Reconstructo wrote:
Hurts like being in bed w/ a beautiful woman. :detective:
Well im gonna go buy some diamonds before someone else finds out and the stocks start rising.
Reconstructo wrote:
Of course sensation and emotion and embodiment just are. They are unquestionable. But to sew these together is to make an abstraction. Now this abstraction is justified in practice but not in theory. Really, one's self is all of one's experience, and not just that small part of it we usually call the self. The TLP is like the Tao, or something. It's a logical book with a spiritual purpose.
Hum, as far as I know, all of one's experience is what we usually call the self. Is that not so?
Greta phil wrote:
A perfection of point - yes! And this could be arrived at from many directions. Bring them all to that one very fine point. Even many sentences from many people. Link up common meanings and draw it all together. And then take it forward. Life has one ultimate direction!!
But no ultimate ending, im afraid =)
And, consequently, any direction is good as any, although some certainly are more pleasant.
Reconstructo wrote:
Yes, it all connects in my opinion. As different as our lives our, there is a universal structure to human thought. In my opinion. Our thoughts are unities. Our pet cat is a unity of all that it has been and done. That's how we experience it. Time is made of concept. We remember. We learn. We unify experience, and then unify these unities. Well, that's my theory.
I wouldnt say that is a teory, but a way of seeing the world. In that sense, you cant be wrong =)
Reconstructo wrote:
I think that every linguistic concept has a numerical-logical core. It's a unity. It's a dirty dirty
one. Mathematics just scrubs the word being into a number. Abstract being is systematically arranged by means of positional notation.
I think that the unrational is the motor that keeps the rational going. Everything can be expressed in mathematics, but we can never comprehend, grasp, the math of ourselves, although we maybe be able to grasp the math of others, and of computers and simulations we create.
Computers are purely rational beings. They do nothing unless they receive the programming of a being that has, ultimately, no logical reason to do what they are doing. I mean, is there a logical reason to live? no, technically there is no logical reason to live. Consequently, there is no logical reason to program computers =)