Whatever I like. "Good" can be pretty subjective. What's your criteria for a "good flavor (taste)"? It depends on someone's subjective sensory experience as to what that they think is good. But I do suppose that taste in flavor is even more subjective and "instinctual" than taste in music, which is partly cognitive (imo).
I think an interesting question might be
How much of a conscious decision is it to enjoy certain music, or anything?
Do you cognitively
decide it, or do you simply
interpret it from your natural "instincts"?
If you define "good music" as "music you enjoy listening to", I would say the criteria for what you consider good music would mostly be based on what you
naturally enjoy listening to, and some mental realization that it has qualites that you appreciate
cognitively. This might be a false dichotomy I'm creating here, but ATM it seems to make sense to me, at least based on my personal experience.
Can one not like a particular piece of music, but think it's good? If you think it's good, then why don't you like it? It of course depends on your definition of "good music". You might mean its "well made music" or "music that is played with impressive technical proficiency". If you run a record label it could be "music that will sell a lot of CDs".
At any rate, I would basically say I think good music is at least fairly, expressive, creative, and original. This is taking a vague definition of "good" - something like "music that I appreciate the quality of". Sometimes I like music that only has 1 or 2 of those qualities, but it always has at least 1 (I think) and usually 2 or all 3.