The Divine Universe

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  3. » The Divine Universe

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Reply Tue 23 Sep, 2008 01:14 pm
It is said that God created the universe with the word YHVH Jehovah.

This can be seen in Hebrew Gematria (Geometry) with the Circle of radius 26 encircling a cross, a pentagon, and a pentagram. It can also be shown by a cube which some Rosicrucians call the Cube of Space.

The Cube is the container (God the Mother, female polarity, subconscious) within which is contained the Life Force (God's Self, male polarity). We as the microcosm are composed of the body and "our" self.

Salt, a cube, is the Alchemical symbol for the subconscious (the Ocean) while sulfur is the symbol for the Self (vital Life Force).

Walter Russell:
Gos's desire to dramitize his One Idea divided his one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into pairs of oppositely conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest.

Let us look at the name of God, YHVH or Jehovah. If we use Hebrew Gematria (Geometry) we can see that the sum of the values of the letters give us 26. Now according to Gematria if we find 26 in other words or figures they will relate to each other..

So if we look at a cube we can see that it has 12 edges, 8 points, and 6 sides giving us the number 26! So the Cube is related to YHVH.

Let us now look to the Hebrew alphabet, it has 3 mother letters 7 dual sounding letters and 12 single letters, Well, the 3 mother letters (Air, Water, and Fire) make the three dimensions of the Cartesian coordinates. The 7 letters make the six sides of the Cube with the 7th Tau in the center of the Cube. The holy of holies. Now we look at the 12 simple letters and attach them to the 12 sides of the cube. And there you have it! The Divine Universe!

Yep, The 12 signs of the zodiac are the 12 edges of the Cube!:a-ok:

The Hermit
Reply Tue 23 Sep, 2008 02:02 pm
It is said that God created the universe with the word YHVH Jehovah.

By a 'few', perhaps...
I almost want to watch the movie 'Pi' again, it speaks to this topic quite well.
One finds 'accidental' validations everywhere for what one already believes.
And the 'pronunciation' of the word 'Jehovah' is a modern invention. There wasn't/isn't even a 'J' in the Hebrew language! (But don't tell that to the 'Jehovah's Witnesses")
Reply Wed 24 Sep, 2008 10:39 am
You must understand that Jehovah is a pronunciation approximation and it does not mean that all the letters which compose it exist in Hebrew. The real Hebrew letters are Yod Heh Vau Heh (YHVH) again I am writing this with english letters since we cannot insert HFHI. I just tried the Hebrew font hope it shows. Remember the letters are read right to left.

Clearly this is most obvious to anyone.

Yes I like the movie "pi" also but I go by what the Kabbalah/Qabalah tells me and not by what a movies says.

The Hermit
Reply Wed 24 Sep, 2008 11:17 am

Walter Russell:
God's desire to dramatize his One Idea divided his one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into pairs of oppositely conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest.

This is true but it leaves out the "Son of God". I have read WR books and was perplexed by this statement. If we look at the Hindu tale we find Vishnu sleeping on Shesha (serpent) and from Vishnu's navel grows a lotus flower. Upon the lotus flower Brahma sits. Brahma then creates the universe. In the Qabalah The One (Kether) divides into two Chokmah (the Father) and Binah (The Mother). Upon seeing Himself (Kether) in the mirror of Chokmah. He sees Himself as Tiphareth (The Son) thus is the Son born of the female potential of Chokmah or born of a virgin! It is the Son who creates the universe as per the Fathers Desire. Binah, the Mother is the Ocean (subconscious) from which form is brought about. So all form has both polarities as this is the universe of duality.

The Hermit:sarcastic:
herman phil
Reply Wed 24 Sep, 2008 02:57 pm
TheHermit wrote:

Walter Russell:
God's desire to dramatize his One Idea divided his one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into pairs of oppositely conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest.

One thing that I'm still uncertain about is at what point does the reversal happen. What triggers it? How could you trigger it artificially?
Reply Wed 24 Sep, 2008 05:49 pm
@herman phil,
herman wrote:
One thing that I'm still uncertain about is at what point does the reversal happen. What triggers it? How could you trigger it artificially?

Forgive me but I am not sure what reversal you are speaking about?

The reversal of the body aging (transmutation of the body) and healing? Or what?

Reversal can be at the time when you achieve cosmic consciousness and you are able to see creation as it really is. This is when you realize that existence is an illusion. Tarot key number 12 "the hanged man" shows this state.

How do you begin your path to cosmic consciousness? You must heed the words "know thyself". All created forms have two polarities. We have the female polarity or subconscious (it is this way even though you may be female (body)) and the male polarity which is the self consciousness. The give and take of these two polarities is the beginning of the Path. Tarot key 6 "The Lovers" shows this. You will note that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is behind the female. The tree denotes the world of form in this case your body.

I use the Tarot (B.O.T. A. tarot) because it is much easier to understand for one who is not knowledgeable in Qabalah. The Tarot is not something to tell your future (although you can do that) but what it really is, is a book of knowledge that shows you Qabalah, Alchemy, Astrology in a much simpler visual method. The cards are called keys because they are the keys to this hidden knowledge that guides you to the TRUTH and to Cosmic Consciousness.

So look at the key "The Lovers" as I explain. The female or subconscious is like a little girl and the Self or "you" is a consciousness that grows into adulthood as it goes trough its life cycle (body). The little girl only grows as it receives knowledge of the worlds above the world of form, that is, the "Mysteries". They both use the body as a vehicle to gain knowledge. In fact it is the little girl or subconscious that made the body and controls it. The little girl follows the wishes of the self or male polarity as it thinks it must. This is so because the self is made to guide the subconscious as God the Father desires and God the Mother creates! One must interact with the other. Without the Mother the Father has nothing to be Lord over and vice versa.

It is the responsibility of the self to help the little girl grow so he must discover the Path to enlightment. The little girl or subconscious has many patterns or programming that the self has learned in many lifetimes or incarnations. Many are erroneous and thus when the subconscious creates what the self desires it often brings a lot of pain (karma). So the self must erase these erroneous patterns which he created in the subconscious and cleanse his house. In this way the male polarity and the female polarity interact with each other.

The Lord or the Angel in the card denoting the super consciousness helps in this task. This is show in tarot key 16 "The Tower". You see there the tower that was created with erroneous patterns being destroyed by lightning from God (knowledge of the Truth). The Male (self) and the female (subconscious) are falling from the tower when confronted by Truth! This happens as a consequence of the interaction of key 6 where the self starts to interact with the subconscious and they become friends (later to marry as in alchemical wedding). The subconscious looks up at the Angel because she is able to speak to Him directly while the self must go trough her to communicate with the Angel. This happens as the self has gained knowledge of the Mysteries and cleansed the erroneous patterns. In this way the little girl grows into adulthood and equal with the self.

The pair is then called to the Alchemical wedding and this is when Cosmic Consciousness occurs! As the wife gets pregnant she realizes that she and the Mother are one and they rise and take their rightful places.

It is a long story of Love. By the way Beauty and the Beast is the same story!
Very Happy
The Hermit
Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2008 09:26 pm
Here are the Tarot Keys mentioned.
Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2008 10:40 pm
Self indulgent, northern hemispherical, hog wash. The twelve signs of the zodiac, do not seem to include much of the skies over the southern hemisphere, excluding the passage of equinox in the regions of the equator. So in all, much of what you speak of only applies to lets say two thirds of the universe at best.

A cube by the way has more facets than those which you mentioned, included are the paralell divisions both horizontally and diagonally. Giving you 16 imperial diagonals, 12 shared diagonals, 3 complete outlines, resulting in 12 new corners and 8 shared centres. None of this by the way includes inside the cube.

I don't want to be the prude but if we are going to talk of the universe in such measures, I think we should include the part you may not be able to see outside the bedroom window.
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2008 09:38 am
I agree with you. Why spend time with this hogwash! You may as well go in your merry way since you already know much more!

The Hermit
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2008 07:09 pm
It is said that Chemistry was started by those who misunderstood the secret of Alchemy. Alchemists certainly named something by many names and never with the real one thus confusing those that could not penetrate the mystery. So in trying to turn other metals into gold they erred.

In a similar way are Astrology, Kabbalah/Qabalah, and Tarot misunderstood. The wise have coded their mysteries to confuse the ignorant. Why they exist is not recognized by the ignorant.

I myself cannot claim to understand most of these mysteries for I am a simple student. My only advantage is that I am in possession of the Keys that unlock these mysteries.

The Cube of Space is in the public book Sefer Yetzirah "The Book of Creation" written by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. Many Kabbalists have dealt mainly with the Tree of Life but not too much is written for the public on the Cube of Space.

Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine
(Let Light eternal shine on them, O Lord)

The Hermit
herman phil
Reply Mon 29 Sep, 2008 08:07 pm
TheHermit wrote:
Forgive me but I am not sure what reversal you are speaking about?

The reversal from systems being preponderantly charging to preponderantly discharging.
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 04:36 am
I don't claim to know more, The Hermit, I simply find that when only some of a thing is used to describe an entirity, it is only obvious that there has been something left out.

The Tarot can be percieved, not as an emotional reading but rather, a reading of designation. Just as the Tree of Life should sometimes be read as the Cradle of Life, no different than an Ace being counted as a single or as eleven. I did not enter my opinions here to discredit but to challenge. I have no claim to the knowledge you posess, I may simply have knowlegde that differs.
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 10:57 am
@herman phil,
herman wrote:
The reversal from systems being preponderantly charging to preponderantly discharging.

Again do you mean the spiral of living versus the spiral of dying. The life cycle of our body? How do we stop the body from dying and begin to regenerate again?

If not reference a book or internet page.

The Hermit
Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2008 11:31 am
urangutan wrote:
I don't claim to know more, The Hermit, I simply find that when only some of a thing is used to describe an entirity, it is only obvious that there has been something left out.

The Tarot can be percieved, not as an emotional reading but rather, a reading of designation. Just as the Tree of Life should sometimes be read as the Cradle of Life, no different than an Ace being counted as a single or as eleven. I did not enter my opinions here to discredit but to challenge. I have no claim to the knowledge you posess, I may simply have knowlegde that differs.

As it is said, all ways are the Queen's ways! The Truth is one. Who perceives one way perceives them all.

The Tarot reading as you say is precisely what I mean by understanding the Tarot incorrectly. For example the Tarot can be used to understand the magic cubes of the planets, of mars for example 5X5. Tarot key 20 for example has a 5X5 magic square that has
The Mars square:

11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15

Think in Hebrew letters.
13 is achad which is unity etc. etc. etc. Try to find the square..
Hint: the red consists of 9 squares, the white of 16 which gives us the Hermit and the Tower (Mars). 65 is the common theme or L.U.X. which the figures are displaying in their positions. You must use Gematria to understand. There is more but I leave it to you to find.

Of course many things can be put into a geometrical figure. As in the Tree of Life that has many "secret/hidden" pathways. As the Tree is in the cube so are its hidden pathways.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 02:12 pm

The Tarot card (B.O.T.A.) has a number, a Hebrew letter, a Title, a color edge, and the graphic image. All of these vector you to additional information in Alchemy, Astrology, Qabalah, etc..

This information is inserted into the cube of Space and the Tree of Life to enable you to read the Truth within them.

The four suits (small cards) denote the four worlds of the Kabbalist/Qabalist, Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah. Each one of the card images (small cards) give you an explanation of its nature. The King (YOD), Queen (Heh), The Knight (Vav), and the Page (Heh). In Astrology the Ace and the Page compose a quadrant as it is said Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether. The sign of Aries would contain the 2,3,and 4 of Wands and be ruled by Mars with the Sun exalted being composed of Alchemical fire.

This information is the barest rudimentary instruction for beginners.

But I am not here to teach. I am only here to point you in the direction of the Path. Also to try and explain the Truth as told to us by Walter Russell. A man I have most admired. I am on this thread for that reason.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 02:09 pm
Please could you further explain your assertions in some degree of detail that would make them easier for me to understand or refer me to a source that does further explain them? By the way, with all due respect, IMO to refer to the Hermits statements as hogwash seems indiscriminately dismissive, even as valid as your obervations may be. Perhaps you could consider whether your insights might be to some degree consistent and perhaps an extension of those made by the Hermit. Thanks
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 02:18 pm
Perhaps you know of "New Dimensions in the Cube of Space" by David Allen Hulse or "Meditations on the Cube of Space" by Townsend(?).
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 02:24 pm
Didn't catch your statements here before I left my last quick response. Please excuse me as I am new to this forum. I do, in fact, respect your approach.
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 03:15 pm
TheHermit wrote:
The four suits (small cards) denote the four worlds of the Kabbalist/Qabalist, Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah. Each one of the card images (small cards) give you an explanation of its nature. The King (YOD), Queen (Heh), The Knight (Vav), and the Page (Heh). In Astrology the Ace and the Page compose a quadrant as it is said Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether. The sign of Aries would contain the 2,3,and 4 of Wands and be ruled by Mars with the Sun exalted being composed of Alchemical fire.The Hermit

Yes, but I also like Crowley's (dare he rear his notorious head?) sytem of Knight/King-Queen-Prince-Princess although I now consider that the page coud be considered female. But what do you mean by quadrant (1 of 4:elements-qworlds-letters in IHVH-directions?)? Also, would Page here have an identity with 10-Malkuth-Shekina-H?
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 05:36 pm
Hermes9 wrote:
Perhaps you know of "New Dimensions in the Cube of Space" by David Allen Hulse or "Meditations on the Cube of Space" by Townsend(?).

Yes Hermes9 I have read them being ex students of B.O.T.A. or related organization.

Excuse me for not responding earlier as I have been busy corresponding to my fellow B.O.T.A. members on other lists.

I come here once in a while to help some discover their way.

The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado

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  3. » The Divine Universe
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