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Perhaps I can get you to explain why, swearing an oath that there is "No God, but God, " is an honorable thing to do? To me, if you know there is one God, why do you need to swear to it? If on the other hand, you do not know there is one God, than swearing an oath seems foolish, if not dishonest.
While I am asking questions, let me ask you this. How do you compare honor with nobility as the human characteristic? I have a friend, who said that He felt that, Othello was not noble.
I must be a sap because I thought that Romeo and Juliet was a sad tale. I think the family can be a tyranny if someone thinks he is in charge and is tight fisted when it comes to compassion. None of us are perfect.
Anyone that thinks the story of Romeo and Juliet is about promiscuous sex, and disloyalty to the family, is not in touch with the strength that true love can have in someone's life.
When I hear about how the Muslims treat their women and girl children, I think that they must be a particularly severe and cruel people. I know that may things that they do, are not justified by passages in the Quaran.
Don't tell me about the Muslim's cruelty being a money problem. Some say it has more to do with coming from a desert people, and life in the desert being so harsh. but let us remember now they have all of that oil, and the flagrant consumerism of their leaders.
Death may be an easy solution, but is it a just one? Many war crimes are directly attributable to the use of death as a convenient solution. People who use these methods are often called monsters, after the fact, and rightfully so.
There are so many people who are control freaks, and these same people usually think that what they are doing is right and/or justified. I am hoping that one day the human race will evolve beyond such tactics.
I am esp. against any one man having the power over life and death over his family. All too often this is self-serving for a guy who just wants his own way. It is better, no matter how chaotic it may seem at times, that cool heads make these decisions. The passions are like little animals.
Nature creates intelligent and stupid kids constantly. It seems to be genetic predisposition and not anything to do with honor, that I can see. But perhaps you can show me differently.
Just because we, all of us want to belong to a community, or a group of some kind, and we make oaths of honor, proclaiming what we have promised to these other persons, doesn't in my mind justify running around killing other people when we feel that they are not living up to the letter of the law/promises, which they originally made.
Like I said, none of us are perfect, not even the guy running around with his sword of, so called, justice.
It seems to me that what is happening is, this person, for instance Othello, has got a blown up, way out of proportion, idea of his own personal importance. He is seeing himself as being the big deal at center stage, and everyone else as just bit actors in his story.
By the way, a person with this much of a lack of regard for others, and their needs and feelings, is not noble in character. Hey, lets face it, he may be more than a little crazy.
It is not necessarily logical to think that there is one God. It is a preference.
Mohammad wasn't necessarily a prophet, just on his say so. He may have been just one more charismatic, power hungry character in a position of leadership with a weapon in his hand and an army at his back.
Fort Hood is a sad story, that like you say may have been avoided. We can agree on that. Hate has a way of turning around and biting you on the ass. This last war is a travesty.
I think you make good points about honor-economies. We are so use to the worship of wealth these days, that it takes a leap of imagination to understand a society with a different symbolic order. Fundamentalism attracts with its intensity and seriousness. I think men like the high drama of a black and white war between good and evil. And then honor is such a personal thing, a thing of the flesh almost. It's as if a man incarnates his honor, as if honor is his spirit. With money it's something else. It's a plastic card and spots on a hard drive. To quote Eliot: Unreal City.
Also this: we buy our meat from the grocery store. We are predators on vacation.
I can make the imaginative leap to the "old days", but then I return to my Starbuck's latte and an essay by Richard Rorty, pretty happy.
(I make the moral detachment of a Spinoza or a Spengler my ideal, as far as thought is concerned.)
Why study literature? That's like asking a little boy why he kisses girls.
Little boys never kiss girls; but grown up boys do...
Humanity (the human ego) is a story. How than could humanity be without humanity?
; ^ )
Why study literature? That's like asking a little boy why he kisses girls.
Um, literature doesn't give me the same feeling kissing girls does. It tries but it still hasn't come close. I have never found a book Id trade for kissing girls.
Depends on the girl and the literature, but I can see where you are coming from.