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Hi people
God as the observer This primordial Mind had to do something; it had to Think and to find words from which to begin creation.
Endure forever, infinite, eternal are concepts that make no sense when they are linked to linear time we inhabit as three dimensional mortal beings, in an entropic driven universe.
I perceive God as that which exists in a place outside of linear time and space, that Jesus said was heaven "Our Father who is in heaven" God is also unlike us in that he inhabits infinite dimensions and of course can interact anything, anytime he chooses to do it..
I know you might say God is everywhere, but cant he withdraw himself at times from his own creation?
Thus heaven is somewhere else, not the universe The universe is more like a house he has constructed.
But how can God know everything and observe everything simultaneously?
Maybe God observes everything from a platform of infinite dimension, in what I call the "Every Changing" NOW.
Another possibility is God observes everything like an unravelled movie reel frame by frame.
If this is true then he could see the whole picture of his creation, indeed from beginning to end from , Alpha until the end of time Omega. Thus he could interact, intervene, splice and edit what he wants to do it.
This might sound a little silly, but after all creation is Gods movie is it not.
The error with this idea is that it does not really allow for free will. The Calvinist will like this idea I think. Of e.
He must observe everything that has happened, that is happening will happen in the future. I am the Alpha the Omega, the First and the Last, He that was and is and is to come. This gives credence to a previous suggestion of mine, that God endures as the One who IS
"IS" That.
Using another analogy of how I think God might observe the whole picture of our world and all its activities, all at the same time.
Think of a disturbance in a village involving the actions of a whole crowd of people of running rampant around in the streets all doing different things A helicopter (the eye of God) flies over the village and the observers in it can see the whole event in one time frame, from that observer platform God is both the pilot and the helicopter
Am I being a little silly trying to understand how an infinite being might work through time
Note about your posts: Could you just use regular texts in your posts? Personally I find it easier to read. (I use an 8.9 inch Eee Pc) but nonetheless bold, italics and blue? Is that really necessary?
Now on to content:
On your example of God viewing time as a film strip. This is a little bit strong of an analogy but I think in its essence it does not negate free will. All it merely is is the foreknowledge of that which you are going to do.
Reference: Eph 1:11 "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will"
There are direct examples of, for at least my example, Jesus knowing what someone was going to do.
Luke 22:34- "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me."
That is what ended up happening. Well maybe you won't call that he had free will. I would disagree. I completely believe he chose what he did based on his own decisions, there was no invisible marionette type force driving him.
Of course it can all depend on how you define free will.
You know what my answer is by now, don't you?
God can observe all the Universe because God is the Universe, just as we can observe internally the feel of our heart, the rumbling of our stomach, the pressing sensations before we have to go to the bathroom, because we are our bodies, so can God perceive (a much better word for it) what's going on in His being.
It seems to me that the idea that God is outside of time is one that developed over the years and I don't think is particularly backed up. How bored would a God be that is always looking at every moment in time at every event, that can always see every little detail. God's 'life' would essentially be one big blur.
I subscribe more to the thought that God is all powerful, all knowing and ever present, to the extent that he knows each individual so well he knows what we are going to do as time goes on, and knows the end picture of how he will redeem humanity but will not ever violate the gift of free will that was bestowed on us, which would definitely be violated if everything was planned out and inavoidable... as the case would be if God knows exactly how every second of infinity will go...
just a thought.
That is perfectly logical, I just don't think there is evidence of that being the case, God's perceived foreknowledge of events can all be explained by Him being all knowing and understanding His creation. Why do we need to believe that He is outside time? I am inclined to the opinion that this notion was conceived out of our desire for control and security. It takes more faith if we believe God is experiencing everything at the same time as us for the first time.
I do not know if you give Biblical statement credit, but God said to Jeremiah for instance, I knew you before you were born , before the foundations of the world
Are we not just thoughts in the mind of God made concrete.
I perceive God as that which exists in a place outside of linear time and space, that Jesus said was heaven "Our Father who is in heaven" God is also unlike us in that he inhabits infinite dimensions and of course can interact anything, anytime he chooses to do it..
Jeremiah 1: 4-5
Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
I don't see these verses as proof God is outside time, just that He had a purpose for Jeremiah ( and everyone else). That purpose could have been rejected or accepted, God's will could be done or it could be ignored. In fact there are several examples of where God's plan is not done, or has been postponed in the Bible (Jonah, Elijah, Samson, King David...)
Jeremiah 1: 4-5
Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
I don't see these verses as proof God is outside time, just that He had a purpose for Jeremiah ( and everyone else). That purpose could have been rejected or accepted, God's will could be done or it could be ignored. In fact there are several examples of where God's plan is not done, or has been postponed in the Bible (Jonah, Elijah, Samson, King David...) Do you think it was part of God's plan for the Israelites to wander around the desert for so many years before they reached he promised land? The God that is presented to me in the Bible is one that wants the best for His people, and He has a perfect plan for everyone but we often choose to go against it. The God that is presented to me if I believe in pre-destination and all that is a much more controlling, cruel one; and one that I believe is much more contradictory to everything the Bible teaches us.
I agree on the text. Of all the posts on this forum Alan, I usually skip over reading any of yours because the text is so awful to read. From now on, please remove all formatting from your text. Do this by selecting all the text in the editor box and click thebutton in the top left to remove the formatting. Thank you!
Justin I have tried my best to stop my wicked ways, and I have stopped using fonts from my words documents
I don't think you should just skip over my posts for this small transgression
Cant we be happy friends dear Justin, I am realy trying to correct my wayward ways?
Justin I know the Bible was written by countless ancient scribes and due to this it is full of silly contradictions, but I was communicating with a Roman and had to speak as a Roman , if you get my drift.
God to me is just the intelligence that pervades all existence and I did not reach that conclusion by reading scripture.
True. But what is God's plan anyway?
Previously posted by drifter
Just for the record, I'm not necessarily a 'Roman', I'm not even sure what I believe, it seemed that Alan was talking about the Christian God and using the Bible as evidence to make his point and I did the same.
Justin, I don't think there is any correlation between George Bush and Jeremiah in the slightest. My only point is that if I did believe in the God that the Bible portrays, I wouldn't believe that He is outside of time as I find no evidence of that in anything that I've studied.
Just for the record, I'm not necessarily a 'Roman', I'm not even sure what I believe, it seemed that Alan was talking about the Christian God and using the Bible as evidence to make his point and I did the same.
Justin, I don't think there is any correlation between George Bush and Jeremiah in the slightest. My only point is that if I did believe in the God that the Bible portrays, I wouldn't believe that He is outside of time as I find no evidence of that in anything that I've studied.
P.S. I'm just getting used to posting on forums again, haven't quite got the hang of quoting properly yet, sorry!
I don't know! But if you study the lives of the people I mentioned; the story goes that God had plans for them and they went against them, but God redeems them in some way to bring them back to His original plan as closely as possible. Whether the Bible is God's word or not doesn't really make a difference, you can just look at it as a historical document. Yet even then when you look into it closely you can see the coherence in God's actions. There has to be faults in it because it was written by men, but this doesn't discount it as invalid.
Yes you are right that someone could write a 'new bible' but the original wouldn't be discounted because it offers a complete package... redemption and meaning to life. I don't know if I believe it, it all sounds pretty far fetched to me. I guess I sort of see the bible as Gods character reference.
Previously posted by Justin
Alan, great having you here and you made me laugh. 'Bull in China shop' approach is a good way to describe it. You are learning how to use the forum and thank you for that effort. I too was new at one time to forums and like you, was a bull in a china shop. Was banned from a few of them too. I couldn't imagine being new or just getting the Internet. You are doing a fine job at understanding this new and improved method of communicating.
Also, thank you for such kind compliments on the forum. I will try to do more to make resources available for new members so they can learn how to use the forum. Being a geek that lives on the Internet, it's often hard to understand that there are people around the world being freshly introduced to it.
Hi people ... trying to understand how an infinite being might work through time.
Imagine, if you will, a single point of light. This point may, in your imagination be as large or as small as you wish. This single point has only one dimension, neither time nor space have relevance to this point. Fix the thought of this point in your mind for a moment and you will have experienced a realm of existence which has neither time, space nor movement. Now will, in your thoughts, that this single point divides itself into its mirror image. Now you have two points that share the same origin and which reflect one another's nature. Hold in your mind these two points of light reflecting one another and you will have experienced the original concept of dualism. Which point of light is 'real'? Following this thought you may now realise that you can, in your consciousness, trace a line that connects these two points ...
On the one hand, from the perspective of the original point of light, time does not exist, so there is no distance and no time across which to travel. From the perspective of the secondary point of light, whose existence is dependent on the first, this dualism is irrational, it's qualities merely a reflection of the first. Subsequently neither time, nor space have relevance.
Now concentrate your thoughts on the line you have imagined separates these two points of light ... From this moment forward we have many observations to make ... What is the distance between the original point of light and its reflection? How long does it take to travel along this line that separates the point and its reflection?
I place your question here, on this line, this line which appears to separate the first point from the second. Time and space are a means to define this apparent separation of infinite and finite. But neither time nor space define, the original point which you at first observed.
So, How does an infinite being work through time? It doesn't. Only the finite, or that which defines time for itself, works through time. Which is real?
All three perspectives are real: we experience the "line" as our reality, our nature is the reflection, and the first is considered the point of origin of the latter two ...