@Didymos Thomas,
Um... if you ask a question to one of them, you would never be able to find out which mean's yes, or which mean's no, because of the fact you would allways have two da's and one ja, or two ja's and one da, you could allways ask a question that would have to be true, like asking if you are a god, the answer must be yes, yet you dont know which god your asking it to. so you dont know if the answer is correct, random, or false therefore there is logicaly no need for the information of da and ja---The reason
1. there are three god's
2. you do not know which god is which
3. therefore if you dont know which god is which, when you ask a question such as (are you god) the answer could be truthfull or false or random, because you dont know which god to give your question to... you only know that there are three, and what kind of answers they will give, you dont know which is which.
you would allways get this if you asked any 3 question's
2 da's and 1 ja
2 ja's and 1 da
because of the fact of the random one prevents a logical dictaction of which is which, from asking a question in a yes or no format...
Dose da mean yes? LOL u dont know which is which, therefore no matter what questions you ever ask all three, you would have to gusse of which is truthfull which is false and which is random! :eek:LOGIC DOSNT GUSSE! >.<! anyways ^.^
I havent looked at the author's answer so if he uses da and ja to solve this logical problem, then i might think that he is cheating in some way by creating a flaw within the presatation of the question, therefore making it a trick question.... and not a logical question...
Logic dosnt gusse... so using da's and ja's would be a gussing game, do the two da's mean yes? or did one ja mean yes and the two da's are the false and random, or are one da the truth and a random, therefore making ja no?... see its a gussen, no logic in using the questions...
The question's throw people off.... Alot of thing's in life will try to throw you off from what is important and what really is not... sadly so dose people's riddle's...