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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 02:30 pm

"What is the great passion of your life?" I asked.
"Beauty," he [Walter Russell] replied without hesitation. "Beauty and worthiness to live life as a masterful interpreter of the Light."
"What do you mean by beauty?" I asked.
"Perfection of rhythm, balanced perfection of rhythm. Everything in Nature is expressed by rhythmic waves of light. Every thought and action is a light-wave of thought and action. If one interprets the God within one, one's thoughts and actions must be balanced rhythmic waves. Ugliness, fears, failures and diseases arise from unbalanced thoughts and actions. Therefore think beauty always if one desires vitality of body and happiness."

(Glenn Clark: The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe, p 43)

This is the quote that brought me here.

It is interesting how this is corresponding with a lot of New Age teachings about the Power of Intentions (such as "The Secret" and "Ask and It is Given").

Walter Russell tapped into something that allows the genius of a person to become manifest in this reality, or so it seems. I do not have any of his books, since I only came across his work and life earlier this morning...

However, I can say a few things right off the bat from reading other posts in this group. The Spirit of Walter Russell's teachings are not being illustrated by the thoughts being posted.

This is all about Cosmic Consciousness-- the ability to see beyond man's limited egoic intellect.

That is my view.


Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 05:00 pm
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:

.... However, I can say a few things right off the bat
from reading other posts in this group. The Spirit of Walter Russell's teachings are not being illustrated by the thoughts being posted.

This is all about Cosmic Consciousness-- the ability to see beyond man's limited egoic intellect.

That is my view.



That sounds like a trip I took a good while ago.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If somebody happens to see beyond somebody else's limited egoic intellect, would they know it, except to interpret according to the limit they know?

"When the pickpocket meets the saint, all the pickpocket sees are pockets."

-- RH.
Electra phil
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 06:34 pm
perplexity wrote:
That sounds like a trip I took a good while ago.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If somebody happens to see beyond somebody else's limited egoic intellect, would they know it, except to interpret according to the limit they know?

"When the pickpocket meets the saint, all the pickpocket sees are pockets."

-- RH.

Dear Perplexity--

Funny you should answer this. Smile
Electra phil
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 06:35 pm
@Electra phil,

By Walter Russell

If I were asked to write in one word the predominating passion of evolving man, I should unhesitatingly write the word "Beauty." To me the one supreme guiding principle of life and growth is this:

"Beauty will I see in all things. From all that is unlovely will my vision be immune." This, the essence of my creed, is also the life principIe of the Society of Arts and Sciences [an extension of The Twilight Club]. In conformity to it all of the Arts and Science policies are shaped. From it all of their activities spring.
A habit is something that becomes automatic if repeated often enough. New thinking is a great effort but that effort gradually ceases as oft repeated, automatic thinking converts it into a habit.
As the first principle of beauty is balance, so right thinking is an equilibrium, inducing an ecstasy from which the Universal Poet is born. I believe that this same right thinking from which the aesthetic sense is born, and which is the foundation of all the arts, is the thing that lifts us to life's lofty pinnacle.

I believe that every man has this sense of beauty in some degree, that he should cultivate it as the most priceless of his treasures, and encourage it in others as life's most precious gift.

This manner of thinking long years ago led me to seek for my own guidance one all-inclusive law of life. I found it in these few words: Beauty attracts, ugliness repels.

Beauty is a positive force, as dynamic in its power to attract as a magnet. Ugliness is negative, repellent, carrying in itself the seeds of its own destruction. Man's progress in every walk of life is dependent upon his ability to attract. The weight of man's millstone is dependent upon the measure of his tendency to repel.

Nature abhors ugliness; all her works are beautiful. She covers scars with green mantles or paints them with the colors of the sunset. She bathes them in universal light. So all scars made by evolving man must disappear before the beauty inspired by the aesthetic sense of cultured man.

Consciously or unconsciously, science and the arts are working together toward beauty. -
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 08:06 pm
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:

By Walter Russell

If I were asked to write in one word the predominating passion of evolving man, I should unhesitatingly write the word "Beauty." To me the one supreme guiding principle of life and growth is this:

"Beauty will I see in all things. From all that is unlovely will my vision be immune." This, the essence of my creed, is also the life principIe of the Society of Arts and Sciences [an extension of The Twilight Club]. In conformity to it all of the Arts and Science policies are shaped. From it all of their activities spring.
A habit is something that becomes automatic if repeated often enough. New thinking is a great effort but that effort gradually ceases as oft repeated, automatic thinking converts it into a habit.
As the first principle of beauty is balance, so right thinking is an equilibrium, inducing an ecstasy from which the Universal Poet is born. I believe that this same right thinking from which the aesthetic sense is born, and which is the foundation of all the arts, is the thing that lifts us to life's lofty pinnacle.

I believe that every man has this sense of beauty in some degree, that he should cultivate it as the most priceless of his treasures, and encourage it in others as life's most precious gift.

This manner of thinking long years ago led me to seek for my own guidance one all-inclusive law of life. I found it in these few words: Beauty attracts, ugliness repels.

Beauty is a positive force, as dynamic in its power to attract as a magnet. Ugliness is negative, repellent, carrying in itself the seeds of its own destruction. Man's progress in every walk of life is dependent upon his ability to attract. The weight of man's millstone is dependent upon the measure of his tendency to repel.

Nature abhors ugliness; all her works are beautiful. She covers scars with green mantles or paints them with the colors of the sunset. She bathes them in universal light. So all scars made by evolving man must disappear before the beauty inspired by the aesthetic sense of cultured man.

Consciously or unconsciously, science and the arts are working together toward beauty. -

Ahaa. The above is really saying something that I believe is truth. This man had figured it out and it's really a very simplistic Philosophy.

There's a lot of ugly out there and quite possibly there are many more of us that have been conditioned to easily recognize the ugly in everything but rarely see the beauty in it. When those are the eyes of man, he cannot see the beauty of oneself, therefore inflicting great pain while on a path to self-destruction. When Walter says Beauty attracts and ugliness repels, I am lead to wholeheartedly agree.

Now, how can the above philosophy not be something that's attractive in itself? Working towards being able to apply the above philosophy in ones own life could only improve the world around us. If everyone applied this philosophy, we wouldn't be killing each other and the world would be a better place.

The below quote was written by Lao Russell and all based on the Russellian Philosophy or Cosmogony. I just don't see any reason not to strive towards this and apply it everyday life.

To bring blessing on yourself, bless your neighbor.
To enrich yourself, enrich your neighbors.
Honor your neighbor and your neighbor will honor you.
To sorely hurt yourself, hurt your neighbor.
He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
The measure of a man's wealth, is the measure of the of the wealth he has given.
To enrich your yourself with many friends, enrich your friends with yourself.
That which you take away from any man, the world will take away from you.
When you take the first step to give yourself to that which you want, it will also take the first step to give itself to you.
Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon. They spread from you out to infinity beyond your horizon.
The whole Universe is a mirror which reflects back to you, that which you reflect into it.
Love is like the ascent of a high mountain peak. It comes ever nearer to you as you go ever nearer to it.
This, in my humble opinion, is worth striving for. Walter's Philosophy as written above and being able to apply this code of ethics in my own life will be one of the greatest achievements of all. However, as Walter describes "A habit is something that becomes automatic if repeated often enough. New thinking is a great effort but that effort gradually ceases as oft repeated, automatic thinking converts it into a habit." This takes work and practice before it can become habit.

When we can recognize the beauty (genius) within, we'll only see beauty. One could easily argue this as fact. We also create our own destiny though our thinking.

Anyway, I just felt like posting some of my thoughts on the Russell's.

Electra, glad you found us and thank you for posting this. The philosophy you've posted above is also what I'd like to see of this forum.

One more thought... Our words expressed here on this forum can either build or destroy. To me, building just seems like a much more productive philosophy.
Electra phil
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 08:28 pm
Justin -

"...worthiness to live life as a masterful interpreter of the Light."

You are very much this. Smile

I will be around -- I love your Temple.


Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 09:45 pm
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
Justin -

"...worthiness to live life as a masterful interpreter of the Light."

You are very much this. Smile

I will be around -- I love your Temple.



Oh Electra... I've typed several paragraphs to respond to your comment but erased them because I'm just not sure how to respond...Light is beauty and beauty attracts, why not work towards achieving the greatest gift of all... the Genuis and the Light within everyone of us and the mind's eye to see the light in others and inspire others to recognize that light within themselves.

Electra, interpreting the Light in my own life is the life-long journey I've chosen to take and that's only because I've experienced enough of the darkness to desire different.

They say that you can know a man by the fruit he bears. Instead of mis-managing a weed garden, I see much more beauty in providing an orchard of fruit bearing trees the opportunity for growth.

Thank you for being a light in this forum and I look forward to continuing this journey and this watching a true philosophy unfold in this forum as we grow, and the Russell's Philosophy mentioned in this thread is just the kind of backbone we need.
Electra phil
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:27 am
Justin wrote:
Oh Electra... I've typed several paragraphs to respond to your comment but erased them because I'm just not sure how to respond...Light is beauty and beauty attracts, why not work towards achieving the greatest gift of all... the Genuis and the Light within everyone of us and the mind's eye to see the light in others and inspire others to recognize that light within themselves.

Electra, interpreting the Light in my own life is the life-long journey I've chosen to take and that's only because I've experienced enough of the darkness to desire different.

They say that you can know a man by the fruit he bears. Instead of mis-managing a weed garden, I see much more beauty in providing an orchard of fruit bearing trees the opportunity for growth.

Thank you for being a light in this forum and I look forward to continuing this journey and this watching a true philosophy unfold in this forum as we grow, and the Russell's Philosophy mentioned in this thread is just the kind of backbone we need.

Thank you. I like you too. Smile
Electra phil
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 06:16 am
@Electra phil,
Today 11/11 is taught in certain circles to be an opening, a stargate of sorts. It can be like when we celebrate Independence Day-- it is what we make it and can use such things as indicators toward the desire to move into higher knowledge.

The fact that it orginates from something usually belittled as "The New Age Movement", to me is inconsequential. It is in moting it to be that one participates with the opportunity, or turns it off and misses the hidden message.

Having said this, I really enjoyed the online reading of The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe.

Since this is timed with the 11/11 portal which I have chosen consciously to participate, I wanted to share these words from the ebook that struck a chord deep in me. It is a symbolic gesture to finally cross the threshold of my previous confusion, and commit to singularity of purpose, reflecting within the Light:

As the dawn telleth the coming of the new day:

I turn my eyes to the morning and purge myself in the purity of the dawn.

My soul quickeneth with the beauty of the dawn.

Today is, and will be.

Yesterday was, and has been.

My yesterday is what I made it. I will to make it perfect.

I have the power to build the day or to rend the day.

The day will be of my making either perfect or imperfect, good or bad as I choose to live it in spirit or in flesh, on the mountain top or earthbound.

If I rend the day I build ten other days, mayhap ten times ten, to undo the rending.

If I build the day I will have lived the day to the glory of the One in the fulfillment of that part of His purpose which is mine to fulfill.

So that I may meet the day with knowledge to build the day I will look into my soul while it is yet dawn, before the morning breaketh.

These are the words with which I greet the day.

These are the words of the morning.

This is the spirit of the dawn.

To me the universe is an open book.

I need not to learn. I know.

I see the unseen from the mountain top.

I hear the music of the spheres.
I know the transcendent joy of creation.

Immortality is mine.

I will earn immortality.

I will bestow immortality.

Mine is the power to give immortality. I shall not deny that which shall give immortality to those who dwell in darkness and who reach out for the light.

I will reach out my hand into the darkness and lead him that asketh into the light.

I will keep my body charged with energy for the fulfillment of my purpose, in accord with that which is commanded of me.

The power of the dynamic universe is behind my thinking.

Power is mine to give by the wayside.

I will not deny to any man who asketh the power which is mine to give.

I have no limitations. Unlimited power is mine within that which is universal.

I will do today that which is of today and pay no heed to the tomorrow, nor waste regrets on that which was yesterday.

My day shall be filled to overflowing, yet shall I not haste the day; nor shall I waste the day.

Those things which I must do I shall desire to do.

Courtesy will be in my heart to give to all.

My joy will be in serving.

My power will be in thinking true.

My power will be in knowing.

My power will be in humility.

The taint of arrogance will I not know.

That which is I, will keep within the shadow of the beautiful temple of modesty, but my doings will I send forth into the light that all may see; therefore, must my doings be true.

Force will I meet with gentleness; impatience with patience.

Truth will guide my footsteps through tortuous paths and lead me to the glory of the day's golden evening.

I will sing the day through with a glad song, that the problems of the day shall be as chaff before the wind and that others may harken to my song and be quickened.

My countenance shall reflect the spirit within me, that all may see.

Blessed be the new day which descendeth upon me. I greet thee, O day.

I cross thy threshold with joy and thanksgiving.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:44 pm
@Electra phil,
Yes I think that Walter Russell may have meant something more than the superficial when he said "Beauty".
(The above is a link to B.O.T.A. pages)

"In all things great or small I see the Beauty of the divine creation."

Beauty is in Tipheret on the Tree of Life.
Beauty on the Tree of Life is the Sun or Son or Cosmic Consciousness. So to pursue beauty would be to pursue Cosmic Consciousness!

Beauty balances the lower 7 sephira, that is the pillar of Strenght and the pillar of Mercy, or the two polarities.

Beauty is Love for all creation. Beauty is Art for love comes from Binah or Understanding on the Tree of Life and is related to the Empress (Tarot) who is the patron of Art.

Beauty is our Inner Master that guides us for Beauty is the Superego of which our ego is but a part. Our Inner Master drives our vehicle (body as in The Chariot) when we give up our ego.

This my friends is what I think Walter Russell meant by Beauty!

The Hermit
Electra phil
Reply Mon 5 Feb, 2007 06:49 am

Hi Hermit,

I am "there" and glad to hear someone speaking my own language.


Reply Mon 5 Feb, 2007 11:08 am
@Electra phil,
Thank you Electra

Your writtings are very impressing as is Justin but RememberIAM is interesting.

RememberIAM, this says it all! Mother Teresa was asked why she did what she did. She answered, "I am tending to the Christ in suffering!" Now how many people would understand what she meant?

It is the Christ Consciousness (Beauty, Tipheret) which has descended and is all of us (our ego is part of the Super ego). While here we have forgotten our "Christness" and while transmuting this unbalanced energy in the world of forms, we suffer. She, Mother Teresa, is the representative of Binah, God the Mother, and has descended herself to care for us. All of us have both female and male polarities.

Thus as we travel the Path of Illumination we are remembering our I AM. Our ebben (abben) ab=Father ben=Son. Our I AM.

The Hermit

The Upanishads:

"Oh sun, oh sun bend your rays that blind me that I may see the Being behind the sun and thus see that I am You and You are me."

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