@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen wrote:I don't think so - artificial insemination depends on it.
In all due respect, to me the question should be how moral is artificial insemination? Personally speaking any man who would allow the essense that is he, to be used to impregnate a woman of which he will never have contact with is absolutely, universally wrong. For in my deepest convictions, if a woman cant or shouldn't have children, there are good reasons for that. Going to an establishment to "pick a child" is absolutely absurd and any man that contributes to that, in my opinion, is an imbecile.
Nuff said,
---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------
Greg wrote:Having been a practicing Catholic until a couple of months ago I was wondering what other philosopher's think.
Please, regard the levity in the following statement and the humor of it along with the truth of it. Considering the male sex drive, if we didn't have that little safety release mechanism, nothing with an orifice would be safe, Ha. In my opinion it's just that, a release mechanism and not a recreational activity or it shouldn't be anyway. It depends on how much we are exposed to that "temptation" which shifts our libido into high gear. Now, the exposure, to a degree, we can controll. Of course you would have to be a monk living in a monastery to eliminate it all. It depends, I think, on one's priorities in life and how active they are in that life would be a determining factor on the control needed taking into consideration the almighty orgasm is that goal that keeps us procreating to bring new life into this world.
I think it also depends on how much Joy there is in one's life that would serve as a deterrent to that temptation unless that orgasm is the "only" pleasure you have in your life. Now IMO, when you seriously stop and think about what I just said, it may be the solution to our dealing with "over population". There are many "deprived" people on this planet whose only joy is that orgasm as their existence is engulfed in misery. It's like when we lose one sense, like our sight, we become more dependent on the others. When an individuals life has no meaning, in that depravation, self indulgence can get totally out of control and that preponderant self interest is what creates excessive behavior and in this matter it would include you guys who are walking around with your arms in a sling. Ha. It's not a fault, it is a consequence of this reality and being, for whatever reason, deprived of the joy that life should offer that is not "orgasmic". Like I said, it is a safety mechanism, without it, we could easily become decadent which is the ultimate end of depravity. as it relates to those ends we will go to, to satisfy the obsessive need for pleasure. IMO. Joy is about happiness, which has nothing to do with pleasure.
Pleasure is centered around self gratification which can easily get out of control especially when one associates joy with pleasure. Not good. Too much of anything is not good for us with the exception of joy, and that is what life should be about. That's why in all my posts, I stress a need for a balance in all that life has to offer. Pleasure is really a very small part of that life if all else is in balance. I think self-gratification is getting out of control as more and more people become deprived of the joys of life, the more decadent they become dependent on self gratification for they get gratification from no other source but themselves. IMO, that is truly sad.
My two cents worth.