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This is text book fallacy VIA confusing correlation and causation. This is the reason my ex gave me for the reason i only get to hold 99ish % of my son. See if you think this can be explained more simply by circumcised men in Africa being less likely to have sex with women with AIDs or that some may be circumcised for religious reasons and not sleep around or that men in Africa that can afford to be circumcised get cleaner tail. also note that the test doesn't say that they all had sex with someone with aids. for all this says it could very well be that AIDs is communicable 100% of the time as unless the men all slept with a person with AIDs the same amount of time under the same circumstances it seams to me to prove nothing at all. I could go on for days with alternative explanations for these results.
Enjoy your tax dollars going to coax people into baby penis mutilation. I almost want to sue the CDC for what seams almost to illogical to be anything but propaganda.
p.s. sorry for the rhetoric this is a heated topic for me.
Well for as much as you are against it, don't you think people should also have the right to do what they want to do to their own child as long as it doesn't actually cause them harm?
of course people should be able to do what they want to do as long as what they want to do is not to keep people from doing what they want to do. I think you have a pretty lax definition of harm if causing physical pain to someone without their permission is not harm. there is a huge list of harm that can come from this and its sad you could even make this statement. What there is not is a scientific list of good that can be proven to come from it and i will except nothing less in a reason to cause my child physical pain. i swear i get so sick of people spouting the party line to me. If it were your child maybe you wouldn't just take the Benefactor's word on it.
I mean why is it you get to protest and wish that people would stop circumcising infant boys. What gives you the right to decide how others should make a choice for their own child?
I cant see how im protesting. I believe there is a difference me becoming a dictator and outlawing circumcision and me hoping people would need a good reason to inflict physical pain on child or anyone for that matter. besides i haven't mentioned these things until now.
You don't have to agree with it, but you do have to accept others decisions. Don't be hypocritical. If you don't want it for your child that is up to you and no one should be able to stand in your way of your choice, except for maybe the mother of your child. Other than that, no one should be able to tell you what you can or can not do.
I completely accept others decisions. Unfortunately the world will never know what her decision would have been had she been given facts and not propaganda by a government agency.
I do agree with you though, shouldn't the child have some say in it anyways? I know there are a lot of people against the practice, but I don't see anything wrong with it at all. There are a million other things that are far more important than circumcision.
If you don't live in Africa and are going to teach your kid to use a condom, the article isn't a good argument for circumcision. Although kids don't always do what they are taught, lol.
The study seems valid enough. To show causation experimentally they would have to randomly select people, circumcise them, and then have them sleep with someone with aids. Obviously you can't do that. You can't do that for smoking and cancer either though. Correlation isn't meaningless.
Well for as much as you are against it, don't you think people should also have the right to do what they want to do to their own child as long as it doesn't actually cause them harm?
What gives you the right to decide how others should make a choice for their own child?
No. Children aren't property. They're individuals that can't assert themselves. Also, I'm pretty sure a scalpel to the tip of your penis wouldn't feel too wonderful.
I read the whole thing over and didn't see anywhere where "cause" was even mentioned. The whole report responsibly states the correlations (and non-correlates) found. I found it to be quite responsibly written, even though I share your sentiments on the "mutilation" factor