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I thought this was pretty cool when I saw it. Its probably one of the best optical illusions I've come across yet. But its also great because it is an unconscious inference (arguably).
Click for the full view for best effect...
The interesting part about these optical illusions are the fact that as far as empirical sensory perception goes, its is strong evidence against the reliability of a-posteriori (knowledge gained from the senses) knowledge. Simply put, the fact that you are seeing a moving image even though it is a still image (note: its not a Gif... seriously.... print it out, works just the same) proves that what you see with your eyes is not entirely accurate knowledge (or perception, whatever have you).
Empiracle inferences can be wrong. Interesting, right? Especially considering the fact that the are many who are stead fast empiracle proponents out there.
It doesn't prove anything, it shows that your brain perceives motion where there isn't any, but your brain can quickly apprehend that it is being fooled and that something "screwy" is going on.
Similar to hallucinating on drugs, you are not 'fooled' into thinking reality is producing these illusions, but your brain is perceiving in a particular way. But your brain is capable of realizing it is perceiving something inaccurately and therefore works to correct the inaccuracy by seeking further empirical evidence or rational insight gained from previous experience.
It doesn't prove anything,
i had thought that if the brain were so biological that it would have a sort of warning in it when it was providing its own sensory stimulation. not to mention i have to wonder how can it do that? how could it project something that would appear to be coming in from our eyes when it really wasnt? especially if it made the kinds of things people tell me they see when they take certain drugs-things that they have never seen before in real life, so how would the brain be able to manufacture those false perceptions when it had no memory to use and no frame of reference? and then be so bizarre as to not know it was doing it?
you mean everybody sees that thing moving except me?
Now when you see a picture like the one provided by VideCorSpoon, a reprocessing takes place. That's nothing unusual actually. Something might make us wonder: Was that really a family? Maybe the guy was black and she was asian while the girl looked european. Something breaks up the common patterns.
The mentioned picture breaks up the common patterns when you print it and it still moves. Your experience tells you that it's impossible that a drawn picture moves in any way. so you question what you see and reprocess it.
You look at the projection on the inside of your skull and say: "I see it moving but i know that this is only the result of my mirrors and cameras being fooled."
In fact i come to the conclusion that this is a major difference between animals and humans.
Humans have the potential to reprocess the information and to question the output.
This is what is called the reflective consciousness.
Reconsider what they have seen on the cinema screen.
Reconsider what they have said and done.
Become conscious of what they have said and done.
This is what an animal will never do.
but animals remember what they have done-they remember which people are threatening or friendly, i think...they may not sit and stew about it like human beings do, but it will come back to them when they meet the same person again, [...]
or do you think,...maybe you know, and for sure i am only guessing...that what i have suggested would only be a pavlovian sort of behavior change?
things are beginning to blur more and more, arent they?
i think one of the issues would be whether or not there is the capability of being any intent to cause pain or harm...we would have to seriously think about a lot of things to answer the question. i remember reading i, robot almost a millenium ago which i think was a robot being on trial for killing a child.
actually i forgot the theme of this thread now...better go check.
Yes. In this case you are extremely exceptional.
I would even call it fascinating.
It would also be interesting to investigate if you are a person who is talented in drawing pictures... how you start drawing a picture..
and so on...
update on the optical illusion-
i finally got someone over here to look at this thing, worried about my monitor you know...and he also could not see the wavey thing moving. so then he called someone else over, and they could see it moving. so why two of us cannot, i dont know. we both wear glasses-but he was able to remove his and still see that it does not move. if i remove mine, i wont even be able to see the monitor let alone any picture on it...but anyway, just had to let you know i am really not so special after all!
what will also be interesting is whether it looks any different to me after my cataract surgery!