One seems like the Ur-number. The primal number, from which all other numbers are derived. Zero is one's bride? (But perhaps that's sexist. Sorry, ladies.

Multiplicative identity. And then in philosophy we have Parmenides, Spinoza, Hegel.... The ideal is generally maximum reduction. Occam's razor. The goal is unity, simplicity, the sewing of everything together.
One is also written, in its simplest form, as a vertical stroke. It's glyph is itself one-dimensional, whereas both 0 and 2, it's neighbors, must be written in 2-dimensions. That's just trivia, but it all adds up to charm me.
So I'm just trying to start a conversation about the concept of oneness as it applies to philosophy and/or math. One is the junction of an infinite plurality? The trunk of a tree with an infinite number of branches?