@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;131713 wrote:Well I read Kant in the High School but I was more focus on Hegel at the time...I was fascinated with Dialectics...it somehow reminded me Einstein Relativity...now I have to go back on Kant again...it makes so much more sense...

(and yes they fit)
---------- Post added 02-24-2010 at 12:02 AM ----------
At the time and being young I get annoyed with transcendence...(I still am)
I buy the Transcendental part, but not the Transcendence itself...
I still have this impression that the part also contains the Whole...so I focus on Hegel...
Yeah, I like Hegel more than Kant as well. It was Kojeve's book on Hegel that got me re-excited about Kant. Kant put eternity
within time. If causality is transcendental, it's eternal. But causality is only conceivable as part of time. One thing follows another for a reason ("cause"). But the notion of Cause is eternal in that it's just the way our minds work. Or so runs the theory. But according to Kojeve, Hegel equates the Concept directly with Time. The Concept only becomes pseudo-eternal because it swallows its own tail dialectically. Hegel's system stands on its circularity. It doesn't need transcendence. The understanding becomes reason by exhausting its dialectical possibilities and passing Go.
I don't buy Hegel wholesale, but the man was a genius. Man(The Concept)
is Time. According to Kojeve, this is Hegel in a nutshell. But of course it requires elaboration. I'm more of a fan than an expert, but damn this book gets me high.