I think it was Saul Williams who said we all drink from different wells...
But, the source of the well [the universe] is well, universal...
By looking at
ourselves, we can trace the plumbing from our personal/subjective well, all the way to the objective/central source - truth
I would suggest that we are indeed capable of this through a process of
ego death Ego death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Instead of, like the Greeks, attempting to
know ourselves by studying our behavioural habits; we should aspire to leave behind all sense of self and learn about who we are from
what we are not
What those who have already experienced it have found from ego death is universal oneness or, a cohesively 'concious universe'. This is considered by many, including Buddhist monks, to be the ultimate truth
I suppose the notion of knowing truth by journeying into the darker, more unconcious aspects of the mind, where our construct of 'self' is no longer present, also ties in with what we were saying about dreaming