@New Mysterianism,
I am new to this forum (but am long-active on many others) and 25 pages of thread is little much to swallow at once, however . .
The way I see it, every living creature on earth must consume the life and energy found within another living creature to survive. It is called the circle of life. Animals eat animals, and animals eat plants (which are scientifically proven to be alive and also feel pain and [some studies suggest] fear. And humans eat both. Our body chemistry and structure supports the theory that we are, indeed meant to be omnivores. I know some of you have already argued that their are plenty of suppliments to replace the nutirients we require that are found in meat . . . but that is only thanks to modern science. It is not how we are made, and not how we have lived for centuries.
I think that it's ridiculous to think that we should change who and what we are because we have the option to "not do that" these days. I suppose we should next all food in pill form because the technology is there and we no longer need to take the life of the plant either. . . .
I see absolutely, positively no logical reason to say that eating meat is wrong. To me, the life of the head of lettuce and carrots in your vegetarian meal once had a life of their own as well . . it is only because it is "unintelligent" life that you see it as so " meaningless". You must destroy in order to create and you must consume the life of a once-living 'object' in order to sustain you own life.
Having said so, I am definitely against the killing of an animal
for no good reason, like for that of sport, or taxidermy, or black market trade. I am not against fur and leather trade, but I think that it is way too excessive. They don't do it out of necessity anymore . . it just looks good on the red carpet or a hot date. And I disagree with how the meat industry treats the animals, up until their death, and how there is an "overslaughtering being done. Have you seen how much meat is thrown out on a daily basis in restuaraunts and grocery stores and even in people's houses because they have way more than they can sell or eat. It goes te same for fruits and vegetables.
Wastefuleness, over- indulgence and sport-killing should anger you . . . . . . not survival and nutrition.
The only reason I personally take vitamins is because I am too poor to have a healthy/balanced diet (lots of ramen and turkey sandwiches) and I'd rather not see my health and vitality slip because of my poverty. If I had a choice though . I would strive to get every vitamins and mineral and enzymes, nutrients etc. by eating the wholesome foods containing those essential items . . . and that includes the consumption of meat.:poke-eye: