Allright, I think that I should, out of all three discussion, make my case here at first.
I am going to quote myself to get things started:
What I mean is that the body "bends" the consciousness to a somewhat alternate state forming self-consciousness. Like planets "bend" the quantumfield (thus also bending space-time). An energy field is formed which has the bending effect. So the selfconsciousness is a product of potentiality and actuality. Just like metaphysical judgements are a product of transcendental categoria and empirical perceptions (according to Kant).
I hope I am making myself somewhat clear.
So for consciousness that means it is transcendental; whereas self-consciousness is metaphysical. Self-consciousness needs a "self" to be conscious of. That is why it needs a "thing" (<--body) as well as consciousness itself. The combination of the two makes for self-consciousness. This indeed is what disperses with the body. Consciousness however has no boundries; but because it is no loger linked to a "self" it is no longer conscious of something like that.
I hope this will get us on the right track.
I would like to point out that an actuality without a potentiality is flawed because it does not account for creation (science dubbed it "big bang"), nor change, nor free will, nor time travel, nor parallel universae, etc.