). The word spoke and created countless universes. His light expanded outwards to fill them all with his infinite love, which called the Holy Spirit. They sparkled with his eternal beauty.

God was omni-everything, within his infinite domain of light and goodness, except for one thing, "God could not "lie" and still be God". It was, therefore, impossible for God to lie.

God was alone within his domain of heaven and creation. No other intelligent beings yet existed with the unity, in the light. He was alone and lonely and so he created out of his own self and essence, uncountable numbers of vast intelligent holy great angels and beings. He sent them forth to fill and control his domain of unimaginable huge countless universes. These beings because they were made from his own essence and self were just like him and were eternal and could never cease to exist. Their purpose was too eternally to serve, obey him, and be his loving companions forever. God did not give them a free will, as it was their purpose to serve and obey God, without question.

Of all the great angels and beings he had created, Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel were the mightiest, greatest most beautiful and intelligent. They were each given different, but equally important tasks in assisting God with the control of his domain of the "existence of light and love"
The Evil absolute also became aware and continued to exist in the darkness of the deep. It was satisfied to lurk there and remain in the darkness of the deep void, waiting to put out the light of goodness and let Evil control all. It was also (three in one) and called itself, "lord of chaos". Its names were, (Evilian - unholy father spirit), (Evilian- the unholy ghost). ), (Evilian - the Evil -word). It had not yet made anything and was content to be alone.

Unlike God it could not create true life and this was one of its great limitations in the coming battle. The only life-like thing it was able to create, after an almost eternity of trying, was half alive like thing we call a virus.

Unlike God, Evilian was only omni-everything, within his own Evil dark domain and subject to entropy and ultimate decay of all matter in the deep blackness of his hell. He would then have to ultimately face the horror of existing alone in the black darkness of his own thoughts in the utter nothingness of hell forever.

In order to avoid his awful ultimate fate he would have to find a way to sustain his dark existence the only way to do this would be by drawing from Gods inexhaustible energy source into himself.

Unlike God he had limitations.

One - it was impossible for it, "to enter the light of God". Darkness cannot penetrate light!

Two- "it was impossible for it to tell the "truth" it was absolute - lie - and in him was no truth whatsoever.

He been totally evil could not comprehend the concept of truth. Thus he needed a being that could both, lie and tell the truth, in his battle against God. He could then use the almost infinite power of "deception" in his battle against God. Thus he decided to reach out with his Evil mind to all of Gods creatures, to see if he could find a candidate there. He desperately needed God's inexhaustible energy to counter the chaos or entropy of his dark domain.

Evilians Evil black mind then, reached upwards, into the light, to seek out any weakness in Gods kingdom. After an almost eternity of he found one almost infinite minute possibility of creating a wrong thought in the mind of one of

Gods perfect greatest angels. this almost infinitely small tiny minute possibility, was that somewhere deep within the mind this great angel was the almost infinitely remote chance that he could become proud and vane, if subjected constantly and perpetually, over eons an eons of time, to the right temptation and conditioning.

Evilian carefully chose his victim angel, as this angel was one of the three greatest beings in existence, besides the unity of God and Evilian himself. The name of the candidate angel was Lucifer and he would be of almost infinite use to Evilian, if he could affect his downfall, due to the fact that Lucifer knew God's mind and his goodness. Something that was impossible for Evilian too ever comprehend even if he was given infinite eternity.

Evilians mind reached out and spoke to the mind of Lucifer. "Come" Evilian, said to Lucifer, "I would like to show you something wonderful, beyond your wildest imagination". Here is a picture of yourself, look how much greater, mightier, and beautiful.

God has made you, than all the rest of his creation" indeed is you not as mighty and beautiful as God himself"? He lied!

Lucifer refused to listen to Evilian, who persisted continually with his exaggerated false Evil lies, temptations and dialogue, with Lucifer, for countless eons and eons, never ceasing to persist and exaggerate Lucifer's greatness and beauty.

After an almost eternity of thinking and contemplating Evilians words to him he began to absorb and contemplate all the lies he had been told.

Lucifer then allowed into his mind the following disastrous thoughts and became "vain and proud and said'. ' I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will also sit upon the mount of the congregations, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; 'I will be like the 'most high' (the ultimate blasphemy).

God at once knew the Evil thoughts that had come into the heart and mind of Lucifer and had to cast him out of heaven. The word of God, said I see Lucifer fall, like lighting down into the utter darkness of the deep void, to serve his new master Evilian.

Evilian changed Lucifer's name to "lord Satan" and referred to him as the Deceiver, because Satan could both lie and comprehend the truth and so Lucifer became Evilians great weapon of utter deception
And so the eternal battles of light against darkness, good, against Evil began.
God mused for a moment, and then created Romyserynal, our universe of goodness and light. The primeval mind of this universe was formulated and matured by God.

In an explosion of unthinkable proportions, expanding outwards at almost infinite speed, into incomprehensible nothingness. Atomic fusion lights (suns) condensed from radiant energy, forming into colossal mass matter families of energy and light, called galaxies, which raced away from absolute goodness, towards the omega point moment.

Our universe was born and emerged out of nothingness

Solardrianian, a sun of this universe, was then also created by God. She bathed her eight greater children, called planets, with warm love and light giving light, but only one child, Terra lived and became full of carbon organic based life, on her surface.

He was the most beautiful of all jeweled sparkling blue water worlds created by God. He to love cherished and sustained her.

God then said, "let us create man" and so they did, in the spiritual and mental image of God. God then created a companion for the man he had named Adam, her name was Eve. God created perfect mortal bodies for each of them, suitable for existing on earth.

God then placed them in the most beautiful garden called Eden. When he created them he made them totally innocent, but not perfect, giving them the free will to choose good over Evil. God allowed them to do anything, except to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told them if they disobeyed him in this only one forbidden commandment, they would surely die.
Evilian sent the Deceiver in the form of a snake (Lord Satan) to Terra to tempt eve or Adam to disobey God. In this he was successful, by convincing them that God had told them a lie.

This was the only thing impossible for God to do. Because they believed Satan and not God the result was all the troubles down the long history of humanity on Terra and humanities long continual battle with their now new natures of good and evil.

Humanities depraved history is the result of humanity not believing God and their disobedience of him and listening and believed Satan (Deceiver's) temptation and blasphemous lie, instead of Gods truth
Thousand of years later on Terra, God incarnated his word (Jesus) into human form. As a child on Terra he slept, dreamed and across the void, vivid thoughts and words came to him in a vision of the night, revealing the battle that was soon to come, explaining all. The character of this word was light and love now in the darkness of the world Terra had become since the downfall of humanity. His was the perfect altruist. God called him Altruisman (Jesus)

An Evil child, also slept on a colossal metal planet, revolving around a dark sun in one of the countless awful dark universes, Evilian had made, this Evil child, who was the angel Lucifer, now "prince of darkness" "The Deceiver, to conform with his new character by Evilian. He dreamed with anticipation of the coming battle.

Lucifer changed from an angel of Gods Light, into a Demon of Evilians Darkness

The Deceiver, when he was still Lucifer had known goodness by been in God's presence for almost an eternity. Now he also knew absolute Evil, from the mind of his new Evil master Evilian.

These two natures he now knew would be of great assistance to Evilian, as he Evilian was pure undiluted Evil and it was, therefore impossible for this being to ever be able to comprehend the workings of a mind of totally perfect, good and holy being like God.

But Lucifer, or as he was now known as Satan, had been exposed to both Good and Evil! And was now totally under Evilians control.

Evilian referred to Satan as "the prince of darkness or Lord Deceiver. He had become totally Evil, like his master Evilian, "but remembered in his mind, the goodness he had experienced when he was still serving God" Thus he became the "Ultimate Deceiver".

Solardrianian, Terra's sun, mighty magnetic plasma fusion mind, formed great eyes on her surface, reaching outwards to the edge of her universe, searching for the coming Evilian and the Deceiver and touched the malignant dark Evil horror their black minds.

Solardrianian retracted her mind from theirs in alarm and horror and fed the data, code, and information she had gathered, in that awful moment, into her magnetic mind, deep within her fusion core. The Deceiver Satan felt the gentle probe and awoke! His dark lord, "lord of darkness Evilian" then revealed his Evil plan to overcome and defeat his eternal enemy God and banish Light and Goodness forever from the infinite cosmos.

Separated by an infinite distance, somewhere and somewhen, in the ocean of nothingness, the fluxes of colossal magnetic minds intertwined in the infinite battle of thought. Magnetic monopoles grasped, twisted, and pushed within the great gravity arms of the conflicting two mighty intelligent eternal absolutes, far beyond mere mortal man comprehension, were the eternal battle. In the iron grip of relentless entropy, proton decay continued, which would result in the cold heat death of the loser.

Evil Lord- Evilian, the only other eternal being reached out to good Solardrianian (the sun), of our universe with his utmost Evil great mind consumed, with one thought. Destruction of Solardrianian, our universe our blessed sun and her beautiful world Terra. He would try, using entropy to suck all the radiant energy out of our universe, whose name was good beautiful Romyserynal, of light, into his malignant self and attempt to destroy all life and thought from our blessed universe into his dark black mind. Leaving only dark cold dead emptiness. (If he could!).

Solardrianian the sun spoke to Terra. Terra searched her surface and found the Altruisman in his sleep. She told him of the existence of eternal Evilian and his equally evil son, who existed in one of Evilians, universes and lived, on a dark Evil metal world.

His former name was great archangel Lucifer, who had fallen to Evilians temptation and lies and become Evil and dark and now referred to as the Deceiver, by his new master and he was now under the control and he worshiped, the dark lord Evilian.

Just like his new master, the Deceiver (Lucifer or Satan) or by any name you wish to call this beast, had become totally depraved and evil.

Altruisman awoke in alarm at this awful revelation. The final battle of minds would soon begin. The outcome would decide the fate of all of existence forever. Monstrous malignant.

Evilian and Deceiver battling against majestic might and minds of God and Altruisman the word. The prize of this final battle was victory of light over darkness, good over Evil, and the ultimate complete control of all existence.

The two eternals, God and Evilian agreed to place a wall of mirrors between them in the void. Altruism's the Warrior of God task was to know exactly which of the words or pictures reflected on the walls of the mirrors, were truth or false! Only by looking at the words or pictures displayed on the two walls.

God Said to Altruisman

[CENTER]"Altruisman, you must establish the absolute truth[/CENTER]

[CENTER]said the lord God Yahweh to him" this is necessary in order to obtain absolute victory over Deceiver and his Evil lord Evilian".[/CENTER]

Altruisman (Jesus) replied to God his father, saying, "Lord God Father Spirit of light and light, task you have given is impossible for me to carry out successfully". The Deceiver can both lie and Tell the Truth How in all eternity will I ever under, this handicap, in all eternity to know for certain, what is true or what is false on the wall of mirrors?"

Heaven stood still while God thought

[CENTER]Great Neurons of Light within the mind of God, known by mere mortal man as universes, pulsed, expanded, contracted, vibrated with the blazing glorious spectrums of the beautiful wonder of his infinite mind. [/CENTER]

[CENTER]Suns mere quantum particles in Gods colossal great mind flared up and died folding the very fabric of reality. Existence trembled and universes knitted infinitely into the 24 dimensions of the fabrics of reality.[/CENTER]

God then became silent. Existence became still again.
A moment of eternity past and God knew! "

God ceased to think and spoke, ''do this" "do that", and "all was done"!

Existence was still again. God rested from his muse and waited!

God then took Altruisman into the deepest recesses of his inner most being and enlightened his beautiful soul, with the greatest weapons against the Evilian the Evil Lord and his Demon Child Satan.

Truth, Light. Love, Life and Peace will put all Evil into the Bottomless pit called Hell

Altruisman my son said God, I bring you again back to before your birth and expand my everlasting essence in you, and henceforth you shall be known as the Christ. Your name is now; Jesus Christ the only True Altruist!

Love will overcome all challenges the of Evil Deceiver and his Lord Evilian and all his disciples.

From the birth as my incarnation of the suffering Messiah, two thousand and twelve years must pass according to the Julian calendar

Evilian and the Deceiver are the ultimate selfish ones their eternal fate is so terrible that even I God cannot and will not look into this place of utter desolation and horror. Tremble all that think about this place

Mine"? "What is your name"? To his question he got only silence and he knew for certain this being, in his garden, was the Deceiver or devil in disguise.

In the void the following words continued on the wall of mirrors:
"I am the light bringer" "I have been appointed to help you understand the coming revelation" "fear not for I am with you, my name is truth." trust me always". Altruisman (Jesus), replied, "You are the ultimate deceptive-one; I do not believe your lies. I speak only to my father God.

The finale was near, in eternal night stars cowered; Romersenal (our beautiful universe) comforted them and bathed them with strands of magnificent opalescence, renewing them all in shimmering phosphorescent glorious myriad colors. They flared and blazed; now prepared for the battle against Evilian and the Deceiver (Satan).

Altruisman, who was Jesus, returned to Terra and to the blessed caretaker of Terra's most beautiful garden, his mortal father. "Father tells beloved mother that I have been called away by God (the absolute) to do battle for him against of Evilian and the Deceiver". I will surely return." a hush fell on all of Terra. They knew then that the final war between good and Evil was about to begin!

Evilian and Deceiver gloated in their power and attacked our universe. Screaming blotted out the battle hymns of God's universes. All existence shook as God twisted and weaved the cords of reality into a newly formed 72 dimensional fabrics of existence.

Tyranny attempted to reign in Romersenal, the universes colossal body. Deceiver gripped Terra's mother, the sun, attempting to draw her into his Evil self to consume her in the relentless cold death of entropy. Proton death began! Altruisman/God resisted and the Deceiver withdrew to consider another tactic
The two lords of existence the absolutes, commanded, Deceiver, and the Altruisman "come into the neutral courtyard in the void between the domains of God and Evilian". Let your two minds together with those descend into the garden of Terra, where you must battle it out and so avoid the complete annihilation of all existence. Wormholes that connected universes pulsed with thought. The battle in the minds of began.

The Evil dragon son the Deceiver, projecting chaotic thoughts of mindless madness at Altruisman. Shafts of purple dazzle blobs of red blood, absolute hate in black non-worlds. Nightmares of negative hate. Blue black darkness attempted to melt down all that is good. Impossible almost infinite power attempted to suck in all life out of Gods universes. the Deceiver attempted by relentless blackness of ultimate heat death of dark entropy to destroy all that was good and was met with the almost infinite powerful resistance of the mind of the Godman - Altruisman and failed. Galaxies had started bleeding white energy into the cosmic lips of Evilian, but was compensated and renewed by God's infinite supply of energy.

God and Altruisman went into the horror of the Evil minds of Evilian and the Deceiver for one-trillionth of a peck second moment and knew their future plans for the battle. Altruisman then became aware of the true enormity of the undiluted black malignant Evil of Deceiver's mind, and withdrew in great alarm.

Altruisman (Jesus) awaked again in the void and observed a being of most beautiful light standing and projecting on the wall of mirrors these words, "remember me?" fear not for I am with you even unto the end of the world''. "I am the truth the life and the way". Jesus, the altruist pondered!

Who are you? Cried Altruisman. Call me "light-giver" or "truth righteousness love and goodness". Follow me into victory beloved son"
Words continued to appear on the wall of mirrors, someone wrote to Altruisman thus; "I must allow the contrary for mortals to progress into my true goodness". "Be vigilant-be aware my son". "Without good you cannot comprehend Evil", "without love you will not know hate". The words continued below:

The eternal battle is in the very mind of God. You the Godlike man the Altruisman, will overcome the dark side of Gods duality mind by his testimony and enable God to be perfectly good, kind and merciful. All his Evil side will be to thrust into the black hole and forgotten into the horror of hell of nothingness forever.

Then the words blanked out from the wall of mirrors!
Jesus the true altruist did not believe what he had seen written on the wall of mirrors, in the void so he returned to Terra the earth to speak to his father God.

Thus spoke God into the mind of Jesus his son, the altruist." I God now tell humanity that the love of Jesus will conquers all. I tell you mortal man, seek me while I still may be found my patience is at an end, I God am about to change my plan, if you do not listen now and obey. I will destroy your planet Terra; it is very very late. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a living God? No more options obey or hell".

Altruisman fell asleep on Terra and began to really wonder, for the first time, who was really communicating with him from the wall of mirrors, as some of what he had read there began to conflict with his concept of God. His knew purpose was to outwit the son of the malignant beast Evilian and the Deceiver. So he Jesus asked God who had been projecting to him on the wall of mirrors in the void and got the following answer:

God informed Jesus the (Altruisman), that only he formally knew his enemy's true name. This things name means the deceiver, who was in truth "Evilian the beast".

A virus called a lie was the cause of all sorrow in all of existence. Jesus the Altruisman is infused by God's light. Jesus/God will defeat Evilian whose true name is "the beast or monster" the great archangel Michael will war with God/Jesus with his truth. The selfish would be ultimately be defeated by selflessness or altruism.

The lord Jesus observed clearly now that all communications from the wall of mirrors had been false, just like he had suspected. It had been all lies and originated in the deceptive mind of the Deceiver (Satan) and his master the beast Evilian.

All those soft thoughts that had came directly into his mind, had originated from a beautiful being God his father who emanating compassionate love and peace, he knew without doubt that he had been speaking to the God of truth. His father in heaven
Altruisman then said I know my name is Jesus and with God/me will, defeat Evilian and Deceiver in the end, their awful fate is now sealed!!!!!!!

Jesus said he had to descend to planet earth (Terra) to complete a task and then he would inspire a "new testament" between humanity and God to be compiled to guide mortal man. The outcome of the battle would be written in the book of revelations. Where he and Michael and Gods holy angels will finally an utterly defeat Evilian, and his Evil son the Deceiver, who is Satan or also called the devil and the false prophet the beast.

[CENTER]The prime cause of all evil[/CENTER]



[CENTER]Lucifer believed [/CENTER]



Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 02:55 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I look at evil simply as the opposite of live. There is no special mythical entity responsible for it. Anyone who uses violence, political power, obfuscation, lying, or deceit to squash, dampen, thwart, or prevent anyone from pursuing and fulfilling their potential and vitality is doing evil -- which is not saying that they are evil.
Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 03:37 pm
Ahhhhhz;118858 wrote:
I look at evil simply as the opposite of live. There is no special mythical entity responsible for it. Anyone who uses violence, political power, obfuscation, lying, or deceit to squash, dampen, thwart, or prevent anyone from pursuing and fulfilling their potential and vitality is doing evil -- which is not saying that they are evil.
I tend to see "evil" as the lack of something rather than as a "actuality" itself. When one personifies evil or makes evil an actual force in the world which opposes the good; one is no longer a montheist but a zorastarian.
So evil is the lack of value and order: the primoridial chaos the formless void.
In the light/ dark analogy or metaphor: evil is the dark which is the absence of light. A lit candle always lights up the dark room; the darkness never prevails because light is an "actuality" and dark is merely "the absence of light".
Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 03:58 pm
prothero;118866 wrote:
I tend to see "evil" as the lack of something rather than as a "actuality" itself. When one personifies evil or makes evil an actual force in the world which opposes the good; one is no longer a montheist but a zorastarian.
So evil is the lack of value and order: the primoridial chaos the formless void.
In the light/ dark analogy or metaphor: evil is the dark which is the absence of light. A lit candle always lights up the dark room; the darkness never prevails because light is an "actuality" and dark is merely "the absence of light".

I kind of agree that it has no real substance. The saying, "Resist not evil," is advising not to give any energy to something that would otherwise expire from neglect. The substance, or light as you say, that is missing from the practice of evil is awareness or full consciousness. Doing evil, from my POV, is pirating or borrowing someone else's vitality or potency rather than living out one's own. It's cowardly and lazy. Possession from such robbery is temporary and not even real. It's fakery.
mister kitten
Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 07:13 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;70786 wrote:

God is perfect and would, therefore, does not permit the concept of evil to originate or exist in his perfect holy mind or in his presence of pure light.

I remember Gandhi saying that wherever there is light there will also be shadow, or darkness.
Reply Sun 10 Jan, 2010 11:52 am
prothero;118535 wrote:
for those having a problem reconciling their faith with the existence and extent of evil in the world. I have some suggestions (alternative ways or looking at things).

1. Consider abandoning the idea that God created the world ex nihilo (from nothing). Instead consider that god brings order from the formless void or the primordial chaos.

2. Consider abandoning the idea tha God is omnipotent (all powerful) instead consider the idea that god is very powerful (powerful enough to bring forth order, complexity, life, mind and experience) but not all powerful.

3. Consider evil as primordial chaos and the formless void breaking through. Evil is inherent in the world not the result of divine action or divine plan. Without god all that exists would be chaos there would be nothing of value.

I am not saying these things are true only that such concepts can be helpful to some with religous inclinations who are confronted by unexplainable evil.

It is simpler to just abandon the idea of God. God is a very primitive notion, and believing in such things is a very primitive way of looking at the world.

---------- Post added 01-10-2010 at 12:55 PM ----------

mister kitten;118891 wrote:
I remember Gandhi saying that wherever there is light there will also be shadow, or darkness.

That simply means that there is not enough light, not that there could not be enough light if there were a power capable of producing it.
Reply Sun 10 Jan, 2010 04:34 pm
Pyrrho;118991 wrote:
It is simpler to just abandon the idea of God. God is a very primitive notion, and believing in such things is a very primitive way of looking at the world..
Well there certainly are primitive and simplistic notions of "god". Basically the most fundamental notion about god is that of purpose and design in the world. I do not think it is fair to summarily dismiss all conceptions of the sacred or the divine as primitive childish notions. I also think there are many fairly sophisticated philosophical notions about god. I think materialism and mechanistic determinism is the primitive and unsophisticated way to view the world.

In any event if "there is no god" it would seem "there is no evil". What one might still call evil would just be a subjective judgment call about one outcome being "better" than another with one view being equally as valid as any other. The man who robs me is just putting my possessions to better use (his use).
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 07:16 pm
@Alan McDougall,
God isnt just an allmighty creatuere he is the creator of everything good and evil we cant live in a world where there i only good or only evil there has to be balance withought the balance things would get really out of hand god created us to worship him and he gave us emotins concious and everything else to test us and espacially evil to see if our faith is strong or not
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 07:42 pm
Ay, the problem of goodness and kindness in the world. If there is a wicked being in the cosmos, and this being is as powerful in all the ways that humans have said it is throughout history, then why does goodness still exist?

Epicurians have argued that if there are gods, then they are simply not involved in human affairs. Atheists deny that such deities exist, full stop, period.

A number of believers could argue that the great deity of evil is testing people to see who is worthy of his kingdom of hell. Buddhists might say that there is goodness in the world as a result of past life transgressions and, again, there might be believers who would press forward the point that if there is goodness in the world, it is because of a grevious transgression against the devil's laws, that all goodness and kindness is either because of individual actions or those of the insidious community. It is therefore just for the devil to punish these trangressions with goodness.

Again, the pro-thinking atheist might jump in at this point and argue that there is too much kindness, decency, general human excellence and goodness in the world for us to believe that there is some kind of deity who is absolutely evil and powerful, and this may help question the idea of a devil itself and its existence.

Clearly, this ultimate position is a play on the old Epicurian paradox: either the devil wishes to wipe out goodness and cannot, in which case he's not very powerful, or he could do so, but chooses not to, in which case he cannot be a perfectly bad-ass dude. But if he is neither, can he still be the devil?

As we can appreciate, the problem that goodness poses to faith is, I believe, more serious than that which evil poses to atheism.

When a child dies from some disease, general practice does not need a god to explain this death. But when a child smiles, or shares his packet of sweeties with others, who would dare to praise the glory of the devil? Yet how many children suffer this kind of goodness every day?

Many religious believers, as I have mentioned, answer that the individual himself is responsible for many of these horrors of kindness, and this is no doubt true. But is the individual the cause of them all? How many forms of goodness have there been in the world - the rising of the sun, the tides and seasons, the blossoming of flowers and the succulent fruits, the pure good air we may breathe at times, the excellence of pleasure derived from touch and caress - which no human fault would be sufficient to explain?

I admit the problem is complex :devilish:

Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 08:20 pm
qualia;161044 wrote:
Ay, the problem of goodness and kindness in the world. If there is a wicked being in the cosmos, and this being is as powerful in all the ways that humans have said it is throughout history, then why does goodness still exist?

Epicurians have argued that if there are gods, then they are simply not involved in human affairs. Atheists deny that such deities exist, full stop, period.

A number of believers could argue that the great deity of evil is testing people to see who is worthy of his kingdom of hell. Buddhists might say that there is goodness in the world as a result of past life transgressions and, again, there might be believers who would press forward the point that if there is goodness in the world, it is because of a grevious transgression against the devil's laws, that all goodness and kindness is either because of individual actions or those of the insidious community. It is therefore just for the devil to punish these trangressions with goodness.

Again, the pro-thinking atheist might jump in at this point and argue that there is too much kindness, decency, general human excellence and goodness in the world for us to believe that there is some kind of deity who is absolutely evil and powerful, and this may help question the idea of a devil itself and its existence.

Clearly, this ultimate position is a play on the old Epicurian paradox: either the devil wishes to wipe out goodness and cannot, in which case he's not very powerful, or he could do so, but chooses not to, in which case he cannot be a perfectly bad-ass dude. But if he is neither, can he still be the devil?

As we can appreciate, the problem that goodness poses to faith is, I believe, more serious than that which evil poses to atheism.

When a child dies from some disease, general practice does not need a god to explain this death. But when a child smiles, or shares his packet of sweeties with others, who would dare to praise the glory of the devil? Yet how many children suffer this kind of goodness every day?

Many religious believers, as I have mentioned, answer that the individual himself is responsible for many of these horrors of kindness, and this is no doubt true. But is the individual the cause of them all? How many forms of goodness have there been in the world - the rising of the sun, the tides and seasons, the blossoming of flowers and the succulent fruits, the pure good air we may breathe at times, the excellence of pleasure derived from touch and caress - which no human fault would be sufficient to explain?

I admit the problem is complex :devilish:

I get asked by people that if god created everything then who created god and some people thought he had a mother and father but that is only how our human mind works of our previos ecpreriences like the birth of someone else so we think that and that god is a man and once again our human society is always men as the superiour and god is the most superiour being of all that is why people potray him as man
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 07:18 am
@Alan McDougall,
I think about the origins of evil too much. It often troubles me.

I really should be grateful that I was given life, regardless of celestial politics, and the opportunity to consider God.

Though it would be nice to believe in this Evilian of yours and it would explain a few questions. However, I will wait for God himself to explain it when the time comes.
Ergo phil
Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 06:04 pm
@Alan McDougall,
The origin of evil was when the chimpanzee came down from the tree and walked on two legs. It was all evil after that.

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