Yes, obscenity can serve as a sort of silence I think. Strange enough the creator of Deadwood mentioned that, obscenity used as a sort of ritual silence. It's a salute of some kind.
Miller is a good name to conjure by. I wonder what Nietzsche would have made of Tropic of Cancer. For me, Miller is the total man who is also, among other things, a philosopher. I'm not saying he's the ideal man, but that his mind got around, that the man could laugh.
You also mentioned Beckett. Worstward Ho strongly fascinated me many years ago. Before that Endgame and Godot but WW is beyond either as far as reduction goes. How does Beckett connect to Yves Klein or Richard Serra? I like to find parallels between the media.
Yes, words still sometimes do. I can't help but spend more time writing than painting or composing, which is probably why I
feel the limitations of words. Didn't Wittgenstein say something about the urge to grunt?