sarathustrah;69033 wrote:your actual decision is based on a countless number of conscious and subconscious processes that happened quicker than you can realize. it was a sum of your thought... of course it has to look like a choice... but the choice is determined. do you really think you deserve the entire credit for the ending result?
Hi Sara,
I think that Free Will, can be described as "choice in direction". We are influenced, by all that surrounds us, but still we may have a choice in the direction we travel in life. For example:
A highly skilled sailor on the high seas is navigating and sees a storm brewing. He observes that all he/she is Aware of based upon his/her skills, and makes a decision on what direction to go. Now, which ever direction is chosen, new Awareness comes to play, and new directions are chosen. This, I believe, is the process of navigating through life. That is, direction influenced by factors all around us.
Another sailor with less skill, chooses a different direction. Maybe straight ahead into the storm. The ship capsizes drowning all aboard. This is another lesson to be learned from life.

Next time, there will be more Awareness and skill.
So, for me, Life is about exploration and navigation. As one gains skills, they choose different directions to travel. My approach to understanding life answers many questions for me.
The problem with Determinism can be traced back to the Beginning:
1) Where did the impetus for everything to start come from?
2) Why is there uniqueness in the world if everything is determined from the start? In other words, where did the flux come from?
---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 AM ----------
xcvcx;68921 wrote:I have an essay that needs to be written on are humans free or are our lives determined for us? We need to use 3 of these units in the essay along with a few philosophers. (Logic, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics and social/political philosophy) to support our arguments. I'm thinking of going for "humans are free" but there is so much information I have no idea where to start. I spent an hour reading topics and posts but I don't know what to use. We can't use our own opinions unless we have a philosopher to back us up or we have some information from the units.
Would anyone be able to direct me towards some information related to say ethics and free will? Maybe 3 arguments that could be used because I am at a complete loss here.
Thanks in advance
Hi John,
The points I would make for Choice of Direction (as a way of describing Free Will), are:
1) If everything is strictly determined, what gave the initial impetus (force) to get things going? and ...
2) If everything was strictly determined, then everything would be the same. Yet, there is diversity and uniqueness throughout the universe.
There could be multiple starting points, but then how did each of these starting points come to being, and if so, how do you account for new starting points erupting and disturbing all that has been determined?
I think whichever way you choose to go with your essay, you should account for two things: 1) Influences that exist everywhere 2) the ability for an individual to do things autonomously, e.g. wake up from sleep in the morning.
Hope this gives you some ideas to work with.