I have a habit of "taking notes" on forums in which I belong.
Anyone is welcome to chime in - I am just jotting down some things...
The Ring Pass Not
By Robert Wilkinson
Saturn symbolizes the Universal binding force, the limits of our fear, our responsibility, and our Dharmaseva, "the Great Work." In the Wisdom Tradition, Saturn also rules what is known as the "Ring-Pass-Not." It is where we meet the fear that separates us from our own divinity, dominion, and perfection. As we grow, our Ring-Pass-Not also grows.
The "Ring-Pass-Not" defines what is and is not "permitted," from both a skills level as well as a comprehension level. There are different "Rings-Pass-Not," both personally and collectively, as you can surmise from reading and contemplating the teachings of any Sage or Spiritual Teacher. Awareness is absolute, yet relative. There are limits to what we are able to understand and utilize skillfully at any given moment in our personal and impersonal evolution.
Glamor often plays a big part in how we limit our possibilities unnecessarily, since glamor is fundamentally unreal and we're told it is a world problem. However, it is a useful tool so that we may, through the inevitable contrasts in the ever-necessary polarizations of the Soul, come out of our delusions around the nature of self, Self, our relationship to Truth and Community (however that is defined in its ever-changing nature, as well as its changeless nature) and the various doubts and superstitions which we have created as a result of ego suppositions based on the perceptions of the 5 senses and the mind.
The Ring-Pass-Not is comprised of what you are and what you are not, the limit set by your own response to the edge of your fear, as well as the Threshold of Revelation. Your own set limits on what you are willing to accept and BE are other aspects of your Ring-Pass-Not. We are limited by our ability to act or not act skillfully in situations, this also extending to the emotional and thought levels as well. Become more skillful in surmounting limitations, or find a new way to do something needed, and we will become the teacher we seek, since there is no true separation between the Teacher, the Teaching, and we who are Taught.
In reality there is no limit to the growth of the Soul, but there are limitations of form, different ones required at different seasons of the life. This teaches us a well-rounded Wisdom, and offers textures to our understanding. It is useful to examine how we all (and therefore humanity within us as a seed form) have been limited by various aspects of our understanding that set up certain lessons, both individual and interactive, unique as well as recurring. The patterns of our lives show us clues toward a larger perspective about things, resources, the players and their roles, and our own relationship to expectations. It is leading each of us, you and me and humanity, beyond old limitations and roles.
We define the field of our "dis-illusionment" by the nature of our predisposing patterns of attachments to perceptions and interpretations about life. Everything that is subject to our perceptions and minds becomes a temporary form we can learn from, both by its appearance and its eventual disappearance. How much fear, enslavement, and disempowerment we experience around the comings and goings of phenomena in our lives shows us our Ring-Pass-Not.
Welcome to the school all of us are subjected to, by nature of our life in a three dimensional form in an impermanent world. Begin to frame everything that presents itself to you with an eye to opening your heart to an ever-greater group recognition, effective service, and self-forgetfulness, coupled to an ever-greater expression of Goodwill. That way your expressions of Love will become more consistent, you'll know your connectedness with other beings, and you'll drop your fears very quickly.
By generating goodwill and positivity, you're using spiritual magnetic material in a loving and wise way, and all limitations of form can be seen in the light of a greater spiritual understanding, with all things redeemed in good fashion. Then the Ring-Pass-Not becomes the defining limit of your own spirituality in your world, according to the level of your effectiveness and the specific function you are occupying within the larger One Life in which we live and breathe and have our being.
None of this is soft stuff, but isn't really all that hard either. Synthesize! The fantastic goal of perfecting our consciousness through practices of self-realization is within reach for us all, if we simply come to the right point of view and show up, ready to play!
Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: The Ring Pass Not