The beyond is as much a part of the universe as everything that is not beyond.
What we call beyond is merely that part of the universe which we do not understand because we have not seen it or experienced its reality.
Just like the closet door scenario I spoke of earlier, the beyond is simply the room on the other side of the wall.
A place does not have other places within it. It is simply a place. When we divide it into other places we do not divide the actual place anymore than we actually draw lines on the world when we place border lines on a map.
Just like the undiscovered countries of a few hundred years ago, that which is beyond is a mystery only because we are not familiar with it. Lack of familiarity does not make it a non reality.
Whether at rest or in motion the mysterious is not defined by its state of being. It will be defined by the actuality of what it is. And that can only happen when its truth is discovered.
Incomprehension of the Mystery, the Force, God, Creation or whatever else you want to call it, is not its definition. It is only incomprehensible because we are unable, not because it indefinable.
Anything at rest can be moved when a force is acted upon it. Well, there is this huge woman that lives next door but thats another dilemma;
The point is that what we call the universe is not the box that holds our galaxy, it is the place we call the home of existence which contains everything that is. There are no borders except in our own minds. There is no definition except in our imaginations. There is no alteration except in its own motion. We do have the ability to move it by acting upon it, every time we breathe, every time we move.
The universe is our existence. We take part in it. We know the parts we have experienced. There is much that we know absolutely nothing about.
The grain of beach sand knows nothing of the ocean depths, and yet the ocean depths are well known to the whale. The whale's unknown is the jungle it cannot perceive.
Like the whale looking to the land from the water's surface, we gaze into the night sky in awe. What is out there is real, but what we see are little lights in the sky. We look at the lights and wonder, but we forget to look at the blackness in which they lay and wonder about that. The whale sees the tree tops and cannot know about the soil that gives them life. We see the treetops in space and ignorantly overlook the soil of the universe.
That black backdrop that the stars are painted on is something as well. Its more than mere space. Space is not a void of nothingness. Space is a thing as much as everything that exists within it. That blackness is what we should really be looking at, and not the stars. When we can learn to do that we will gain a far greater understanding of creation and life, and the Force responsible for it all.