The Greatest Regret of Mankind

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Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 07:20 pm
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;147026 wrote:
There are many forms of religion; there is more to Heaven, Earth and Underworld than the Abrahamic religions. Science was not slowed down in Egypt, Mesopotania, Persia or India till more western nations conquered those countries.

I'm targetting all religion, science had a low rate of progression in those time. Where men were ignorant and superstitious of their surrounding.

Mankind only realized that nature was ordered in time of ancient greece thanks to Thales of miletus.

Everysince the rise of greek thought mankind saw great progress but yet religion played it's role as a "science".

Think of the geocentric model of the universe, this is a perfect example where the earth was thought to be the center of the universe(solar system) for nearly 1500 years from the time of aristotle and ptolemy till copernacious, kepler and gallieo.

Same goes for the fixity of species, look at evolution in the public arena! When one hears of evolution the first thing it comes to their mind is monkey gives birth to human.. WHY? Is it ignorance ? YES , but what is it motivated by?

Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 08:12 pm
Lily;147172 wrote:
I don't know if I should laugh or just get angry.
Lily;147172 wrote:
Are serious, or are you just trying to provoke?
Neither, I think the pill fitted William's list as well as abortion, but was a more interesting and amusing suggestion.
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 11:56 pm
In the end ,I'm betting, our greatest regret will be something we didn't do.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 02:54 am
north;146487 wrote:
maybe 90% of the Earth's population think religion is a good thing the problem is , is that , they don't see the bigger picture that in the end , religion will be Humanities down fall

90% don't see the bigger picture? Please North, if you don't mind, what bigger picture is that? Religion and why it is so prevalent is what it is; nothing more than our desire to know what is right. The right thing for us to do. We know we are doing something wrong or there is something wrong with this "little" picture. So how can we imagine a bigger picture from that?

The only way anyone can imagine a bigger picture is to ignore all that is wrong with the little one. In other words many say well that's life and there is nothing we can do about it. That's BS. Yes, there is something we can do about it. Now having said that I will help you and go a step further before you answer the question I asked.

Yes, there is a bigger picture but we will never know what that is unless we understand what is wrong with the little one. This thread is about regrets. Those are things that we have done that we know we should not have done but many will not admit to it. Instead they create excuses for it and rationalize it. Such as the subject I was alluding to. You tried to evade the question and blame 90% of the people because they stupid or something because in their gut they know there is a truth and the little picture is not it.

For those who think they know what a bigger picture is who ignore the little one will only make the little one worse. As far as myself, I have no idea of what the bigger picture is. I know one thing a bigger picture of the little one we have now is one I do not care to see. 90% of all the people can't be all wrong my friend. They are only trying to understand the little picture and if we can do that, we will be able to continue what the artist drew in the first place. Right now it is an abstract because we cannot see all the picture so we try to define it ourselves. Have you seen abstract pictures. Frankly I like beautiful pictures better that I don't have to guess at what they are offering.

Now I'll ask you again what bigger picture is it that you see in your crystal ball?


---------- Post added 04-02-2010 at 05:45 AM ----------

Thank you Lily for joining in. I know I am on thin ice here being a man and all. Please understand that. We invented the pill so I do have a right to at least say something in that regard. We the male of the species have really screwed up and I am one of them who will admit to that.

Lily;147172 wrote:
Why shouldn't women be allowed to "sleep around" just as much as men?

I know you are angry and that is why you made this statement. If you don't mind, I am not going to address the reasons why it is wrong for both sexes to "sleep around". There are just to many of them.

Lily;147172 wrote:
And a lot of women take contraceptive pills because they want to control their period. If you haven't sat with a calender in your lap and tried to figure out if your vacation will be made a lot more difficult, you might not understand this.

If you don't mind what kind of vacation would that be? One to have more sex. Hell, Lily you don't have to go on vacation to do that. Since I don't have a period, I have no idea of one that is out of control is. Or one that is in control is, ha! Like I said I am on thin ice here. The question is why would a woman have to take a pill to keep here body under control? It would seem she would know her own body and wouldn't have to take pill. Unless all that life was to her is sleeping around and she didn't enjoy anything other than that?

Lily;147172 wrote:
And you can't say it have killed more people than all wars.

Of course and that is why we are not saying that. We change the name. It's not people anymore, it's a fetus; nothing more that a piece of meat that can be discarded. In that regard we can say it because in that, it doesn't mean as much. Mean as much? Yep, that's what it means alright. An unborn child means nothing; nothing more than a piece of meat. At least now, women can sleep around all they want too. Is that what you are saying Lily?

Lily;147172 wrote:
There's no fertilization when a woman is on the pills. The egg is not where it needs to be!

I understand Lily why we have the pill. Hell, it's easier. The fact is it alters what is so very natural. When a woman's cycle is erratic, that means something is wrong. That is what needs to be addressed and fixed, not create a short cut to dismiss it. If we ignore the real problem by depending on the short cut, the problem only gets worse. We are just covering it up is all. What must be understood here, because of the pill we are having more fun sexually than we have ever had before; if one chooses to think about it that way. Wow!! Whoopee!! Orgasm city! What a life, huh!

Lily;147172 wrote:
Sorry for this lousy explanation, but the words you need for discussing this are not hte ones I lean in my English class. I don't think any child should be born unwanted, and therefor the contraceptive pill is a good thing.

Lily, you don't have to apologize. I am not quite sure of what you mean by what you learned in English class though. Perhaps if you would elaborate more on that, thanks. Yes, you are so very right; a child should never be unwanted. You don't need a pill to understand that. We can learn a lot about the body when it is in it's natural state and we don't have to take a pill to understand that.

There are numerous ways in which a man and a woman can show love and affection for each other without engaging in a behavior that stands the chance of bringing a life that is not wanted into this world. It's hard to imagine that today especially with all the "hooking up" that is going on. Damn, what a term. That's what animals do. They "hook up". Is that all we are? Even animals don't do that except when nature tells them too.

Lily, there is a bond that should be established between a man and a woman before they participate in that union that is responsible for bringing a life into this world. In establishing that bond there are those romantic things each can do for each other that do not involve that vital union. That is the most beautiful gift one has for the other is that ultimate act. It is the ultimate surrender of both in giving all they have for the other. When we liken it to 'hooking up' something is lost in life and we become less than what the animal is. I don't know what that is but you are right, it shouldn't bring a new life into this world and abortion is what "it" does. It destroys it. And that is what I meant when I said the pill started it.

Many, as I said excuse it for they do not want to face the truth of what it actually is. Whether one can face that truth is entirely up to them whether they believe it or not. And yes, in many cases the truth does hurt like a b*tch and why many just ignore it.

This post is not 'aimed' at you personally Lily and please understand that. I do understand everything in what you had to offer. It is for ANYONE who choose to read it. I don't change my mind. But if you have anything new that has not been offered before regarding this ignored regret, I can alter my thinking in this regard. I encourage it from you or anyone else.

Thanks again for your response,
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 05:09 am
ikurwa89;147269 wrote:
I'm targeting all religion, science had a low rate of progression in those time. Where men were ignorant and superstitious of their surrounding.

Wow ikurwa89, that's amazing! Oh, btw, welcome to the forum. Would I be incorrect to assume anyone who would make such a statement would know now, in this so called modern, progressive scientific age, all that is religion and their surroundings to 'target them'? That would be quite an accomplishment I would think and congratulations in knowing all that if my assumption is indeed correct.

ikurwa89;147269 wrote:
Mankind only realized that nature was ordered in time of ancient greece thanks to Thales of miletus.

Is that a fact? Please, what time was that exactly and please be accurately definitively, if you don't mind. Thanks.

ikurwa89;147269 wrote:
Every since the rise of greek thought mankind saw great progress but yet religion played it's role as a "science".

Please where did Greek thought arise from and which religion are you referring to? There are quite few you know. As far as progress, like the atomic bomb for instance? Perhaps if we knew more of what god is that religion is trying to establish, then we would not have to be "so progressive", huh?

ikurwa89;147269 wrote:
Think of the geocentric model of the universe, this is a perfect example where the earth was thought to be the center of the universe(solar system) for nearly 1500 years from the time of aristotle and ptolemy till copernacious, kepler and gallieo.

Interesting. Who is to say we are not it's center? The universe is from our vantage point a pretty big place. You know that just could be an illusion and it is not a big as it appears to be? Just a thought. You see, that's just it; everyone one can have their own thoughts on the subject. Who is to say who is right? Perhaps if everyone were allowed to be who they universally are, then we might all learn something "universally" in which all could agree. That seems logical to me. Doesn't it you?

ikurwa89;147269 wrote:
Same goes for the fixity of species, look at evolution in the public arena! When one hears of evolution the first thing it comes to their mind is monkey gives birth to human.. WHY? Is it ignorance ? YES , but what is it motivated by?

Ah, heck that's and easy one. That's the closest thing we can compare ourselves to. That was and is the motivation! Nothing else could be find that would explain who "we" are? The ape was close but not plum; there's a link we just can't seem to find there and we are still trying to do that. We could dissect them to figure out what was wrong with us so we had to justify that in saying we were animal too. Get it? We had to evolve from them, where else could we have possibly come from? You know all those craters, there's a rather famous one in Arizona. (I've been to that one twice. A pretty big hole in the ground. Something arrived there, that's for sure). Those might have had something to do with how we all got here? Again, just a thought.

Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 06:31 am
William;147458 wrote:

Thank you Lily for joining in. I know I am on thin ice here being a man and all. Please understand that. We invented the pill so I do have a right to at least say something in that regard. We the male of the species have really screwed up and I am one of them who will admit to that.

I know you are angry and that is why you made this statement. If you don't mind, I am not going to address the reasons why it is wrong for both sexes to "sleep around". There are just to many of them.

Yes, to be honest I don't think you get it really. You might have to be a woman to understand, because women never talk about their period problems and stuff like that with men. It's not supposed to be a problem, we are women, we should be used to it, but frankly, there will always be a bit of problem.

It might be wrong for both sexes, but women are the only ones who get pregnant.

William;147458 wrote:

If you don't mind what kind of vacation would that be? One to have more sex. Hell, Lily you don't have to go on vacation to do that. Since I don't have a period, I have no idea of one that is out of control is. Or one that is in control is, ha! Like I said I am on thin ice here. The question is why would a woman have to take a pill to keep here body under control? It would seem she would know her own body and wouldn't have to take pill. Unless all that life was to her is sleeping around and she didn't enjoy anything other than that?

And this is why I think sex education in school is a good thing. You seem to have missed that not all women have period the same time every month. For some it can sometimes be two weeks and sometimes eight weeks between their period. So very often you find yourself with that calender trying to remember when you had your last period. And no, it's not a sex vacation that will be ruined. But imagine having your period on a vacation where you spend half the time in a bikin, bathing and lying on the beach. Or any vacation where you don't have water toilets. It takes some serious planning avoid that. And I don't think any woman should have to be limited by the fact that she's a woman. And no, women does not always know when she's supposed to have her period. Most know their body well enough to be able know approximatly when, but sometimes it will suprise you when you're least expecting it. A silent cursing from the rest room followed by the phrase "Hey, does anyone has a tampon? I just got my period" isn't always due to bad planning.

William;147458 wrote:

Of course and that is why we are not saying that. We change the name. It's not people anymore, it's a fetus; nothing more that a piece of meat that can be discarded. In that regard we can say it because in that, it doesn't mean as much. Mean as much? Yep, that's what it means alright. An unborn child means nothing; nothing more than a piece of meat. At least now, women can sleep around all they want too. Is that what you are saying Lily?

I understand Lily why we have the pill. Hell, it's easier. The fact is it alters what is so very natural. When a woman's cycle is erratic, that means something is wrong. That is what needs to be addressed and fixed, not create a short cut to dismiss it. If we ignore the real problem by depending on the short cut, the problem only gets worse. We are just covering it up is all. What must be understood here, because of the pill we are having more fun sexually than we have ever had before; if one chooses to think about it that way. Wow!! Whoopee!! Orgasm city! What a life, huh!

You're not listening. There is no feteus. There's no egg meet sperm when a woman is on the pills, no feteus! Now, listen very carefully. It does not mean that something is wrong when a womans cycle is erratic. It is can be very, very, natural. And there no feteus when women are on the pills.

William;147458 wrote:

Lily, you don't have to apologize. I am not quite sure of what you mean by what you learned in English class though. Perhaps if you would elaborate more on that, thanks.

I would have to look up words like uterus, cervix to explain it properly. Because those aren't words we learn in my English class. (Imagine it though, "Okey, say after me everyone, womb")

Your answer was very long, but I read it all. I think your ignorance when it comes to women and their period is a bit sad. Why don't women tell their husbands, boyfriends or close male friends about it? It seems as if men have a bit to learn. And to be honest, humans need to have sex, but in our society we can't afford to have as many children as we would have if there was no contraceptives. Maybe the people of today have too much sex, but I don't think they're losing their souls just yet.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 05:04 pm
William;147480 wrote:
Wow ikurwa89, that's amazing! Oh, btw, welcome to the forum. Would I be incorrect to assume anyone who would make such a statement would know now, in this so called modern, progressive scientific age, all that is religion and their surroundings to 'target them'? That would be quite an accomplishment I would think and congratulations in knowing all that if my assumption is indeed correct.

That's why it took time for religion to stay out of sciences way. It's like considering a women < man.. Back then it was perfectly normal, that's why it took time for humanity to realize that we are all equal. Religion still manages to intervene a number of times, look at intelligent design, and look at how they respond to stem cell research and cloning.

Is that a fact? Please, what time was that exactly and please be accurately definitively, if you don't mind. Thanks.

I believe it was around 600BC, just google Thales of miletus. He is credited with the first man to actually make sense of his environment becuase he believed that nature was ordered and was not controlled by the God(s).

Please where did Greek thought arise from and which religion are you referring to? There are quite few you know. As far as progress, like the atomic bomb for instance? Perhaps if we knew more of what god is that religion is trying to establish, then we would not have to be "so progressive", huh?

Greek thought was influenced by egyptian science and babylonian science, but having said that, greek thought did give birth to modern mathematics that you and I use every day(look up euclid and logic), they gave birth to modern biology,astronomy and many more sciences because some of the greek philosophers rejected the Gods/religion in order to understand nature better..

How did men respond to these, simple! by killing them. What was the motivation for this act ? (I'll let you think about this)

Look up socrates death, history of irrational numbers or infinity..

Interesting. Who is to say we are not it's center? The universe is from our vantage point a pretty big place. You know that just could be an illusion and it is not a big as it appears to be? Just a thought. You see, that's just it; everyone one can have their own thoughts on the subject. Who is to say who is right? Perhaps if everyone were allowed to be who they universally are, then we might all learn something "universally" in which all could agree. That seems logical to me. Doesn't it you?

Hmmm not we are not at the center of anything, the universe has NO CENTER.. I don't know where your getting these thoughts from.. Just because you believe in something doesn't make it right, the only thing that makes it close to right is something called evidence.

That's what science does, in my opinion science tends to eliminate the need for "i beleive" or "i have faith" in such and such..rather it backs its self up with evidence. I agree with everyone having their own belief, but when it comes to something such as facts, where the only motivation is their ignorance brought up in a specific religion.. then I say, see what religion does.

Ah, heck that's and easy one. That's the closest thing we can compare ourselves to. That was and is the motivation! Nothing else could be find that would explain who "we" are? The ape was close but not plum; there's a link we just can't seem to find there and we are still trying to do that. We could dissect them to figure out what was wrong with us so we had to justify that in saying we were animal too. Get it? We had to evolve from them, where else could we have possibly come from? You know all those craters, there's a rather famous one in Arizona. (I've been to that one twice. A pretty big hole in the ground. Something arrived there, that's for sure). Those might have had something to do with how we all got here? Again, just a thought.


No, that's not the closest thing we can compare our selves to, the closest species to us are chimpanzees and apes. You give me the impression your a creationist, confused with terms such as "theory", "fact" , "missing link", "intermidate fossil" etc?

See your thoughts, are nothing but thoughts.. Where is your evidence to suggest we came from that big crater which suposedly killed all the poor old dinos?

Where does evidence come in? Well simply, dig up a human like skelton and date it.. if it dates to more than 65million years old, than bing go your thought has progressed..

I'm so thristy now...

---------- Post added 04-03-2010 at 10:07 AM ----------

Darn it, i stuffed up the multi quote thingy.. sorry for the pain I'm going to cause you in reading that.. Smile

My final statement is, religion and science don't blend.. Religion might have it's own perspective on how the world might formed,governed etc.. But coming in between science and claming these are false facts etc...

This is what i call mankinds greatest regret!
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 08:33 pm
Obviously you could not address all I ask of you judging from your so very in depth response. That's ok, I am not here to assume all I have to offer will agree with every one. Btw, if your thirsty, get a cool drink of water. That's about all I can offer from your response. Thanks for trying though.

Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 06:41 am
Lily;147493 wrote:
And no, it's not a sex vacation that will be ruined. But imagine having your period on a vacation where you spend half the time in a bikin, bathing and lying on the beach. Or any vacation where you don't have water toilets. It takes some serious planning avoid that. And I don't think any woman should have to be limited by the fact that she's a woman. And no, women does not always know when she's supposed to have her period. Most know their body well enough to be able know approximatly when, but sometimes it will suprise you when you're least expecting it. A silent cursing from the rest room followed by the phrase "Hey, does anyone has a tampon? I just got my period" isn't always due to bad planning.

You see, I told you I was on thin ice and you are right and I do apologize. I didn't think about that. But still I wonder how consistent a woman's cycle was before "the pill". I'm still looking. Some women call it a "curse"? Yes, not being a woman, I don't know how much of a problem it is. I admit to that, and I apologize on that account.

Lily;147493 wrote:
You're not listening. There is no feteus. There's no egg meet sperm when a woman is on the pills, no feteus! Now, listen very carefully. It does not mean that something is wrong when a womans cycle is erratic. It is can be very, very, natural. And there no feteus when women are on the pills.

No, that's incorrect. I was not referring to the pill then. I was referring to the other method that disallows the life of a child. We seem to think there is no difference in the two. One is an egg, one is a fetus. We prevent both from having life.

I did mention that the pill does alter a woman's body's natural function; and it does. It interferes with what it naturally would do otherwise. Whether this would have long term effects on the overall function of her body genetically...................? Usually quick fixes do and this is exactly what the pill is. But you are right it does allow a woman more control, I just wonder where she lost it in the first place.

Lily;147493 wrote:
I would have to look up words like uterus, cervix to explain it properly. Because those aren't words we learn in my English class. (Imagine it though, "Okey, say after me everyone, womb"


Lily;147493 wrote:
Your answer was very long, but I read it all. I think your ignorance when it comes to women and their period is a bit sad.

This thread is not about the trials and tribulations of a woman and her period, period! It's about regrets. Perhaps you feel a woman's cycle is a regret? There are surgical procedures that can solve that problem. I don't have to be a woman to understand her reasoning in all that you have to say about her problems. Many woman feel that it is not a man's concern. Sorry, I am a man who thinks otherwise. Many such woman think that because it is her body, it is here baby, and she can do with it whatever she wants to. That my dear Lily is a load of crap and it always has been. Lily please understand I am not blaming this thought on your personally even if it is how you think. It's just honestly what I think over all.

The only way you can have a baby, naturally, is by receiving a man's contribution. A most precious gift. His contribution, is "alive". It has a life of it's own. Granted we are guilty of distributing "our" life carelessly it seems, but that does not dismiss woman's receiving it so carelessly also! Of course it's a little difficult to imagine that in todays world. When both men and women are cupable as far as that is concerned. I seems odd that today when a woman wants to discard the unborn child she is carrying it is "her" body and her fetus; but when she wants to keep it, "we're" pregnant and it's "our" baby!. My how we can play with words, huh! The way men are throwing around their "gift" and women who are receiving it, it's no wonder it has become a recreational sport and we have lost all focus as to what it really is.

Lily;147493 wrote:
Why don't women tell their husbands, boyfriends or close male friends about it? It seems as if men have a bit to learn. And to be honest, humans need to have sex, but in our society we can't afford to have as many children as we would have if there was no contraceptives. Maybe the people of today have too much sex, but I don't think they're losing their souls just yet.

Need to have sex? Like your going to die if you don't? Lily, there is a difference in "having sex" and "sharing one's self" to bring life into the world. Granted there a so many who do not now the difference in the two. To make matters worse science has created a way around that too and now any two people can have a child without that universal union that is man and woman. Science has done many questionable things under the guise of fulfilling our needs and our wants. So I guess in that respect science is doing all it can to meet that so called need to have so much "sex"

In all the universe the most valuable gift we can give ourselves is that child. Without that gift we would cease to exist and we think we can throw that gift away simply because it has not peered through the container it comes in. Sorry, didn't mean to refer to you as a "container" but you are the package that child comes out of to greet the life we have to offer. Granted it may not be the life one would want but that gives us no right to destroy it so we can keep giving so called presents that we keep destroying.

Coming from a deeper thought let me say this Lily. Though I am a man and I dearly love woman with all my heart, it is not women I blame in any context for what is going on in the world. Please believe that. It is ALL man's fault in OUR misunderstanding of the role we have here. Lily life on earth as it relates to the man and the woman is not MANKIND, it is HUMANKIND. The crowns we place on our heads without the love and understanding of a Queen will most assuredly cause problems and that is exactly what we have done. All those problems have come from man's careless disrespect for the role of woman and the power he believes he has over all that is this Earth. I blame women for none of that. She and all she has done is to survive and that is all the while observing all the ways man will kill his fellow man to maintain his superiority and his assumed title to this land; something he never had to begin with. I hope you understand that my dear Lily. I have much respect for you and why you feel as you do for I am an understanding man. A rarity in this world.

I know the value that child brings with them and it is truly sad most don't and why those adult children do to each other what they do. All of that comes from man's misunderstanding of his role here and woman in her intuitive nature will survive because of that. What must be understood is man and woman cannot survive with out each other.

Philosophy, science and religion has always been a "male, intellectual" thing in our effort to understand what life is, all a part from each other with little regard to the woman and the child in any of them. All of their thought messiahs and hero's have been males with little said of the women in the lives of those hero's of mankind. As I have noted before of one such hero, the woman in his life was depicted as a whore. Such are the thoughts that come from the mind of autonomous men. His Mother, a virgin? Considering the behavior of man, I can understand why man would say that. Perhaps there is a some truth in such a god child being born. A god could surely make that happen, but I can assure you it will take a man and a woman to give him birth and he would not be crucified; a god would insure that would never happen.

One individual here spoke of the ancient greek wisdom. I will not even comment on what is known of how they treated their women and the children of their time. Makes one wonder about anything they had to say philosophically.

Lily, I am not going to say anymore. I hope from what I have said you will understand that I understand what is going on more than most. I can only hope that you do. In any regard, I have said all I intend to say regarding all the regrets that man has cause himself and woman. I am done with this thread. If you wish to contact me privately please be my guest. I truly mean that.

Kindest regards

Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 09:11 pm
William;147684 wrote:
Obviously you could not address all I ask of you judging from your so very in depth response. That's ok, I am not here to assume all I have to offer will agree with every one. Btw, if your thirsty, get a cool drink of water. That's about all I can offer from your response. Thanks for trying though.


Try reading it maybe.. Like I said, you give me the impression your a creationist still struggling with words like "theory","fact"...

Good day ma'am!
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 09:50 pm
Originally Posted by north
maybe 90% of the Earth's population think religion is a good thing the problem is , is that , they don't see the bigger picture that in the end , religion will be Humanities down fall

90% don't see the bigger picture? Please North, if you don't mind, what bigger picture is that? Religion and why it is so prevalent is what it is; nothing more than our desire to know what is right. The right thing for us to do. We know we are doing something wrong or there is something wrong with this "little" picture. So how can we imagine a bigger picture from that?

90% don't see the bigger picture , the Universe , step outside your little world and look UP , into the night sky

religion is so prevelent because 90% are more emotional than rational

right and wrong became long before religion had anything to do with proper behaviour

but really has religion really changed our behaviour anyway ? not really

The only way anyone can imagine a bigger picture is to ignore all that is wrong with the little one. In other words many say well that's life and there is nothing we can do about it. That's BS. Yes, there is something we can do about it. Now having said that I will help you and go a step further before you answer the question I asked.

Yes, there is a bigger picture but we will never know what that is unless we understand what is wrong with the little one. This thread is about regrets. Those are things that we have done that we know we should not have done but many will not admit to it. Instead they create excuses for it and rationalize it. Such as the subject I was alluding to. You tried to evade the question and blame 90% of the people because they stupid or something because in their gut they know there is a truth and the little picture is not it.

I blame 90% of the people who are unable to question , think upon what belief in something greater than themselves in the end really means for the very essence of their very being , what the lack of respect that their ancestors went through to get them at this point

its shame full

For those who think they know what a bigger picture is who ignore the little one will only make the little one worse. As far as myself, I have no idea of what the bigger picture is. I know one thing a bigger picture of the little one we have now is one I do not care to see. 90% of all the people can't be all wrong my friend. They are only trying to understand the little picture and if we can do that, we will be able to continue what the artist drew in the first place. Right now it is an abstract because we cannot see all the picture so we try to define it ourselves. Have you seen abstract pictures. Frankly I like beautiful pictures better that I don't have to guess at what they are offering.

90% are manipulated , emotionally

Now I'll ask you again what bigger picture is it that you see in your crystal ball?


the down fall of Humanity , because of religion , evil and god both

like it or not .....
Zero phil
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 12:30 am
Mankind's greatest regret will be... the birth of A.I. Either through Skynet, or the Matrix, we are f***ed Smile
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 11:44 am
@Zero phil,
Zero;148102 wrote:
Mankind's greatest regret will be... the birth of A.I. Either through Skynet, or the Matrix, we are f***ed Smile

Hello Zero and welcome to to this global ship. Yes, those depictions do offer such sentiments as you espouse, but technology does have it good points. We just need to make sure that is does not come at the expense of humanity itself. We don't understand what it is to be fully human yet, much less to skip it and offer what trans-human is. That's the paradox; in our desire to do all we can to survive, we fail to truly live.

Hopefully one day we'll not need such fields as philosophy, medicine and religion; then we can devote our time to much better things. Don't give up yet, the universe is not done with us and perhaps it never will be. We just won't have any sense of it and that could be the hell of it that we create in our greed to survive.


PS Sorry I said I was done here. I've shouldn't have said that, ha! :brickwall:
Reply Wed 7 Apr, 2010 02:32 pm
Antibiotics? I think it has created a false sense of security and is taken in place of our immunity system.
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 01:42 am
Like protecting our environment
SamTHorn phil
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:43 am
Death of a child.

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Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:59 pm
gotmilk9991;94430 wrote:
What would be the greatest regret of mankind ever? Or what would you personally perceive as the greatest regret ever?
- chemestry = pollution
- technology = exploiting everything, giving wars and super growth to our population
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 01:38 pm
to die without knowing and doing the real purpose/use of life.
to live without having a valuable living
a non-sense living
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 01:42 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152436 wrote:
to die without knowing and doing the real purpose/use of life. a non-sense living
? ..the many has died a terrible death, when they didn't know the greater purpose of life.
..I don't understand such anology?
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 01:46 pm
HexHammer;152437 wrote:
? ..the many has died a terrible death, when they didn't know the greater purpose of life.
..I don't understand such anology?

there life was not use to where it should be really use.
they just waste what was given to them.
too many waste

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