deepthot;69827 wrote:Also the love principle; the fellowship and community principle, integrity, beauty, diversity within unity, authenticity, reality, friendship, empathy, et.c, etc. God is goodness. All the high values rolled into one.... along with energy and information: structured energy. Many therems about God follow from this definition. An entire theology can be spun out of it. It is a fertile concept.
I know you care about Love. God is Love. But more than that: God is the love of loves. And the creator of all creativity. God thus is the most valuable entity of which we can conceive. For if anything were more valuable, we would make that into our God.
This though is the Ethics Forum, so let's not get too distracted .......
That is what God is to you... And if you are willing to accept a subjective definition for an infinite like God, what is the point of talking over the infinites of ethics with you??? In my book that is the larger part of the problem, that people wish to define God, and people want to define virtue, or want to define justice, or want to define ethics when these qualities as infinites resist definition...It is those who define who judge, who teach, who enforce, who regulate, and their actions are finite, and can easily be defined, and judged in light of the damage they do; but after all, their notions as infinites are no more fully defined...
If you would concede that we are looking for something like an objective definition for a quality that we all live our entire lives trying to define, then I might agree... If you will only say: To me, God is; or to me, Justice is, or to me, ethics is; we would be closer to the truth which is that only the most general definition will do for qualities indeterminate...The next time you need God, you will define God in light of the context... The next time you need ethics you will define God in light of the context...The next time you need Justice, you will define justice in light of the context... All these infinites are finally defined by context, but the next situation has entirely different contexts, so the infinite must be redefined...
---------- Post added at 07:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 AM ----------
Alan McDougall;69841 wrote:No need to use sarcasm be nice it is not hard pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee try
This is how god sees us I think

You are the kind of guy who can get hurt watching an accident...This is a rough business... Ask Socrates, or Jesus, or Gallileo, or NIetzsche.... You read a few people and have no idea how many lie maimed on the battle field of thought...What does it take to be disciplined in ones thoughts, to never give up on a working version of reality, to hold ones nose and pick the corn of truth out the crap of lazy thought??? I don't think I am doing this alone... We will get to it together, or not reach it at all... I have been rummy before; but when I was working, one of my buddies was an ex marine if there is such a thing; and what he did in Vietnam would have made him a seal by today's standards, and he saw a lot of battles, and he came back with severe mental issues, which led to drinking and drug problems...Now; when people would come in all bleary he would be the first to ride them or smack a big piece of iron in their ears with an eight pound sledge...He'd tell them: If I can come in sober, so can you...You ain't any better than me... Now; we have to be hard... Lazy thought gets people killed in real life just as in ironwork...The difference is that some odd joe buys because of a careless lack of follow through in ironwork, and in reality, bad thought kills thousands, even millions...And that should be the judge of all thought...How many people does it kill or maim... Our whole society is built of rotten thought that does not stand up before a question, but it is like a jigsaw puzzle, or a house of cards...It all interlocks, but cannot bear much prodding or probing... Do You have the courage to shake it at its foundations??? Does it matter if it falls on you so long as it falls down??? I don't really want to hurt anybody...Pain is what I want to avoid...But death too, I want to avoid; and that is at the end of rotten thought. So I will attack it...