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It also means that since we are the Creator, everything we imagine is real. Perhaps there are an infinite number of dimensions, and the energy can work in different patterns, they may have other universal laws, that means that the worlds of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Zelda and so on are real, in other dimensions. Yes, and the magic you see in those things might exist as well, because perhaps people's consciousness are more in tune with the matter, because of other universal laws and conscious development. Since, according to quantum mechanics, everything is possible, your desk can turn into a donkey, and mind works over matter, as demonstrated by telekinetics, summoning a fireball at will or teleporting yourself to another plane of existence should theoretically be possible.
I think that no-one exists, no universe, no people, no god, nothing, for while it seems like things exist, it is proven in some cases in my life that i've been wrong - and therefore nothing exists. It's like when you close your eyes, or in a pitch black room, when you seem to see lights and shapes - that's all there is, an illusion of something, but nothing real, forever and ever. Amen.
The way that I see it is that God works through variables in the physical plane. For example you are driving down the road late at night. As you round the corner a deer is standing in your lane. It was too sudden for you to react. But "coincidently" the deer just happened to be inches from impact , and you slide past. Most people would write that off as being lucky. I personally see it as God changing the variables to answer your prayer.
Only when we are willing to embrace all beliefs and concepts are we ready to choose that which works for us without condemning the beliefs and concepts of others.
If we are to learn the truth then we must embrace the whole. Only when we are willing to embrace all beliefs and concepts are we ready to choose that which works for us without condemning the beliefs and concepts of others.
I firmly believe that the only way we can go about attempting to understand the universe any further than we already do, is to begin by looking at what we perceive as nature, and by assuming that these perceptions are real and true.
To say that we are all part of the conciousness of The Limitless (God), is correct. Anything that we create and invision is also part of the consciousness of The Limitless, and therefore, on some level, exist aswell.
We are in a world of Limitation, however. We all have individual and separate consciousness. Separation and individual existance is only possible because we are in the world of Limitation. In the world of the Limitless, everything is one, and nothing can have a separate existance. One may argue that we are also part of the limitlessness, which is correct, which brings one to the conclusion that separation and limit is just illusion. We, however, are a part of that illusion and limit and separation are real to us, unless we attain the consciousness of unity which is accomplished by connecting to The Limitless.
Saying that the Limitlessness is sadistic is illogical, however. You are applying Bodily desires and pleasures to the bodyless and unlimited. It may appear to us that the Limitless is many things, but the simple act of categorizing the Limitless placing it within Limits.
All of the actions of the Limitless is for one Goal, and one Goal alone.
The fact that the world was created incomplete and limited is necissary for Perfection. Because only the imperfect can be perfected.
The Limitlessness is Perfect and Good. And it is a property of Goodness to want to give of this Good to a receiver. Thus in order to give something, it must first be empty of it. And therefore the world is lacking of Good.
It is also the Property of the Limitless to desire to give of this Good in the best possible way. One who receives a gift that one has not worked for, feels shame in the receiving of a gift. The highest level of giving is therefore allowing the receiver to beleive that he earned the reward and there is thus no shame in the receiving.
Thus in the Limitless wisdom of the Limitless, the world was created incomplete so that we could complete it, and so that the attainment of completion is the reward itself. Thus our own effort is what directly leads to the reward.
Therefore all actions of the Limitless is for one purpose, to awaken us in striving to attain perfection so that the Limitless can bestow us with reward.
The reward is limitless because we will never get to infinity from a world of limit. We will always move closer and attain more and more. Thus every generation can attain more and more reward.
Since when do we care about not condemning false beleifs and false concepts?
Are we not here to arrive at some degree of truth? Accepting the truth involves rejecting the lies.
Like I have said, for the time being, if we inted to progress, I think we should draw a line under what is real and true as things that a majority of people can sense as a physical existence. If we spend too much time deeply embracing all beliefs, we may all just end up waiting for some ancient magician to turn up and answer our questions, which would be an enormous, if not infinite, setback for scientific research.