One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. If somebody believes he is following the commands of God, then in his perseption it is just. To defend his home and family is an universal right and shouldnt be denied him. But the issue is a complicated one, is the war on terror (an unending war, I believe) really a war against Islam, and does the invasions of their lands justify itself by the need to deffend 'our' own lands? Possibly, the war is actully within, in our own towns, as we have seen in England with home grown terrorists. It could be argued that these people are disillusioned men trying to find an identity, this is the sociallogical reasoning behind 'gangs' the world over, and the rise of right and left wing organisations in many countries. On the otherhand, many of these terrorists are very well educated and are wonderfully incorperated into their local comunities, family men, teachers and well liked friends.
Ive often wondered, in this case, what then is their motives for becoming 'terrorists'? Is it the teachings of fundermentalism in Islam, are they actually following their true religion as its supposed to be practiced? Or is it because they are 'fighting back' against the west and empiralism over their countries, people and proud culture? Martydom is usually the only way to make an effect on what they see as the 'rape and destruction' of their world.
Even in some western countries today the religious taditions provide a moral code of practice that holds the culture together as a unified people. The east has enjoyed this far longer than the west, and actully 'fear' globalisation as they feel it will remove their cultural unity, as it has done already in some eastern countries where the west has had a dramatic influence in the resent decades. I wonder if it even matters what religion it is they believe as the results may always be the same given the events that otherwise have happened.
Islam itself can be debated also, I suppose, but again I feel that the east would uphold and rally under any religious banner that it had weather it was Islam or even Christian, as any country would! The important thing is it is a common bond and cultural identity. Both religions (Islam and Christianity) have roughly the same moral code, in type.