By all means, correct me if im wrong, but perhaps we can look at truth, not only from our standpoint as christans, scholars, muslims, agnostics, businessman or women, tribal warrior or whatever-whoever, but cross culturally for a second, as the human being. I think, for the nature of truth, and in the name of truth, we have to look at this topic as a discovery, rather than argument, because if truth is not in fact there, well, then is it the truth that there is no truth???
For us as human beings, there is such thing as truth. Wether we choose to philisopically look at the subjective aspect of "truth" and thus diminsh it's signigance, or to take the objective approach and recognize truth as a constructive process built upon our actions and foundations of everyday living--we often find ourselves in, and specifaclly our culture, telling our courts "the truth, the whole truth so help blah blah." We aknowedge it and never really think about it.
Yet, again, one may question, "what is truth?" Well Truth, I feel, is an objective reality based on concrete information, idealized to the best of our ability and knowledge. Take math for instance; we use numbers to symbolize specific variables. When used in real life, we find contradiction. Such as the fact that if i have two apples, well we difinitively know that i have two apples. But if we choose to subjectify the information, we break down the two fruits by maybe mass or circumfrance, thus proving the two are not, by truth, equal. However, numbers, like truth, are based soley on ideal, to the best of our definition. We have two apples that are not two apples.
This equation can be said the same for actions and motivations. We know a specific action occurs based on newtons equation (every opposite reaction). And not tot continue towards the sciences again, we have to look at action and motivation. Again, lets say i slapped some guy in his face with myfist. The truth is, i hit him...Now, either i could subjectify the truth, and say i went to slap a bug off his face, or tell the truth that i hit him maliciously. Truth, must be searched for... because lets say that for the respect of truth, i use the honest option, and say i slapped him. The next search of truth is "why did i slap him?" after that its "why did it have to be a slap?" and so on and so forth... now if i chose to lie, nothing would be preventing me from slapping another individual, regardless of wehter i wanted to or not. however if im truthfully conscience of why i slapped the gentleman and why it was a slap, i have control over myself wether id like to slap the next guy or not.
Does this make sence to anyone? Because i can elaborate more on different areas if im just rambleing on and on whithout any typoe of coherence...