@Doubt doubt,
Your description reminds me of the sleep drug Ambien, which apparently often causes people to have display some bizarre behavior when taken. Partners of people taking Ambien have reported they've had the best, wildest sex of their lives when their loved ones were on Ambien. The next day, the Ambien-induced sexcapades are reported to have been forgotten by the person who actually took the drug. There have been some big debates about this, too.
After the sound stops and the wild sex has been had, do people realize what happened? As in, is it plausible that they would realize that they were forced to listen to this sound and regret what they did, or do they just forget the event?
From a selfish perspective I'd love for something like this to actually be invented. People are sexual beings, imagine being able to freely express that with no repercussions. "Well, I didn't mean to have kinky group sex in the middle of the road, I just heard this sound and couldn't help myself." It would allow people to be more open when it comes to expressing our sexuality. If this drug becomes and everyday, common thing, some of the things that we consider so taboo now (such as the previously mentioned sex in public scenario) are bound to not be so taboo anymore. It could help us get more in touch with our sexual natures, which society in a lot of cases wants us to suppress (which I think is ridiculous). And heck, I've been curious what would happen if I got my hands on some Ambien and tried it (on myself, not my partner..or maybe both...with his permission of course).
But I, too, think that this thing could definitely do more harm than good. It's easier to control something like a pill, easier to not take it. It's not so easy to control a sound that anyone can play anywhere. Sorry if I wasn't much help.