Well, for logical equivalence, I steer clear of using English representations. Our professor made us prove some pretty weird stuff at times, stuff I couldn't stand to see as English.
I mean "It is not the case ..." alone is just too awkward.
Anyway, I think I see what you mean.
Though, A v B is logically equivalent to B v A. And that's why it gets off the ground because the same holds for -B > A.
A v B
--(-B & -A) | Provisional Assumption
-B & -A | Double Negation
-A | Conj out
-B | Conj out
-A & -B | Conj in
-(A v B) | DeMorgan's
(A v B) & -(A v B)
-(-B & -A) | Reductio
B v A | DeMorgan's
And vice versa.
So it's odd...
It would see that not only is "-A > B" logically equivalent, but "-B > A" is as well.
Sure, A v B says nothing about a particular state of affairs, but it's also important to keep in mind that in logic, logic-or is typically used in the inclusive. Thus, AvB is really (AvB) & (A&B).
Now is this logically equivalent to both the conditionals thus produced?
(AvB) & (A&B)
-B | Provisional
-A | Provisional
A&B | Conj out
-A&-B |Conj in
(-A & -B) & (A&B) | Conj in * contradiction
A | Reductio
-B > A | Conditional
(AvB) & (A&B)
etc etc etc
-A > B
So it really depends on the interpretation of OR.
Basically, A v B is logically equivalent to both -A > B
and -B > A.
If you think about it, conditionals aren't really definite either.
For instance, if I say "If you go outside, I will shoot this cat." I am not thereby saying "I will shoot the cat" on no grounds whatever. You must satisfy the antecedent, which has the same feeling of "open-endedness." Arguably, by my saying such a thing at all, you'd likely think I
intend to shoot the cat. Obviously the cat's done something that offends me, and you going outside seems hardly relevant. But for all that backstory, logic doesn't and shouldn't care. Still a conditional, still "open ended."
Maybe I'm way off, and it's rather that "either-or-but-not-both" (exclusive-or) that is "open ended," or at least gives the feeling as such.
Effectively, logically equivalence is defined as this: If one formula can be proved to follow from nothing other than the supposed logically equivalent formula, then that proved formula is logically equivalent to the supposed.
Or two formulae are logically equivalent if and only if you can prove one from the other alone as its premise, and vice versa.
A v B == -A > B
A v B == -B > A
-B > A
-A & -B
Clearly you see the Modus Ponens to Contradiction
-(-A & -B)
A v B | Conclusion by DeMorgan's
A v B | Premise
A | Provisional
-B | Provisional
A | Copy / Reiterate
-B > A | Conditional
A > (-B > A) | Conditional
B | Provisional
-B | Provisional
-A | Provisional
B & -B | Conj in * Contradiction
A | Reductio
-B > A | Conditional
B > (-B > A) | Conditional
-B > A | Conclusion Disjunctive Introduction
I hate doing these...which is why I always translate OR-premises to logical-and's or at least implication formulae.