We know what we mean by "one" but
how? If anyone knows of axioms that get around the intuition of the one, let me know. I can't imagine them.
I put this in logic because I think the concept of unity or union or the one is a (or
the) foundation of human thought. It seems to me that our choices as far as quantity go are singular or plural. And it seems to me that plurality is nothing but the systematic iteration of the unity concept. But whence this concept?
P or ~P, we still have the implied unification of P. At the moment, I can imagine no thought that isn't founded on the repeated use of the unity concept. For instance, every abstract word and every proper noun. All mathematics, despite protestations from certain quarters. And we cut the world into objects, into framed singularities that we can also further subdivide into more
framed singularities.
For some, this is a trivial matter. It won't pay the bills. But I can't help but suspect that
here at least is something that doesn't change. This is my miniature "transcendental" (or "absolute") analytic.
Of course this is an old old isssue. Parmenides and Zeno, etc.
I know something of Kant's objections, but I have certain objections to Kant's objections.