The idea that drama or dramatulurgicalisation, as created by Goffman, somehow indicates a de-validity to conflict is misconstrued. Drama is an everyday part of our lives. Does that mean these struggles that I get into are 'not real', from an individual perspective? Not at all.
When I am threatened with the streets, is that not 'real'. And if I had to sleep on them and get cold again, would that not be real? When I argue with my wife over the phone, is that not 'real'. So what if I can get a bit emotional at times. That is just my way.
You need to approach this issue carefully. ideally with a non-egocentric and empathatic approach. Me I am inspired and reading now about the Chigaco based schools of pragmatism, symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology (George Herbert Mead). And yeah I do think that they are relevant to this topic ok?