Far left liberalism and belief in God

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Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2010 01:34 am
Self-righteousness is proclaimed and encouraged. This is the liberalistic notion of self-generated goodness.

A judgmental and "morally superior" attitude is projected. The "human righteousness" message is promoted.

Perversion and promiscuity are portrayed as normal and fun.

Purity is portrayed as weird and debilitating.
Marriage and family are redefined. There is an agenda against the Biblical Family order and Biblical Church order.

Anti-life messages are constantly repeated; for instance, abortion, euthanasia or suicide are defended and promoted.

Belief in the real almighty God is presented as silly. The authority of God is mocked.

Biblical Christianity is not tolerated. The revelation in the Bible is scoffed at.

The ideas that are presented as acceptable are these: "God is a mindless force," or "There are many gods," or "All is god," or "No one can know God," or "There is no God." They speak of Mother Nature rather than give glory to God Almighty.

Involvement in the occult is encouraged. Many cults that lead to evil spirit possession, such as yoga and TM, are promoted.

The idea that more governmental control can replace good morals is promoted.

The message is that government or socialism in some form can solve all problems and bring about human-produced "utopia." Government dependency is promoted.

A powerful one-world government is often presented as the solution.

The theory of evolution is presented as if it were fact.
Environmental catastrophe is presented as imminent, as if there were some real science behind it.

Anger and fear are promoted. Extreme and unscientific types of environmentalism instill fear. Envy is promoted, which causes anger. Racial hatred is promoted.

Covetousness is used to rally support for various agendas.
False peace movements are promoted. There us a tendency to speak of passivism while endorsing violence.

Addiction to entertainment is promoted. Addictions such is gambling, drinking, perversion or promiscuity are promoted. Strong emphasis is put on seeking pleasure and seeking wealth.

The doctrine is taught: do as thou wilt and the ability to pick one's own tenets from among many liberal tenets.
The doctrine is taught: every person has his or her own reality.

Believing in relativism: moral, spiritual, or physical. Feeling that, "My opinion is just as valid as yours." Thinking that all things are relative. Minds closed to the concept of real truth. Believing that there is no such thing as a lie. Believing that there is no right or wrong, just winners and losers.

Ability to hold two or more mutually exclusive tenets to be true at the same time is presented as sane. Compartmentalization of areas of thought to allow for conflicting and chaotic thought processes. Rationalized speculation is presented as the source for knowledge and wisdom.
Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2010 02:44 am
@Alan McDougall,
You clearly have no idea what real liberalism is about, and are speaking from an extremely biased, partisan position.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2010 07:19 am
amist;145480 wrote:
You clearly have no idea what real liberalism is about, and are speaking from an extremely biased, partisan position.


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This article discusses the ideology of liberalism. Local differences in its meaning are listed in Liberalism worldwide. For other uses, see Liberal.
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Poster from the Canadian Liberal Party supporting the government ahead of the 1930 election. The Liberals governed for nearly 70 years in the 20th century, but they suffered a rare defeat in 1930.

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom"[1]) is the belief in the importance of liberty and equality.[2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, free trade, secularism, and the market economy. These ideas are often accepted even among political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation. Liberalism encompasses several intellectual trends and traditions, but the dominant variants are classical liberalism, which became popular in the 18th century, and social liberalism, which became popular in the 20th century.

Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as hereditary status, established religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. Early liberal thinkers such as John Locke, who is often regarded as the founder of liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition, employed the concept of natural rights and the social contract to argue that the rule of law should replace absolutism in government, that rulers were subject to the consent of the governed, and that private individuals had a fundamental right to life, liberty, and property.

The revolutionaries in the American Revolution and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the violent overthrow of tyrannical rule, paving the way for the development of modern history in tandem with liberal history. The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, Latin America, and North America. Liberal power increased even further in the 20th century, when liberal democracies triumphed in two world wars and survived major ideological challenges from fascism and communism. Conservatism and fundamentalism, however, remain powerful opponents of liberalism. Today, liberals are organized politically on all major continents. They have played a decisive role in the growth of republics, the spread of civil rights and civil liberties, the establishment of the modern welfare state, the institution of religious toleration and religious freedom, and the development of globalization. They have also shown strong support for regional and international organizations, including the European Union and the United Nations, hoping to reduce conflict through diplomacy and multilateral negotiations. To highlight the importance of liberalism in modern life, political scientist Alan Wolfe claimed that "liberalism is the answer for which modernity is the question".[4]
Dave Allen
Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2010 08:32 am
@Alan McDougall,
So you're able to cut and paste from wiki - but how does it follow that any of the things mentioned in the wiki article contribute to the charges you make in your first post?

As stands I think Amist is quite right. Liberalism and a gloomy, biased picture of the darker side of permissive society are not one and the same.

Besides, it's not as if the things you decry are all bad.

"Do as thou wilt" is not a liberal tenant. The evidence for evolution is compelling as any scientific theory and there's plenty of science behind climate change (not that anyone seems to want to actually look at it).

Liberals promote racial hatred?
Jackofalltrades phil
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:11 am
@Alan McDougall,
I think Allan is correct. Perceptively, correct.

He is correct, because he is not stating any lie. He thinks and believes it to be so. He has boldly expressed the positions from a conservative point of view. He although has not stated his own observations in particular to the issues he has raised, but has brought out the general perception one harbours if he or she is from a conservative background or faith.

The title he chose does reveal his approach - thats the only hint we have, and his previous arguments. Nevertheless, all his positions are not defendable. I also have my own problems with what he calls 'far left liberalism', but that does not allow us to be irrational and illogical.

For instance, hi squote: "Many cults that lead to evil spirit possession, such as yoga and TM, are promoted".

A Health system or activity which is thereupatic in nature cannot be evil by any stretch of imagination. If this alleged far left liberal view is evil, than what about those nailing themselves to cross to imitate Jesus in Philipines, or those kneeling and moving to altars, or exorcisms etc. By this logic, Conservative's and those in faith can also be equally evil and cultified, so to speak. Yes, Allan?
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:22 am
@Alan McDougall,
What I posted in the introductory thread post, is the far right views on Liberals, which I am not one of, but I agree with many of the points in that post, like evolution is a fact . It is a theory and not factual until someone creates a time machine and goes back dinosaur hunting
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 03:44 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;147466 wrote:
What I posted in the introductory thread post, is the far right views on Liberals, which I am not one of, but I agree with many of the points in that post, like evolution is a fact . It is a theory and not factual until someone creates a time machine and goes back dinosaur hunting

Alan it is only a theory to you because you can't seem to understand how the word theory is being used in scientific terms.

I find it incredibly funny how you use nothing other than a guess to believe in god. Which has absolutely NO evidence, yet you scoff at the theory of evolution as if it has no evidence. It has far more evidence to back up its facts than you do to back up your belief in a god.

This is ridiculous. I am not even sure why I even bother to waste these few minutes to explain this to you, again. You don't care about understanding anything, you just want to keep tossing out ignorant statements.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 09:47 am
Krumple;147474 wrote:
Alan it is only a theory to you because you can't seem to understand how the word theory is being used in scientific terms.

I find it incredibly funny how you use nothing other than a guess to believe in god. Which has absolutely NO evidence, yet you scoff at the theory of evolution as if it has no evidence. It has far more evidence to back up its facts than you do to back up your belief in a god.

This is ridiculous. I am not even sure why I even bother to waste these few minutes to explain this to you, again. You don't care about understanding anything, you just want to keep tossing out ignorant statements.

You are wrong I dint just guess, I base my belief on how the universe is so carefully, precise and meticulously constructed to make life possible on our beautiful blue water world called earth
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 10:03 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;147466 wrote:
What I posted in the introductory thread post, is the far right views on Liberals, which I am not one of, but I agree with many of the points in that post, like evolution is a fact . It is a theory and not factual until someone creates a time machine and goes back dinosaur hunting
But don't both liberals and conservatives agree that a person has a right to think whatever they want?
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 10:13 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;147525 wrote:
You are wrong I dint just guess, I base my belief on how the universe is so carefully, precise and meticulously constructed to make life possible on our beautiful blue water world called earth

Alan, to be fair, posting adverse propaganda against those who oppose your perceived belief does not encourage a friendly debate. My attitudes or politics are left of centre and I am upset that you portray my morals in such a way. Beliefs must be placed in order, those that can be proven and those that are based on faith. You know I sit on the fence many times and get rebutted by the atheists and the believers. Many things are so uncertain, to be that determined needs more than a proclamation of faith. Thanks Xris
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 10:43 am
xris;147533 wrote:
Alan, to be fair, posting adverse propaganda against those who oppose your perceived belief does not encourage a friendly debate. My attitudes or politics are left of centre and I am upset that you portray my morals in such a way. Beliefs must be placed in order, those that can be proven and those that are based on faith. You know I sit on the fence many times and get rebutted by the atheists and the believers. Many things are so uncertain, to be that determined needs more than a proclamation of faith. Thanks Xris

xris it is not about your morals at all, the information I posted is the belief of fundamental Christians .

I find my thinking somewhat in the middle of this debate and thought maybe I could act as a Devils Advocate in the discussion
Marat phil
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 11:06 am
@Alan McDougall,
The left liberalism is tyranny of a sin.
The right liberalism is tyranny of hypocrites.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 02:44 pm
@Marat phil,
Marat;147545 wrote:
The left liberalism is tyranny of a sin.
The right liberalism is tyranny of hypocrites.
Marat where do you stand on this post liberal or conservative or some where in the middle?:detective:
Marat phil
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:03 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic;147940 wrote:
Marat where do you stand on this post liberal or conservative or some where in the middle?:detective:

Conservative. Morals without God is tyranny of crowd.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 11:03 pm
@Marat phil,
Marat;147944 wrote:
Conservative. Morals without God is tyranny of crowd.

One day we will all face God and be held accountable for what we did on this mortal side of life
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:43 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;148092 wrote:
One day we will all face God and be held accountable for what we did on this mortal side of life
Fear of punishment or hope for reward are not the true incentives for living a moral life. One pursues truth, beauty, and goodness for their own sake not hoping for personal gain. The good life is its own reward (Socrates, Jesus and Plato).

The term "liberalism" has been so distorted and misused and to render its meaning unclear much like the word "god".
Liberalism originally meant one who favored equality, justice, representative governments and freedom. It seems to me the Biblical prophets also talked a great deal about justice and equality before god. Religious freedom was a "liberal" notion as opposed to the official "conservative" state religion.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 01:32 am
prothero;148104 wrote:
Fear of punishment or hope for reward are not the true incentives for living a moral life. One pursues truth, beauty, and goodness for their own sake not hoping for personal gain. The good life is its own reward (Socrates, Jesus and Plato).

The term "liberalism" has been so distorted and misused and to render its meaning unclear much like the word "god".
Liberalism originally meant one who favored equality, justice, representative governments and freedom. It seems to me the Biblical prophets also talked a great deal about justice and equality before god. Religious freedom was a "liberal" notion as opposed to the official "conservative" state religion.

I am not abeliever in Deux ex Machina. Liberal means for me to be open to o\thers. I surprised myself with noticing pre-materure judgement all ady long... What is real > finding Happiness and Share:lol:
Reply Mon 3 May, 2010 06:31 am
Arjuna;147530 wrote:
But don't both liberals and conservatives agree that a person has a right to think whatever they want?
Yearhyear, but that doesn't make it any more liberalistic, liberalism are founded on certain rules, and standards which make it liberalism, not idiocy and random ramblings make it liberalism, that still just is idiocy and random ramblings ..well not suggesting OP make such things in this thread, this time.

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  3. » Far left liberalism and belief in God
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