I will use the word "Concept" to mean our
integrated system of concepts, which is equivalent to the
sum of our thoughts about being, existence, reality, god, science,nature, self, etc.
Time is impossible without the Concept. The Concept is Time, as Time is the future and the past existing empirically in the spatial present. How can the future and the past exist in the spatial present? Only as concept. The past exist in the present as conceptually organized memory, part of which is the accumulation of concepts through perception and education (which is also perception.) The future exist in the spatial present as a
project, as a concept of what spatial reality could and
should be.
The concept of what should be is a desirous concept, a sort of numen. The numinous concept drives man to work or act against the spatial present in order to shape it according to this numinous concept or project. Because man shapes and works the spatial present according to a concept that is not spatial, man is time penetrating space.
But the numinous concept does not only shape spatial reality but also the past which existence also not spatially but as concept. So concept works upon itself and generates the history of philosophy. Time penetrates or conceives of itself as concept. And this is to say that Time penetrates time.