xris wrote:I have decided i have free will so whose going to stop me believing i have free will, come on just try it ....
Haha, excellent! Bless you.
I think this sentiment, despite all our postulations of cause, effect and influence, has real human worth. It's the voice that says, "I'm going to assert this!"... really believes it and perhaps even works to overcome influences. Then maybe, just maybe, could one actually
be free of constraints and do so?
I know, I know... causality, cause and effect, "where we are is where we've been" and all that. On a strictly-rational level this is all valid; and to our reasoning I firmly believe that it shows there isn't any 'free will'. But if we admit we can't know all the factors, all the influences and dynamics of these influences,
can we not also admit that there exists the possibility of the ardent mind to - by will or obstinace alone - break out? If even for an instant?
This is, of course, completely aside from the real worth to human potential that believes there
is choice (which to my mind may be a reason enough to buy-in). What might be the effects of embracing,
too closely, the notion that "we have no choice"? A fatalistic attitude? A reticence to even
try? Perhaps even skirting responsibility for ones actions? ... just tossing out stuff here as a devil's advocate.
Something to think about...