awoelt;40125 wrote:
The fact that if you sin without going through the repentance process you go to HELL!:devilish:keeps you from sinning.
I do not believe in sin. What i think is that the definition of right and wrong has no universal truth, but it differs from person to person.(you cab call me relativist) For Hitler, it was totally right to kill jews, he felt them like a pain in the ass, ant in his opinion, they had caused the loss of ww1. I don't think it's all right to kill jews, because i think killing makes the world a bad place to live in. I do not say that killing i universally wrong, but i personally condemn it because it makes everything unsecure if the people around you try to kill you all the time.
Back to this hell-thing... If God exists, and i say IF because i have no clear empirical evidence of it, and if he is a god like described in the bible, I would preciate to get to hell. If satan (the satan decribed in the bible) exists, I think he has a lot more insight than God, he resisted this crazy bastard, and gave men the fruit of wisdom. According to the bible, the mind of Adam and Eve before their fall was more like that of an ape, just walking around like sheep. In the bible, men are compared to sheep, and God as their shepherd. I WILL NOT BE A SHEEP!
If some prejudice and ignorant God wants to put me in hell just because i think freely, I would personally try to fight him down and let him taste his own terrors. I am just trying to live this life in a pursuit of wisdom, and you can't get wisdom by using dogmas without being wary. I think that is the core of philosophy, critical thinking.
Though you are open minded, it seems to me that you have a huge lack of this key element. If everybody had been like you, we would probably still believed that the world is flat. Somebody doubted what people had told them, and that led to enlightment.
And by the way, if you believe in sin, you should not poke people in the eye, thats BAD! (Unless it is a surgical intervention of course, but that would also be a sin if the patient didn't want his eye to be fixed, bla bla bla)


:band::devilish::bigsmile::sarcastic: (Just trying to scare away old philosophers from this forum by acting childish. They're all prejuduce, it's human nature!)