Elements and Nature

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Reply Sat 3 Jun, 2006 10:15 pm
Elements Are But Different Conditions of Light Pressures

The trouble with humans is in forming wrong conclusions in relation to Nature's expressions. We think, for example, that elements are different substances and that each substance is permanently existent as such. That is not true. Elements are but different conditions of light pressures. They are the raw materials for the fashioning of Creation's images in the patterns controlled by light waves. They appear when the pressure necessary for their conditions appear and disappear when those pressure conditions cease. Every element in each octave occupies its own pressure position in its wave. Each element seems to be a different substance as the electric pressure conditions of each position in each wave of matter changes. However, it is not the substance that changes, it is the condition of the substance.

Voidance and re-creation is one of the simplest and most obvious principles of Nature. I cannot imagine how it has escaped discovery during the centuries. Oxygen, for example, is voided when you breathe it in. You produce a condition that calls for the pattern of carbon dioxide, and oxygen, as raw material, is as voided as though it never was. Iron, likewise, voids oxygen and oxygen voids iron by rusting. And so it goes all down through the octave waves.

The True Nature of Space

The greatest error of science is in relation to space. Science thinks of space either as a void or as an ether through which solids of matter travel. Sir Oliver Lodge tried to find a drag in this ether caused by the earth's passage through it, but could not; therefore, he came to the conclusion that there was nothing there.

The fact is that space travels with its solids, for each solid is surrounded by a minus zero equal-and-opposite vacuity of the plus zero which we call matter. Matter floats in these insulating spatial counterparts. Positive electricity is accountable forthe solids and negative electricity is accountable for the space.

The potential of solids is unequal, volume for volume, to the space that surrounds it, but space and its solids as wholes are equal to each other in potential. This makes the condition possible for performing what science calls work, which necessitates a high and low potential for inter-oscillation.
The centripetal power of gravity in great whirling nebula as expressed by positive electricity is winding energy uphill into those hot balls of fire, which hang in cold space by those two black arms in each spiral nucleus. Gravitation, uphill flow of energy, and positive electricity are the same thing.

Likewise, the two fiery white arms of such nebula are unwinding the cosmic clock by the centrifugal power of negative electricity, which science calls radiant energy. The black arms represent as great a force as the white suns, for matter is formed from them.

Our scientist friend says that the second law of thermodynamics is as firmly established as the law of gravitation. That could not be possible, for gravitation is an uphill flow of energy, and believers in the second law of thermodynamics refuse to concede the possibility of a simultaneous equal and opposite balance between the uphill and downhill flow of energy. In fact, that law is based upon the belief that energy flows only downhill.
All matter comes out of space by the action of positive electricity and is returned to space by the action of negative electricity. White-hot suns come from the blackness of cold space and cold space radiates from hot suns. The matter of space consists of holes surrounded by corpuscular solids, while the matter of solids consists of small dense cores surrounded by vast tenuous holes of space.

The very purpose of the hot suns is to act as crucibles for melting the raw materials which the Creator needs for expressing the idea of the universe. Contrarily, the very purpose of space is to cool the melted matter set out in order that it may become conditioned for the complex expressions of Creation. The two-way interchange between spatial holes and material solids is continuous.

Space has a structure that gives crystal forms to its solid counterparts. Each pair of solids in the universe is not only separated by its spatial envelope, but is insulated by space from contact with other solids. For this reason, it is impossible for two particles of matter actually to come in contact with each other.

Also, the path of every two solids in the universe is controlled by two foci, which keep the entire universe in balance. One of these foci represents density and the other one represents vacuity.

Absolute Balance in Nature

The most conspicuously obvious thing about all cause and effect in this universe is Balance. The second law of thermodynamic reeks with unbalance. It has no place whatsoever in Nature.

Every effect in Nature is based upon the wave and the wave is absolute in its balance. There is nothing in Nature outside of the wave; therefore, there can be no unbalanced thing in Nature.

The entire universe of motion is expressed by positive and negative electric opposites, which thrust away from each other in just the reverse manner from that which the Coulomb Law sets forth. Positive electricity charges through gravitation. The falling rain charges and heats the earth. Negative electricity discharges through radiation. The rising vapors discharge and cool the earth. Both expressions are equal and opposite. Expansion cannot exceed contraction. Each is actually the cause of the other. They spring from each other and their continuity constitutes a cycle, which could be recorded thus: heat radiates, radiation expands, expansion cools, cold generates, generation contracts, and contraction heats.

A New Cosmogony

Time will not permit further development of this idea, so I will conclude by saying that the hydrogen age could be here within a year or two if it were not for the tremendous resistance set up by modern science to the most obvious simple truths of Nature. I know these secrets of space, which will give hydrogen to science, but my cosmogony is so radically different from that of modern science that every attempt to give voice to it meets with the usual fate of those whose ideas do not fit conventional patterns.
In order that it may not be lost to the world, I have put all this knowledge of space and the electric octave wave from which all things come into a book called The Cosmic Plan.1 Any scientist who comprehends the principles laid down in that book can produce hydrogen the way the sun produces it, or the way space enfolds our planet with it.

There are principles laid down in that book which will make a new world, but it cannot be printed until I can print it at my own expense because publishers submit my manuscripts to orthodox physicists for their approval of it. They might as well submit a book by Galileo to the Pope. The Cosmic Plan is a new cosmogony, which differs as much from this present one as the Copernican cosmogony differs from its Ptolemaic predecessor. Naturally, the orthodox believer in the theory of the dying, one-way, unbalanced universe will not approve of a theory of a two-way, balanced, living universe.

Scientists regard me as sort of an interloper in their difficult field, and I do not blame them a bit. As a sculptor I would feel the same about a physicist who thought he could revolutionize sculpture. They call me a mystic or an intuitive with a keen imagination, a person who does not use the recognized legitimate research laboratory methods of gaining knowledge.

The Universe Is But One Thing: LIGHT

I might say in reply that my laboratory is God's whole big universe of all Nature, which I have observed as a thinker and found to be very simple. I see it as a whole, not as many separate parts. To me, the universe is but one thing-light, which is expressed in octave waves of light patterned into different conditions of light, which we call the elements of matter. I do not regard the elements of matter as different substances. To me they are but different conditions of the one thing, which the two opposed electric forces have divided into pairs of many seeming opposite expressions of the one thing from which they sprang.

I see no reason why man should not produce hydrogen the same way that Nature produces it. He has all the tools with which to do it when he but acquires the knowledge of Nature's methods.

Seeming Complexities Confuse - Truth is Simple

Scientific observers of grains of sand in laboratories are handicapped by the kaleidoscopic multiplicity of things in their separate universes. They see their many things complexly instead of simply. Hence we find a preponderance of scientists who are merely photographers, mathematicians, statisticians, measurers, and quantity surveyors. There are too few thinkers in science and those who do think see things too complexly. Let me give you an example. Einstein once said, in effect: "It may sometime be shown that matter emerges from space, to again be swallowed up in it."
To other physicists, this seemed a very liberal and radical statement. But to me, it sounded as though a man, looking at the sun, were to say: "It may sometime be shown that the light which vitalizes things on this earth has its origin in the sun."

I wish to leave with you this one idea-that we are still primates, hardly out of the jungle, and hardly yet able to think. Anyone who tells you that we are near the end of the great progress of the last century is not taking into account our extreme youth as human thinkers. We still have so far to go that the progress of the last century will seem as nothing as compared with what will immediately follow a more intimate knowledge of space.

1. The Cosmic Plan, originally printed in 1953 as the Russell Cosmogony, has been republished by the University of Science and Philosophy under the title, A New Concept of the Universe: A Brief Treatise on the Russell Cosmogony.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 09:29 am
Finally someone who speaks the language I am proud to call my own! Lets talk "Uniting and Dividing Equators" , and "Wobbling Gyroscopes". These areas are of great interest to me at present because of an experiment I desire to carry out. I am of the opinion that the mechanics principles taught by Walter Russell hold the answer to the creation of all types of motionless energy generators, as well as planetary and interstellar space propulsion technologies, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Many now comprehend that all Mind centered creations are gyroscopic in there cyclic comings and goings to and from the plane of zero curvature to wave amplitude, it matters not if they be from the sphere of heavenly bodies or that of atoms. There is still a flaw in our logic however, for we at present view the motionless as inert when in reality it is vibrating violently, and at determinable frequencies.

Example: A permanent magnet is material brought under extreme pressure due to the application current, and the ability of the material to remember its polarization. It has been investigated and verified that ferro-magnetism is an oscillation of very high frequency. If scientists would look at this closer they would observe that this frequency is a result of the polarization process. The material was placed in a magnetic field and struck. Striking caused the material to vibrate, resonate, and conduct magnetic fields. But vibrate with what? Hmmm... Mabe the magnetic field....Mabe.....The established laws for conduction are wrong, but thats not the point. Conduction is conduction..........a gyroscope can be built the size of a coffee mug and and power 10 percent of your household appliances for free forever. Instead of using the magnetic fields to induce currents of electricity forcefully constuct a device which resonates harmonicly with the field of the magnets should be considered for the purpose of electricity production.........The proper conduction of magnetic fields requires a knowledge of the geometry of nature, Russell gave us this geometry in his Cosmogony. So can you say MAGNETIC CURRENT.....or as Russell would probably say GRAVITY CURRENT.

Geometry = Resonance
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:05 am
The most conspicuously obvious thing about all cause and effect in this universe is Balance.
Do we subscribe to absolute determinism, or do we believe in mind over matter?

The most conspicuously obvious thing to me about cause and effect is the moral dimension of free will. If we own a choice, then the implication of that is the possibility of a disturbance of balance.

The second law of thermodynamic reeks with unbalance. It has no place whatsoever in Nature.
Is it therefore to be denied as an ordinary observation?

A common comprehension of entropy is that it tends to restore an imbalance, order from chaos, etc.



--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:12 am
RemberingIAM wrote:

......It has been investigated and verified that ferro-magnetism is an oscillation of very high frequency.
......a gyroscope can be built the size of a coffee mug and and power 10 percent of your household appliances for free forever. Instead of using the magnetic fields to induce currents of electricity forcefully constuct a device which resonates harmonicly with the field of the magnets should be considered for the purpose of electricity production........

It would be helpful to provide a link, or whatever reference to substantiate this.

For as long as their local hardware store is not supplying coffee mug sized free electricity generators, I have a hunch that they are not going to take that too seriously.

--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:24 am
My friend.. What do we gain by caring about what anyone takes or doesn't take seriously. Its not about them. The greatest of the worlds inventors were misunderstood to the extreme. At the end of the day its all about you, and what you want and Know, and what you do with it (gained knowledge) for yourself and others when you find it... Individuals who ask for proof are the ones who refuse to carry out research on their own. The last statement is not directed at any one here.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:39 am
RemberingIAM wrote:
. Individuals who ask for proof are the ones who refuse to carry out research on their own. The last statement is not directed at any one here.

I had not yet noticed that anybody here had refused to carry out research on their own.

I had merely assumed, perhaps mistakenly, that we were here to assist each other.

--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 10:43 am
To help is to share, I have shared small bits of my investigations in this area, I patiently await what you desire to share.....
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:11 am
My desire was to share the curiosity, how else would it be understood?

--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:19 am
Are you a writer?

It cannot be understood through curiosity alone. The desire to know must also be there or I would be wasting our time....
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:26 am
I write here but mostly keep myself to myself.

When I put a question, I desire to know the answer, strangely enough.

--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:32 am
What do you desire me to reveal?
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:45 am
RemberingIAM wrote:
What do you desire me to reveal?

Whatever you'd rather not reveal, of course.
Tease me forever.
Not too much is good.

-- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 11:50 am
You mean the keys to free energy, levitation, teleportation, dematerialization, telepathy, clairvoyance ect.....Who and how they built the pyrimids, and my personal favorite, who shot Kennedy?
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 12:12 pm
This forum is for philosophy.
Do you post anywhere else?
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 01:58 pm
All is a philosophy of sorts.
No, this is and will be the only place where I will post.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 02:48 pm
I tend toward the view that it is bad mannered to levitate, teleport, or dematerialize, except perhaps in the context of show business. It is anti social, tending to disrupt ordinary events and frighten people. If invited to visit the home of a friend or relative it is better to sit still and be normal, not to float about or vanish.

For those that way inclined there are further realms of existence to aspire to, all in good time, on eventual re-birth, with no need to hurry.

--- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 03:31 pm
You know, knowing how to make things levitate would change the way we do everything today. Dematerialization rids the world of all of its wastes, materialization feeds the hungry. Teleportation ..... do I even have to suggest its benefits, and who needs television, radio, GPS navigation, and cell phones when your psychic.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 03:59 pm
The World is the way it is because of the karma of those who make it so, which is a matter for them to be mindful of, not for me to mend on their behalf.

Suffering is caused not by the presence or absence of this of that in a material sense, one way or another, but by their attachment, their desires, aversions, and delusions.

It is the truth of the personal narrative that matters, not the scenery on the stage, which is all relative. As soon as one of the said sort of benefit arrives, they get used to it, straight away, and tired of that they want yet another one, ad infinitum.

-- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 04:06 pm
All the more reason to keep what I know to myself.....
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 04:37 pm
RemberingIAM wrote:
All the more reason to keep what I know to myself.....

You'd better not flash your knickers then, mind slut.

--- RH.

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  3. » Elements and Nature
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