Hegel's Philosophy of History would suggest yes. Even if you get rid of his mystical elements and look purely scientifically. There is in some sense a Teleos. From the big bang, to lifeless molten earth. Life out of dust. From worms to apes. And then man's advance from tribal savages to the modern age. It may be randomness and natural selection that are the primary cause. But if you look at the full grown tree, its hard not to see some purpose in the seed.
And yet... Schopenhauer
Schopenhauer reminds me of the "forbidden knowledge" of a HP Lovecraft occult novel. There is nothing more frightening in the world, than knowledge man is not suppose to have. And no knowledge more terrible than the sheer insignificance of life. The meaninglessness of existence.
But existence is worse than a neutral 0, it is a positive evil. I look back to Ancient Greece. The most beautiful period in man's history. Art, drama, tragedy, history, architecture, athletics, direct democracy, citizen. The sheer beauty of it overwhelms. IF there is any good in the world, it is Plato writing such sublime ideas, when living in such primitive times.
And yet is it worth it? Noble Achilles the hero of the Greeks. It is just taken for granted that these great heroes can slaughter thousands. Kill a girl's parents and husband, smash the skull of her newborn infant. And then take her as a sex slave. And these are great queens and princesses. The lives of slaves. Over 90% of the population, are out of Dante's hell.
So take Greece, and apply it to all of history. And most of history is far less beautiful, with just as much and many times more pain. Can the world we live in? The most advance and "humane" apex of human history justify centuries of hell?
I do not see how.