Unconqured;102119 wrote:Am i wrong to say that this defines who we are as a individual, creating are beliefs and the moral code to which we deiced to live to and continuously fail at?, and that some of us are wrong and others right? For if we believed that every body sought to be truly "good" then the world would not be perfect ( i said sought ) but would be striving as a group not as divided nations for the "greater good". This debunks in my opinion that "culture" or "society" defines what good and bad is. Law, revolutions are caused because of a law before it there fore at the begging of time there was a "law" now it comes down to weather you believe that, that law was divinely inspired "perfect", or human inspired "flawed"?
Can we by are self live good life's? Good being ether of the inspired interpretations of the creators of good. I would like to here why one would believe one and why the other is to be wrong.
Or are we at the inner most part of are self do it for its self? Hard question to ask your self.....how much pride do you have?
Culture defines the individual, and society does not define good, but is the definition of good... All good is the result of society just as children are a result of their parents... Community is morality, and morality defines the form of relationship we have with society, if we are not outlaws...People should not try to be good, but should be moral, and moral is a form of good in relation to ones society... A Palastinian may be moral, and an Israeli may be moral, but neither would ever be good in the eyes of the other... So I would not tell people to tear down an old form to have a part in a new and larger form of relationship; but I would tell them to build upon what they have...It is always a mistake to cash in one relationship for another...
---------- Post added 11-06-2009 at 11:55 AM ----------
kennethamy;102172 wrote:Well, suppose it is lying because you find it convenient to lie. The question is, would you want everyone to lie just because it is convenient? If the answer is no, then you ought not to lie, since if it is wrong for others to do it, it is also wrong for you to do it.
Here you see the futility of moral reasoning... We should not because they should not...That is goodness till it is out of sight... Why do you think the ten commandments and Jesus were so aware of the psychological setting for sin??? Sin happens in the dark of the mind before happening in the light of day...Rather than making a moral argument that no one will heed longer than it will take to read, create the environment where good is the next most natural behavior... Do not make people, but do try to make them feel the value of good... Good, like Justice is not true for one and not the other... If, in our dispute it is Justice for me, then it is Justice for you, and that is morality, -that point where individual and society agree upon what is good....