Hello philosophers,
Why is Eve taken from Adam's rib? Adam and Eve were not the first people who God created, they were the first to begin using word language in a major way. That is why they can be traced to about 4000BC in Mesopotamia. Modern historical and archeoogical evidence traces the earliest civilizations to them.
In the begining god created the Heaven and the earth. Then he continued creating everything in this entire world over the next six days. And on the seventh day God rested.Gen.2;2
Then, just three verses later in Gen.2;5 it tells us that "there was not a man to till the ground." Although there had been humans since the days when God created them, but up to this point of time none of them had started farming Civilizationally. They were all still cave men!
So Genesis names Adam and Eve as the ones who began Mesopotamian Civilization about 4000BC. Thats why in Gen 4 their decendants are said to invent everything.
So, from the above point of view, I would venture to say, that possible the statement "and he took one of his ribs" brings attention to the place of the breast=chest=breathing=speaking. Because if Adam's "breath of life" from God in Gen.2;7 is the ability to use words, then thats why Eve came from Adam. Immediatly after Adam got the breath of life(ability to use gramatical language) he was brought the animals to "name." So the bible shows us that in Adam's time words were yet unused. So he named the animala.Gen.2;20 So Eve isn't second class or lower than Adam. Even Adam had just been"formed out of the dust of the ground." It's the breath of life that counts here, and so the rib for Eve. Then they were the first who's minds began to whirl with the utility for though offered by gramatical language. So began Civilization. Thanks Eve. dan b