I think most economies in the world are mixed economies nowadays. I can't think of one that is not.
Socialism suffers from the same problem as capitalism. The original theory just totally disregards the multitude of personalities participating the human work force that are playing the economic game.
There are all kinds of players, many of whom are quite ruthless when it comes to wealth accumulation and don't really care about the laws (rules). Because of this, they tend to rise to the top, whether it be government or corporate governance and they really don't give a heck about what happens to other people as long as they stash away a good amount of money in their Swiss accounts.
There are also people in mid-management who just give jobs to their friends and don't care much what or how much they produce.
And there are all other types of people in all areas of the spectrum, each doing what they can do to survive within the economic system. And what you get at the end is a whole mix of economic ideas, none of which are satisfactory so they are constantly being tweaked and changed.