VideCorSpoon wrote:Thats actually a very interesting chapter in bioethics. There is an issue that I remember about Nazi experiments on jewish prisoners in Concentration camps. I dont remember the specifics, but apparently the Nazis had experimented on the prisoners in realtion to atmosphereic tolerances, cold and heat tolerances, etc. Pretty much everything was tested on these people. But there was an issue which was brought up around ten years ago as to whether or not modern medicine should use the advances gained by the Nazi experiments. For example, the Nazi's had needed a way to combat hypothermia or something like that because they needed to find out how to quickly save downed pilots in the cold nordic oceans. Well, they found out how to do it, and at a substantial loss of human life in the process. The issue comes nowadays becuase apparently the method discovered by the Nazi's is far more efficient than what we have now. So do we use a discovery made at the cost of many lives to save potentially many more?
Certailny use the advances made by the Nazi's experiments, (i hope you mean the results and not practices), what i mean is only if it does not cost more human life, (none whatsoever), as it's already done and why not make use of it especially if it helps, (but as I said as long as noone dies), the only issues here are with your own consience. But if you were to use more human life remember do unto others what you would have done to you
Surely there has to be other ways. I do understand why we tested on animals, (although not morally agree with it), in order for the greater good but i would at least make every effort to look for alternatives, it is only by pure chance that you are not in said sacrificed life's shoes so i ask you would you be willing to die for the greater good if there was an alternative, how do you know there is not another way?
I think it would be nice to be asked do you mind being sacrifced for the greater good out of respect, it's not nice to take someone's life in any sense, (murder, sacrifice, manslaughter etc), because you havent got the right only in extreme self-defence. Besides if you take the wrong route, (and are you sure it is the right route), it is highly likely it wil come back and bite you on the a...