kennethamy wrote:But we are unable to know what is false, because it is part of the meaning of the verb, "to know" that it must be that what we know (namely the proposition or the statement) be true. It is for the same reason that a mother is unable to be a male, or that a bachelor is unable to be married.
That is precisely the problem right there - any language or perception is innately a mistruth, it deviates from the reality it attempts to describe, so everything we are consciously aware of, everything we say is innately false for it is not absolutely true. So I am not challenging that we can 'know' anything, I am challenging the common definition of knowledge, the Justified True Belief. I dont know much about philosophy, so maybe there are more definitions of knowledge, but JTB seems to be the most popular and widely accepted. I think that for knowledge to be true it must be absolutely equal to reality which it can never be, and that justification must turn out to be absolutely correct which is maybe possible in the context of mathematics for example never making context with reality nor supposing itself to, but rarely for language.
So, we do say that 'we know x is false' - it is apparently justifiable and perhaps could be seen as correct or 'true', therefore it is possible to 'know' that x is false using JTB. This a paradox, for 'x is false' cannot be a true statement, because it is a statement of falsity; if we say '1+1=5 is false' I do not see how that statement could ever be true. Double negatives is my problem, really... I know I'm not expressing this in a very coherent fashion, but I feel that two negatives make something more negative and less positive, but it seems that maths and philosophy have other ideas. I can believe that in formulaic expressions -1 - -1=0 yet in language 'no trees destroyed never' does not mean there are more trees than before, it means there are less, and this flies in direct contradiction to maths system of negatives.
If I take an example '-2 + -2 = -4' is a coherent analogy with 'some trees destroyed and more trees destroyed means there are less trees than at the start of this sentence', yet '-2 - -2 = 0' does not work coherently with 'some trees destroyed without some other trees being destroyed means there are less trees than at the start of this sentence' (it's equivalent to saying '-2 - -2 = -2' and that is patently false); if language could use a triple negative like maths then I theorize that we would be able to logically define knowledge, because we would be able to make a statement such as 'x is false' practically true.
Maybe I'm wrong, and 'x is false' can be true, but I can't accept it, if x means 2+2=6, then 'x is false is like saying '2+2=6 is in agreement with something such as 2x2=99' (not strictly true) and so 'x is false' doesn't really function in a coherent fashion. The statement 'x is false' cannot be true when functioning as an analogy with maths, if we were to invent systems of grammar that functioned in the same fashion as mathematical expressions of change then we might find a definition of knowledge that fits coherently with the things we can calculate as justified and true (when not used in conjunction with reality, ie in maths).
It's like this: 'London' (is) (=) the capital city of England' is false, the word 'is' infers some kind of '=', it's like saying 15=16 (they are two completely different concepts, one is a name the other is a compound noun?), the '=' is misplaced, so what we need is a symbol or word that will mean 'and the logical next step is' or something like '15 is similar to 16'.
My theory doesn't work without inventing these symbols and words... in fact it's probably not worth following through, it's so pedantic it ceases to be funny.