Yeah, I'm not the hard-headed pit bull type. My beliefs in God are unquestionable to me, b/c that's the only way I can explain the universe's and my existence, as well as giving me hope, but I do enjoy the intellectual challenge of a civilized argument over a virtual beer --or, in my case, Coke--. Unlike some people I know.
[Begin rant]
My philosophy teacher is a bit strange; he accepts statements w/o independantly verifying them. Case in point: we were discussing Socrates, and we somehow got on the topic of Islam. Now, if you were to read to Qu'ran the way Mohammed intended it to be read, and did not use any mental and lingustic gymnastics, you would get an extremely violent impression. However, he immediately accepted a Muslim girl's statements about Islam being peaceful, w/o performing any verification at all. Um, I have read an exact translation of the Qu'ran, w/o parenthetical commentary or butchering-the-Arabic translation techniques, and it essentially says to kill the unbelieving, that the Bible --Torah, Gospels, and Epistles-- are not corrupt, etc. A holy book that says to overthrow the secular state and "kill the enemy where you find him" is not peaceful by any standard. Yet, when I talk about Christinity, he handwaves. Will he accept the statements of a witness and not try to verify his statement?
[Rant over]