Yea, right, ok...
I saw this thread a long time ago and given the way I read the title, pretty much dismissed it. Then I see this wonderfully-cordial exchange while reading new posts. ... so I went back to see what all the hubbub was about. I read all the links, re-read the replies, got a cup of coffee, referred back to the linked material, tried to draw some correlations, analyzed a few replies, got another cup of coffee, think I've got a hold on it and here I am.
What I read, and
within the context of my understanding I can't say I'd disagree with almost any of it. It strikes me much like other things I've learned - wherein one reads, says "Yea, no problem... so?" and I kept looking-for-the beef. Then it occurred to me is not so much how these views or formulated, or upon which they're based (which, again, seems quite reasonable), but the implications therein.
... and now I see, or think I see, the first post and how it relates back to native cultural lifestyles and the dichotomy between said cultures.
How might contentment, with one's life, be enhanced with a mindset that acknowledges balance and relation to all things (and people!) within ones' sphere of experience.
To me, the highest-impacting implication of this view lies in our relation to the natural world. Is it (that "thing) an object (S-O) that exists for our befuddlement to control, shape and change, or is that a "thing" that we are related to; shall we both play our roles? Shall we dance or dominate. Are we to see all things as existing FOR us, or WITH us. Further, it strikes a cord of truth that life's interactions are much more a balancing and compensatory flow than linear.
There's much about this I've still to think through. But I sense that herein exists a way of looking at our world that has HUGE potential for peace of mind (read: relations) while potentially relieving frustration (read: conflict).
*puts his thinking cap back on*
Thanks for the post.
EDIT: Ego -vs- Harmony, Dominance -vs- Cooperation, We -vs- The ME. Good stuff maynard!