Walter Russell - My Opinion.

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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 10:09 pm
For those of you who aren't familiar with Walter Russell, I'd like to take a moment to introduce him... if you will. First however, I feel it's necessary that you know that I am not qualified to write a proper introduction to this Genius of a man.

Let me start off with:
  • Born in Boston Massachusetts, May 19th, 1871
I heard about Walter Russell many years ago and I was told to purchase a book called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe". Well, I never followed through. However, a couple years ago I was reminded of him once again and was given that book. This a great little 63 page booklet that describes the life of Walter Russell, during an interview with Glen Clark. Here's some reviews on the book:
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
by Glen Clark

This is a really quick read about a genius by the name of Walter Russell. I was totally astounded at the parallels found in this book with what is occurring in the lives of our Mastermind members. I definitely think we should read and discuss this together, and I think it's short enough that we could add it to the list for January. I was able to read it in less than an hour.

Hint about this book: Go read the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew chapters 5-7
This book is incredible. It explained emotions I've been having, ideas to how to better integrate our producership with the will of God & wonderful examples of how doing what is right knowing that we have to power to act as God does we can achieve anything imaginable!
I know this is a tad bit late, but this is an incredible book. I didn't finish the book yet but did this guy have conversations or is he related to Andrew Carnegie/ Napoleon Hill? A lot of what I'm reading sounds like think and grow rich - The Mastermind to riches. This is awesome.
This discussion is here.

Take a look at the reviews on Amazon, but don't buy it there. Purchase the book from the University of Science and Philosophy so this Non-Profit organization and University can share this man's work with the world. You can read this online and it will be available on the new site, however this is a book you want to give as a gift when you have the opportunity. This Walter Russell was truly an American Genius and he illustrated that througout his entire life. I would recommend that this book be in every Public Library and in every school.

Now, Walter has written many and his accomplishments in Art, Consulting, Building, Science, Human Relations, IBM (with Thomas Watson), Sculpting, Music, Ice Skating, and many others. It's enough to read everthing and see the sculptings and the art. Whether or not every sentence is something you agree with, when it came down to it, Walter Russell understood more about life and Human Relations than many of us ever will.

That's where I started, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe" by Glenn Clark. From there, I've skimmed through and read a little of most of his material and I wonder why everyone doesn't know about him.

I feel the message that Walter Russell expressed through is work is one that is suitable for everyone. It has to do with Human Relations and how we are to communicate and experience joy, creativity, and harmony in our lives and the lives of those around us. He explains this in Science as well but it's a lot to digest.

To find out more about Walter Russell, I'm going to leave you with some links to explore. This should be helpful while the website is coming along.I hope this information is helpful and I also hope I've done a good enough job introducing the extraordinary man to you all. I could write on however time doesn't permit this. The new University site will be up very soon so please be patient.
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 05:16 am
From there, I've skimmed through and read a little of most of his material and I wonder why everyone doesn't know about him.
There is a fear to be associated with charlatanry.

Before attempting to mirror the Universe, it must be appreciated that small cracks would seriously detract from the value of the mirror, for it is the small cracks which catch the eye.

--- RH.
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 07:17 am
nice informations justion keep going i am new to Russell ,, and need sometime to be "aware" of his words
Electra phil
Reply Sun 12 Nov, 2006 07:14 am
Justin wrote:
For those of you who aren't familiar with Walter Russell, I'd like to take a moment to introduce him... if you will. First however, I feel it's necessary that you know that I am not qualified to write a proper introduction to this Genius of a man.

Let me start off with:
  • Born in Boston Massachusetts, May 19th, 1871
I heard about Walter Russell many years ago and I was told to purchase a book called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe". Well, I never followed through. However, a couple years ago I was reminded of him once again and was given that book. This a great little 63 page booklet that describes the life of Walter Russell, during an interview with Glen Clark. Here's some reviews on the book:
This discussion is here.

Take a look at the reviews on Amazon, but don't buy it there. Purchase the book from the University of Science and Philosophy so this Non-Profit organization and University can share this man's work with the world. You can read this online and it will be available on the new site, however this is a book you want to give as a gift when you have the opportunity. This Walter Russell was truly an American Genius and he illustrated that througout his entire life. I would recommend that this book be in every Public Library and in every school.

Now, Walter has written many and his accomplishments in Art, Consulting, Building, Science, Human Relations, IBM (with Thomas Watson), Sculpting, Music, Ice Skating, and many others. It's enough to read everthing and see the sculptings and the art. Whether or not every sentence is something you agree with, when it came down to it, Walter Russell understood more about life and Human Relations than many of us ever will.

That's where I started, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe" by Glenn Clark. From there, I've skimmed through and read a little of most of his material and I wonder why everyone doesn't know about him.

I feel the message that Walter Russell expressed through is work is one that is suitable for everyone. It has to do with Human Relations and how we are to communicate and experience joy, creativity, and harmony in our lives and the lives of those around us. He explains this in Science as well but it's a lot to digest.

To find out more about Walter Russell, I'm going to leave you with some links to explore. This should be helpful while the website is coming along.
I hope this information is helpful and I also hope I've done a good enough job introducing the extraordinary man to you all. I could write on however time doesn't permit this. The new University site will be up very soon so please be patient.

Thanks Justin! I have made a little tribute to Walter Russell on my site...

I am just simply wild in love with this man and his life. I feel a strange kinship that is inexplicable.

If there is any problem with copyright, please let me know and I will adjust as necessary. I simply wish to share this great man with whoever I come across. Smile

Much love and many blessings,


ps I also hyperlinked back to
Reply Sun 12 Nov, 2006 07:33 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
If there is any problem with copyright, please let me know and I will adjust as necessary. I simply wish to share this great man with whoever I come across. Smile

Hyperlink back is suitable. It's important that his message be available to everyone. I'll also be adding stuff to the site regularly.
Reply Fri 24 Nov, 2006 06:00 pm
I understand Lao Russel is born outside the USA.
What country was she from, and what is her maiden name?

Best regards,
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 12:12 pm
Welcome cogito! I do know here name was Daisy. I will look it up for you and respond in this thread.

Her name was Daisy Cook and she was born in England.
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 02:42 pm
Thank you Justin!

Do you know if ther is any information on the net about her own enlightment-process?

Best regards
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 04:11 pm
Not sure about on the net. However, Remembered For Love is a biography written by J.B. Yount that goes into much further detail about her. I hope this helps. One day I will develop a site for her with more information.
starchild phil
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 01:34 am
She was British
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 10:19 am
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
She was British

Starchild has actually spent time with Lao and knows quite a bit about Lao and the University. She has also taken the home study course and read most if not all of the material the Russell's produced. I'm sure if you have any questions about Lao, she would be the person to ask.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:43 am
Hi Dustin,

Russel mentioned "proberly three" fully illuminated persons. Is it known who theese persons are?

Best regards,
ELA phil
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 12:35 pm

What was Russell's views on reincarnation? Did he believe that we could change sex from incarnation to incarnation? And for how long, or how many times, are we going to incarnate? Is there a goal, and what happens after that?

Reply Sat 3 Feb, 2007 04:53 pm
@ELA phil,
What was Russell's views on reincarnation? Did he believe that we could change sex from incarnation to incarnation? And for how long, or how many times, are we going to incarnate? Is there a goal, and what happens after that?
I've read Walter's home course and most of his books but it's been awhile since then. I can tell you what I have found out ...
Yes, of course you can be either sex in an incarnation this depends on your desire at the end of your incarnation. Incarnations follow desires as well as what God wants you to learn next.
How many times? As long as it takes for you to awaken! That is, reach illumination. Remember the Buddah, how he saw the people as if they were sleep. Suffering all the while, that is why he went on the Path to help awaken them and end their suffering.
Is there a goal? Yes, Illumination! You become a conscious co-creator with God. You have to understand that your body is only a vehicle that is used for you to experience and learn. Each time you incarnate you have a different personality but your Self is the same. This is shown in the Qabalah (Kabbalah). Your Self descends from the astral plane to use a vehicle (body). The Self resides in a higher plane but is is on the Astral plane where the patterns (forms) are molded and then created on our physical plane. What you think of yourself is not really you but an effect of the Self's vitality. "You" do not exist it is a tool of the Self. When "you" awaken then you will have a consciousness that is part of God's Consciousness but "you" will be aware of "existing". "You" will remember all your incarnations, all your "you's"

How can this be? Look at the prism, Light enters and is "divided" into many colors. One of those colors is you, in unity with light but yet aware in your Self.

Hope I have not confused you more. I have planted a seed in "you" and in time it will grow into better understanding.

The Hermit
Reply Sat 3 Feb, 2007 08:59 pm
cogito wrote:
Hi Dustin,

Russel mentioned "proberly three" fully illuminated persons. Is it known who theese persons are?

Best regards,
I'm not sure. Jesus Christ obviously... as for the others, I'm not sure. I didn't see this question originally so I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Certainly someone will answer this in time. Good question.
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 04:11 am
TheHermit wrote:
Look at the prism, Light enters and is "divided" into many colors. One of those colors is you, in unity with light but yet aware in your Self.

is the prism therefore thought in action? as in - the silent full idea/Mind springing into action and dividing itself into two and then into multifold ideas?
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 11:21 pm
is the prism therefore thought in action? as in - the silent full idea/Mind springing into action and dividing itself into two and then into multifold ideas?

The Qabalah teaches us what Walter Russell describes. We know that each one of the Sephirots (vessels of creation) of the Tree of Life is a reflection of the previous one before it. Wisdom is the reflection of Crown (Kether), Understanding is the reflection of Wisdom, etc. Thus the creation is the Thinking (movement, reflection of the Light) of the Creator

You will note that the 7 sephirot of creation are colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and Kingdom (Malkuth) has four (earth, water, fire, air). Kingdom is actually the world of form or our universe.

The first 3 sephirot are of course God (10 in all). The 6 sephirot belong to the Son of God, Tipheret (yellow) or Christ Consciousness if you will.

So from the 6 colors Tipheret creates the vehicles (body) which are "born" in the Kingdom. They are the twelve colors or masks of personalities (red, red-orange, orange, orange-yellow, yellow, yellow-green, green, green-blue, blue, blue-violet, violet, and violet-red. The 12 signs of the zodiac we must assign them to.

So you can see creation is the reflections of God. We are all beings of light. We are God, for He is all there IS.

The Word = Sound = Vibrations

So now the 12 are the notes C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B.

In Science vibrations, the Theory of Everything, that is, String Theory.


The Hermit

Len phil
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2007 09:34 am

My introduction to Walter Russell was almost identical to what you describe below.....

I heard about Walter Russell many years ago and I was told to purchase a book called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe". Well, I never followed through. However, a couple years ago I was reminded of him once again and was given that book. This a great little 63 page booklet that describes the life of Walter Russell, during an interview with Glen Clark.

A friend I hadn't seen in a very long time mailed me a copy of the "little green book" and I've been captivated with the man ever since.

Let me encourage everyone who purchases any of Walter Russell's books from the University Of Science And Philosophy to purchase a couple of extras copies of "the little green book" ("Man Who Tapped The Secrets of The Universe ") to share with folks.

I purchased 2 copies to give away when I bought "The Message of the Divine Iliad Vol. 1 & 2". That little green book has had a tremendous effect on me, how could I not share it with others?

For anyone here who has not yet read the book it can be read online for free on the University Of Science And Philosophy website by using the link above but I'd still recommend purchasing the actual book to share with "newbies" to Walter Russell.


Thanks Justin for all the great links in your original post which started this thread. They are very informative with some stuff I hadn't yet seen.
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2007 10:32 am
@Len phil,
Strangely I have never heard of the guy, 'Walter, but I have also been locked in a little world of drawing and finding universal truths in the visual field. The concepts I have read of as related by 'Walter are similiar to my very own pathways of thought concerning the nature of reality, as deduced from studies of perspective, vector vs. raster concept, universal (energy conserving) shapes, the application of time and space to form, perception and perspective point interchangability and more.
It's a bit like walking around Waldens Pond and hearing a siren singing from the water.

There is empirical evidence that something may be "true".. and then there is the double-blind confirmation through parallel discoveries in seperate aspect, or entity.

Then again, I would call that "Harmonic Resonance".

And then I would think that a study in any "Universal" aspects of shape(visual art), or quantity(math), or Intuitive Harmonies(mirror-neurons, music, intuitive kinesiology) etc.

These discplines all lead to the same source for their algorythmic progressions through the human mind. If that is truth, I don't know.
Whatever the source, it is human.

Anyone up for a sandwich?
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 11:16 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
Thanks Justin! I have made a little tribute to Walter Russell on my site...

I am just simply wild in love with this man and his life. I feel a strange kinship that is inexplicable.

If there is any problem with copyright, please let me know and I will adjust as necessary. I simply wish to share this great man with whoever I come across. Smile

Much love and many blessings,


ps I also hyperlinked back to

Hi Electra and all,

Beautiful pages! - I love WR too,.....and find Spirit inspires me also to craft logos-expressions, art, poetry in every field of science,...for after all,...God is the Light of All-knowing Smile . Just joined the forum (have a few posts) and will catch up reading on this one soon. If you look in the Introductions section,...I have a link to a Walter Russell discussion thread I begun at see my is under my pic on frontpage). I shared 'The Book of Desire' there from the Divine ILIAD, and corresponded with Michael at the University over copyright issues - I kinda got away with some liberties, and now am careful to only quote portions of WR while adding my own commentary. I add to that thread periodically and am happy to expose WR's work to that religious community, helps to expand the LIGHT.

My primary interest is spiritual science, consciousness expansion, metaphysics and self-mastery....serving the Light of the Mighty I AM.
I serve among our more traditional/orthodox judeo-christian brothers and sisters mostly, as well as networking among more liberal, spiritualist/gnostic/universalist/occult/metaphysical venues.

I hope to correspond WR's teaching of the Self (the One I AM, Universal MIND, Light of BEING) with my other studies of hermetic philosophy, non-dual teaching(advaita vedanta), the I AM teachings, Absolute Truth teachings of the 'God is All' schools, Dialectical Monism and others. Lots of wonderful space to explore.

more to come,


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  3. » Walter Russell - My Opinion.
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