Kat333;86364 wrote:Do you think that we perceive reality by use of our fives senses, or by use of our 'mind's eye', thoughts, and intuition? A mixture of both? How much of each? What are your thoughts on this?
Hi there Kat3333,
Yes, I think that the central nervous system which drives the senses are primary mechanisms for exploration. But there are others, as you have indicated.
Famous theories to describe the universe, such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity as well as much of Quantum Physics were considered as thought (Gedanken) experiments. They were conceived of in their minds.
Also, you may have had experiences in your life where you solved a problem while asleep, dreaming, or it may have just popped into you. These are all ways in which we explore and create.
So, to answer your question, I think that they all play a part. Senses, thought, intuition (a feeling), etc. I play the stock market by intuition, because it is a game of chance, so that I can only rely on intuition.
Thanks for the question.
What do you think?