jgweed;162916 wrote:In some circles, and perhaps without thinking about its ramifications, "pinp" is almost a term of praise. But this seems to reinforce the idea that women are cattle to be put out to graze sexually, are objects that one can treat in the worst way including physical abuse, and are no better than whores.
There seems to be a concerted trend to denigrate the status of women in some circles, and this is absolutely deplorable.
Prostitutes will sell sex independent of pimps. A pimp simply organizes the prostitutes and provides them with a business model, effectively becoming their manager, or employer.
It is a stereotype that prostitutes are women and pimps are men. In actuality, a woman can be a pimp and a man can be a prostitute, it all depends on the people and the types of personalities in play.
It is also a stereotype that pimps are sleazy. A pimp can be honest, give the prostitutes a fair share of the money they earn, not abuse the prostitutes physically or verbally, etc...
Most of the problems with prostitution/pimping are rooted in prostitution being illegal. We would have no problem with pimps if the pimp was licensed by the government and called an "escort manager" instead of a "pimp".
The reason we see the correlation between abusive behavior and pimping is precisely because prostitution is illegal, so the only people pimping are criminals by nature. This paradigm would not exist if prostitution were legalized.