What is an ideal family?

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Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 06:42 pm
Justin, Khethil and Zetherin,
Thank you for your kind remarks, though Khethil it saddens me that you had to use to such deplorable atrocities that would elevate any behavior, regardless of what it is. Gee!

"drowned, buried, burned, starved, abandoned, sold, prostituted, fed through wood chippers and the like, I have a hard time buying off that being cared for by two same-sex partners is something intrinsically 'bad'".

You all know me pretty well and my outburst was very uncharacteristic and I apologize. I have already apologized to Zetherin, though since he bore the brunt of my "hostility", he is due another one.

Now, as I have stated many times before, I do not hate anyone, including homosexuals, I don't like anyone forcing their lifestyle on my in such a way that would label me some derogatory smear in lieu of discussing this subject rationally and openly. Anyone who questions homosexuality is immediately deemed un-credible as to anything they have to say, regardless of temperament, accuracy, common sense, logic or normalcy in which they are exhibiting. I am of the opinion, me and those like me are not homophobes in that it is not so much that they are afraid, they cannot understand the lifestyle. I understand it and I even get into trouble.

If you have noted when I respond to a person's post, I don't just parse those portions of it that can be arbitrarily dismissed in one or two sentence sound bites, like bones does. That's hit and run tactic meant to do nothing but discredit and nothing gets accomplished that might allow an understanding to take place. The revalence of the post are not even addressed, just those he has a quick blurb to. A common practice by those who cannot adequated defend a position they might or might not have.

In this discussion, I was speaking for those children, who are indeed luckier than those Khethil brought to the floor. Hell any child would be. But in today's world the child virtually has no voice. Unfortunately, me and what make's me, me, I don't conform to the axiom, out of sight, out of mind, meaning if events like the folsum street fair don't enter my personal domain, I am don't care what they do. If that were the case, of course we would not be discussing this now. Personally, I don't care what "anyone" does in their private domain, that's okay with me. But when I saw an innocent child in the crowd at that disgusting event, I flipped. Now those who, for reasons of your own don't feel a child in that crowd at that event is disgusting, then we are in a whole lot of trouble and our children in so much more. Here is the link I left with Zetherin from the pages of NARTH. A group dedicated to help those homosexuals who wish to escape that life style. If you wish to peruse that sight, please be my guest and read what ex-gays have to say about that life style and the affect of a gay home has on a child. At the time of my anger, I had no such sight, but since have found it and it wasn't easy.
Again, sorry for my outburst,

Oh, and by the way Zetherin, please if you would and I promise not to get angry, but in what way did you deem that sight featuring photos of the folsum steet fair political. Have you seen those photos? If not, I will be more than abliged to send you that link.
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 07:06 pm
there is also the practice of surrogate motherhood. what are your thoughts on that?

i think it is not only an issue of women rejecting men as partners, but men also rejecting women. so these men could have their seed implanted in a surrogate mother who would return the child to them after birth. surely they do that?? i dont know and it hasnt yet been mentioned here but if i can think of it somebody must be doing it...

i see there needs to be a lot better understanding between men and women than has been achieved in all these millenia. i suspect that is part of the reason couples are looking to make other matches, because they are unable to understand the opposite sex. however gay people dont hate the opposite sex because they have friends among the opposite sex.

a gay man can understand a woman as a person and a friend better than another woman can. at least that has been my own life experience. and yet a gay man obviously...oops, i might have answered my own question accidentally. maybe that is why they dont want a woman for a partner!
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 07:17 am
William wrote:
Justin, Khethil and Zetherin,
Thank you for your kind remarks, though Khethil it saddens me that you had to use to such deplorable atrocities that would elevate any behavior, regardless of what it is. Gee!

Now Now, let's not blame. Smile If you are saddened by something Khethil does then that's definitely not Khethil's problem. We see things and instances in life differently. We tend to blame others for our own inadequacies and in life we seem to attract the very thing we so adamantly stand against. There's a time for a switch in understanding that these problems we see in others and our perception of what other's are doing, that directly effect us, end up controlling our entire lives. Are we not our own worst enemy? Just something to think about and ponder...

William wrote:
You all know me pretty well and my outburst was very uncharacteristic and I apologize. I have already apologized to Zetherin, though since he bore the brunt of my "hostility", he is due another one.

LOL, we all have our outbursts on the forum. Thank you kindly for the apology, I think we've all been there and most of us understand. It's often frustrating to say the least.

William wrote:
Anyone who questions homosexuality is immediately deemed un-credible as to anything they have to say, regardless of temperament, accuracy, common sense, logic or normalcy in which they are exhibiting. I am of the opinion, me and those like me are not homophobes in that it is not so much that they are afraid, they cannot understand the lifestyle. I understand it and I even get into trouble.

What do you mean by, Questions Homosexuality? Philosophically this could mean many different things but in context, I perceive this as Agrees with Homosexuality or, is a Proponent of Homosexuality. I'm not sure what exactly you mean but either way, why are you so all-of-the-sudden swinging an iron fist? No need for it. This is a battle William cannot win and neither can Justin or anyone else. Why make things more than they are. Homosexuality is simply an effect, just like most everything else we trouble our minds with daily. Everything changes around us based on how we view, see or perceive them, leaving us in control not them. However, our entire world is filled with people focusing on the small and meaningless nonsensical effects that end up consuming and devouring our lives.

Your perception of Homosexuality since you said somewhere your age was 55 is probably something that was a taboo in your in your youth. Anyway our fathers and the days when they were growing up and the area they grew up in and the small towns of the past and much lower population... and the list goes on,... but gays were probably shunned upon in many of those small communities. A gay marriage wasn't imaginable. Your father probably raised you to be the Man of the family and the bread winner and that a 'woman's place is within the home'. Then came the wars and baby boom and all these other things that changed including the Internet. There have been gay couples for many years but the internet for about the last 8, (technically speaking). In another 100 years we won't have asphalt roads and same sex marriage will be common law and eventually we'll be able to tele-port to where we want to go. Change is happening fast... too fast. Smile

The problem, (if that's what one chooses to call it) is not anything other than an altered perception based on incoming information restricted to the 5 senses. Had William been raised in San Francisco with a different family and different parenting, William may have been a Homosexual himself. My point is, much of it depends on how we were raised. I know plenty of 55 year old men, (I'm not far behind) that tend to get stuck in an old way of thinking. Some of them still live in the great depression. Change and evolution is not waiting for any of us. This is not to justify Homosexuality but who am I to judge whether it's right, wrong or indifferent? Who would I be to say that 'Anyone who questions homosexuality is discredited'?

My point is, we should be careful on how we judge another human being because any judgment we pass upon them, is passed upon ourselves. We cannot possibly hurt or dismiss another soul without hurting or dismissing ourselves.

William wrote:
But in today's world the child virtually has no voice.

They have more of a voice today then they have ever had. Take a look at youtube or some of these forums, all of us have a voice that cannot compare with being raised and trapped within a small community for our entire lives and being spoon fed traditions of the past. The reach of a voice is so much further today than ever before.

William wrote:
Unfortunately, me and what make's me, me, I don't conform to the axiom, out of sight, out of mind, meaning if events like the folsum street fair don't enter my personal domain, I am don't care what they do. If that were the case, of course we would not be discussing this now. Personally, I don't care what "anyone" does in their private domain, that's okay with me. But when I saw an innocent child in the crowd at that disgusting event, I flipped. Now those who, for reasons of your own don't feel a child in that crowd at that event is disgusting, then we are in a whole lot of trouble and our children in so much more. Here is the link I left with Zetherin from the pages of NARTH. A group dedicated to help those homosexuals who wish to escape that life style. If you wish to peruse that sight, please be my guest and read what ex-gays have to say about that life style and the affect of a gay home has on a child. At the time of my anger, I had no such sight, but since have found it and it wasn't easy.

I used to flip when I heard rap music. My blood pressure would rise and my face turn red and it made my ears sore. I was a maniac when I used to see things I did not agree with or like until I discovered the damage it does to self. Thoughts are things.

I think that Homosexuality and Lifestyle are two separate things. I've seen homosexuals that are not into that type of lifestyle. There are many things going on in the world that people don't agree with. Homosexuals raising children is small potatoes in comparison to children being sold for sex or being starved to death.

That innocent child at that event that has you so tweaked, what can you do to change it? Simply stating that you don't like it or don't agree with it or even getting angry about does not change it nor does it help it. The only thing that does is release harmful toxins within your own body causing only yourself harm in the long run. Hate breeds hate and love breeds love, and anger causes cancer. We get so caught up in little things and often times overlook where the change in the world takes place... It's takes place within ourselves.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough. My suggestion is that you please do not use hateful or discriminating statements against anyone in this forum or gays or whatever. Sure we can pick it apart and discuss it but there's no sense in allowing things like this to consume us completely, even if for a moment.

This has become off topic now and this thread is about the ideal families, not gays raising children so it will be moved.

William, you cannot control the economy, you cannot control the weather, you cannot control what your neighbor does, you cannot control your pastor, you cannot control homosexuality, you cannot control ANYTHING outside of your own perception and your perception controls your entire life, actions, worth, everything.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 07:20 am
Yea, good discussion. I'd like to commend you, William, for your forbearance and engagement.

A couple of thoughts for all to consider (as the inclination strikes, of course) regarding this subject:

  • If we can't identify with a lifestyle, we must take EXTRA care to not prematurely condemn. If we don't understand, then we likely don't understand enough to condemn or otherwise summarily judge

  • For those who've abused children, in any way, we must keep in mind that such abuse happens not by "categories of people", but by "individuals".

  • I'm not pro-gay, nor pro-house cat either. Each situation where ethics are involved must be judged by the individuals doing them - not the categories to which they belong. My ethical assessment strives to be as ignorant to one's favorite ice-cream as much as sexual orientation; to the values I esteem most in taking care of our young, both are equally irrelevant.

And again, at the risk of bringing this discussion back on topic; as to the question "Is the nuclear family more 'idea'?". My wife and I talked about this (she hasn't seen this thread yet, but says she's going to). We agreed that having the "I bore these children with this, my mate"-bond IS both real and a good thing, but depending on the circumstances (and propensities of the individuals involved) may or may not equate to a BETTER family environment.

Hope this helps and adds to the discussion. Kudos, again, to those in the discussion showing tolerance and engagement in such a volatile atmosphere.

Dave Allen
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 07:26 am
It does strike me that, to people of William's opinion - the distinction between being pro-gay and pro-equality is impossible to comprehend.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 07:51 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen wrote:
It does strike me that, to people of William's opinion - the distinction between being pro-gay and pro-equality is impossible to comprehend.

Mmm. There probably is no real distinction beyond magnitude, from a point of view. If gay sex is that considered that horrifying, while promoting homosexuality is more wrong than being allowing it, they're both wrong... from that point of view.
Dave Allen
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 08:09 am
Sure - from a point of view - but it's not a case of being pro-gay so much as being pro-black/white/male/female/straight/gay/etc. I suppose the issue comes down to whether you see homosexuality as being deleteriously abberrant or not.

To me there are some examples of deleterious factors involved in the circumstances of families with "eccentric" make ups, however what I beleive accounts for these factors is not so much the eccentricity (to degrees, I'm sure we can all think of circumstances we all think are harmful to expose kids to) but the social ostracism that those in harmlessly eccentric units face from bigots.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 08:36 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen wrote:
To me there are some examples of deleterious factors involved in the circumstances of families with "eccentric" make ups, however what I beleive accounts for these factors is not so much the eccentricity (to degrees, I'm sure we can all think of circumstances we all think are harmful to expose kids to) but the social ostracism that those in harmlessly eccentric units face from bigots.

For sure. Salima and I talked about this above. There is a possible argument that a child adopted by a gay couple is at a serious disadvantage compared to one adopted by a straight couple insofar as we live in a homophobic world. But then you could argue that a child conceived by a poor family is at a serious disadvantage compared to one conceived by a rich family insofar as we live in an economically-driven world. In all other areas we accept that people are not born with equal advantage, so to make a special case of same-sex couples is to negatively discriminate.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:26 am
If our society don't allow gay-parents shouldn't we change the society, not the homosexuals right? We allow single parents, what difference does it make if a single mother, instead of being alone, have a girlfriend? The more the merrier. Or what if a man and a woman have a child, divorce, and the man marries a man. Should we take his child from him? Why can't homosexuals be good parents?
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:24 pm
Thank you so much for bringing up the following point:

"If you are saddened by something Khethil does then that's definitely not Khethil's problem". as you were commenting on my remark to Khethil's "burned, drowned, buried, etc...." statement.

Bad choice of words on my part, sorry. I didn't meant to imply it a problem with Khethil. I just thought a poor choice to use as a comparative measure and let me explain why. If we, and no offense Khethil,Smile all resort to make such comparisons using extreme cases, then we must allow everything, for no matter how wrong something is, we can always find that which is more wrong to compare it to that allows us to deal with and tolerate it. There is a big difference in tolerating a wrong and eliminating a wrong. It is definitely not easy in a world that stresses tolerance over solutions. Solutions do not come easy. It takes patience, understanding and caring; not tolerance. Tolerance only make matters worse and creates more rationalizations all the while sliding down that slippery slope. Such as the very common axiom about the individual who was angry that he had no shoes until he witnessed another who had no feet. That is a oft used technique we utilize to rationalize problems we have no answers to or we are helpless to affect "change",such are the many dilemmas we are faced with in the world in which we live, forcing us to exist in a world rationalizing a reason why people should tolerate living without shoes.

Now let's carry this a step further. Now before I go on let me say this, I am not tolerant at all when it comes to the mental or physical abuse of children in any respect whatsoever. And this particular dialog has not address those remarks I made concerning the "rights" of the child. I am trying with all my might to be patient and understanding. But I too, being very human, have my limits. I was trying to emphasize the rights and welfare of the child being reared in an un-natural environment as it relates to what the "majority" of the entire world deems natural. Not only is the traditional family a global paradigm, it is a universal one as well of which homosexuality is neither. If it were we would all be homosexual. Of course that is absurd. As I stated there are no facsimiles's that can substitute that universal paradigm of the father/mother/child. Yes , they do exist, but they are all wrong. IMO. Tolerating those various facsimile's, does not make them right. .Yes, there are those circumstances of which there is no choice such as the untimely death of a Father or a Mother, in those cases there are reasonable facsimile's and just ones. Replacing that parent with a homosexual one is not one of them. Which would be if we contend that lifestyle on a par with a heterosexual lifestyle, which the homosexual community is desperately trying to do in a strained revisionist thought of what constitutes "freedom and liberty". In the extreme as it applies to those words we would have to tolerate all behaviors in the world, There are limits to what we will tolerate and as long as that word exists in lieu of patience and understanding, we will eventually tolerate everything. Welcome to hell and chaos personified.

Just as my friend Khethil did in his comparison to justify his tolerance, it was being used in these dialogs to stress the failures of the traditional family to rationalize the existence and justification of the homosexual one. Two wrongs don't make a right. If we solve the problems existing in the traditional family, every thing else will follow suit. I tried to explain that from every possible view point and I should have known better. If all my points had been patiently looked at and addressed, perhaps we could have established a better dialog. Bone's response to my post only took a matter of a few minutes just has always been the case when efforting to discuss this highly volatile subject. I do have tenacity, I just need to be more selective to those posts I respond to. That's my fault. I should have known better. That's when I got angry making me a hateful person. There is a big difference in anger and hate. I do not hate, but I can get extremely angry, something I need to keep under control. Again, I apologize.

So, let's solve the problems we can and get that guy some shoes, in that we probably don't have a solution for the one that has no feet. Not yet anyway. Now you watch someone will bring up "prosthesis". Ha. Smile


---------- Post added at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

Dave Allen wrote:
It does strike me that, to people of William's opinion - the distinction between being pro-gay and pro-equality is impossible to comprehend.

Hello Dave, good question.
If you would would you please define for me what your definition of equality is?

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:52 pm
I hear ya William; I wanted to illustrate just where *I* see this whole issue (is there an "ideal" family composition, what is that composition?) in THE larger scale of child welfare overall with all that is bad is going on.

If we can assimilate this point, and agree with it, then perhaps the composition of an "ideal" family isn't quite so important as it how we're treating them in the first place. If that too follows, then we can focus on what behaviors make good child rearing, rather than compositional elements of person-type that might now have much bearing (as the other) Suddenly, both points come together - or such was my hope.

Words fail me as often as they serve; but this was the method by which I was hoping to illustrate the proportionality of both ideals.

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:55 pm
Justin wrote:

They have more of a voice today then they have ever had. Take a look at youtube or some of these forums, all of us have a voice that cannot compare with being raised and trapped within a small community for our entire lives and being spoon fed traditions of the past. The reach of a voice is so much further today than ever before.

In all due respect, you took that out of the context in which I was using the word child as it relates to those being born into these homes. But if you can cite an instance on line or anywhere of a heterosexual child that knows the difference between the two family structures we are discussing who is in favor of the homosexual home over the traditional one, I would greatly appreciate it. That will definitely have a great deal of bearing on how I think, I assure you. Smile

Dave Allen
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 01:19 pm
William wrote:
If you would would you please define for me what your definition of equality is?

An historical trend, it seems to me, is that people who are observably "other" have tended to be denied the rights of the majority.

Now it used to be that people with darker tones of skin were denied the rights availble to those of lighter tones, and similar arguements as those you have given for judging homosexuals to be less worthy of parenthood were posited for them to be socially restricted. Savage, less moral, more given to criminal activity, etc.

The same happened to Jewish people and to women, in their own way. Perportedly scientific studies showed it to be "true". However, posterity has thusfar favoured sociological studies which tended to point out that social factors, such as being denied rights, being the subject of institutional abuse, being economically deprived, and being denied a political voice were much more to blame for the (real or perceived) poor behaviour of minorities than intrinsic characteristics of the minorities themselves.

In this regard it has become more fashionable, within the 'western' world to treat these particular minorities as equals to the majority. Equal as in regards to the degree to which individuals are considered worthy of rights. Parity of esteem.

I'm sure you know all this already.

Now my hunch is that people such as yourself who seem to me to suggest that there is something intrinsically and deleteriously aberrant about homosexuals are in relation to those who opposed the suffragette movement or sneered at civil rights.

I think Khethil was constructing a straw man argument when he pointed out that a child abused to death and being fed to a woodchipper would undoubtably be better off with a homosexual couple. I think the argument is a lot simpler to make than that - a child would be better off being looked after by a pair of reasonable, loving adults than languishing in a care home, yet children do languish in care homes.

However, you have been making straw men arguments yourself - such as repeatedly claiming that homosexuals are representative of attendants to a fetish street party. Not all homosexuals are interested in the fetish scene, not all those interested in the fetish scene are homosexual (I suspect a minority are myself). The fetish scene is one of the few that tends to offer homosexuals parity of esteem though - hence why some homosexuals may want to loudly support it and attend in numbers which may be disproportionate.

If the suits spit in your face but the freaks are friendly you're going to fraternise with the freaks.

The negative upshot of this is that the suits get to go "look, they hang around with freaks - we knew their was something up with them."

To me it's quite clear that a large minority of very diverse people are being denied equality and (by extension) liberty by those who seek to characterise them through negative stereotypes, something we have seen before for blacks, women and jews. Under such conditions it is hardly surprising that some of them act up, or that households including people who are overtly homosexual are subject to stresses that do not affect 'normal' people.

So I personally plant my flag firmly in the camp that wants to offer such people parity of esteem - because my hunch tells me that once parity of esteem is established a lot of the basis for these negative stereotypes will prove to be either falacious, or a symptom of oppression.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 01:29 pm
Khethil wrote:
......(is there an "ideal" family composition, what is that composition?)


Thanks Khethil,
When it comes to ideals life is about developing those ideals. They just don't exist in a "natural" state with the exceptions of the pure elements that make up the periodic chart. Those are ideals, unless they can be broken down farther.

The ideal family is the Mother, Father, and Child biologically connected. That's were the ideal ends. If you replace any one of those with a facsimile, you contaminate that ideal universal paradigm. It doesn't matter what the "element" that constitutes the Father, or the "element" that constitutes the Mother, they will make the ideal child that will be a "mixture" of both. That child needs has to adapt to those elements the make up his "being". There are no substitutes that will offer what that child needs. There will be missing links to all those communications he receives from those sources he/she is composed of. This is what I referred to in an earlier post as to a "psychic" link. I can't define it, it's just common sense. Well, it is to me any way.

Now here is where I need help. But first we must agree on what I have espoused so far. If you do not, we must solve that problem before we go on. Okay.

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 01:34 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen wrote:

If the suits spit in your face but the freaks are friendly you're going to fraternise with the freaks.

The negative upshot of this is that the suits get to go "look, they hang around with freaks - we knew their was something up with them."

Too true: If you restrict the freedoms of a group and stereotype them, you grant a freedom within that stereotype also. This is often the nature of rebellion in an oppressed group: to exaggerate and emphasise that which the oppressors say you are anyway. And it works, to an extent. It clears homophobics out of your nightclub quicker than you can say pass the butter. We've seen this everywhere: the underworld culture. Stupid thing is the very people who refused to allow them to integrate complain about this.

Of course, locating a gay scene is like painting a target on your forehead too.

What both infuriates and amuses me is how people justify their hatred for a whole group of people by highlighting something really questionable that one or some were involved in. You get this in the UK a lot with Muslims, who were designated as lazy criminals right off the plane. Then a Muslim man kills a girl after drink driving and everyone points: Look, told you they were criminals. In the meantime 10,000 people have been murdered by caucasians professing the religion of Christianity. What's that all about?
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 01:39 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen wrote:
An historical trend, it seems to me, is that people who are observably "other" have tended to be denied the rights of the majority.

Now it used to be that people with darker tones of skin were denied the rights availble to those of lighter tones, and similar arguements as those you have given for judging homosexuals to be less worthy of parenthood were posited for them to be socially restricted. Savage, less moral, more given to criminal activity, etc.

The same happened to Jewish people and to women, in their own way. Perportedly scientific studies showed it to be "true". However, posterity has thusfar favoured sociological studies which tended to point out that social factors, such as being denied rights, being the subject of institutional abuse, being economically deprived, and being denied a political voice were much more to blame for the (real or perceived) poor behaviour of minorities than intrinsic characteristics of the minorities themselves.

In this regard it has become more fashionable, within the 'western' world to treat these particular minorities as equals to the majority. Equal as in regards to the degree to which individuals are considered worthy of rights. Parity of esteem.

I'm sure you know all this already.

Now my hunch is that people such as yourself who seem to me to suggest that there is something intrinsically and deleteriously aberrant about homosexuals are in relation to those who opposed the suffragette movement or sneered at civil rights.

I think Khethil was constructing a straw man argument when he pointed out that a child abused to death and being fed to a woodchipper would undoubtably be better off with a homosexual couple. I think the argument is a lot simpler to make than that - a child would be better off being looked after by a pair of reasonable, loving adults than languishing in a care home, yet children do languish in care homes.

However, you have been making straw men arguments yourself - such as repeatedly claiming that homosexuals are representative of attendants to a fetish street party. Not all homosexuals are interested in the fetish scene, not all those interested in the fetish scene are homosexual (I suspect a minority are myself). The fetish scene is one of the few that tends to offer homosexuals parity of esteem though - hence why some homosexuals may want to loudly support it and attend in numbers which may be disproportionate.

If the suits spit in your face but the freaks are friendly you're going to fraternise with the freaks.

The negative upshot of this is that the suits get to go "look, they hang around with freaks - we knew their was something up with them."

To me it's quite clear that a large minority of very diverse people are being denied equality and (by extension) liberty by those who seek to characterise them through negative stereotypes, something we have seen before for blacks, women and jews. Under such conditions it is hardly surprising that some of them act up, or that households including people who are overtly homosexual are subject to stresses that do not affect 'normal' people.

So I personally plant my flag firmly in the camp that wants to offer such people parity of esteem - because my hunch tells me that once parity of esteem is established a lot of the basis for these negative stereotypes will prove to be either falacious, or a symptom of oppression.

Thank you Dave,
Your questions are great. It will take me a while. God, I hated losing my temper. But let's hope some good can come from it.:surrender:

Dave Allen
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 01:45 pm
I think it is a hugely emotional topic. Who would not want to see children given stable, affectionate and constructive environments in which to develop? I also happen to think pretty much everyone doesn't wish to consign millions of functional and responsible people to the status of second class citizen.

So I don't wish to seem too harsh either - I know its a sticky topic.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 07:46 pm
William wrote:
Thanks Khethil,
When it comes to ideals life is about developing those ideals. They just don't exist in a "natural" state with the exceptions of the pure elements that make up the periodic chart. Those are ideals, unless they can be broken down farther.

The ideal family is the Mother, Father, and Child biologically connected. That's were the ideal ends. If you replace any one of those with a facsimile, you contaminate that ideal universal paradigm. It doesn't matter what the "element" that constitutes the Father, or the "element" that constitutes the Mother, they will make the ideal child that will be a "mixture" of both. That child needs has to adapt to those elements the make up his "being". There are no substitutes that will offer what that child needs. There will be missing links to all those communications he receives from those sources he/she is composed of. This is what I referred to in an earlier post as to a "psychic" link. I can't define it, it's just common sense. Well, it is to me any way.

Now here is where I need help. But first we must agree on what I have espoused so far. If you do not, we must solve that problem before we go on. Okay.


here is where i also need help. william.

i understand totally what you are saying form the other post about tolerance. intolerance is horrible the way it is defined in culture today, but at the same time 'tolerance' implies that you are accepting something that you believe is wrong or dont agree with or cant validate but you accept it while fervently wishing it would go away. we need to do more than that with each other. maybe understanding would be a better goal, though it is more difficult. i tolerate hot and humid weather.

so if we tolerate people doesnt mean we believe they make the ideal parents either. i dont tolerate intolerance! that always makes me laugh...
obviously we cant give the same rights to serial killers as law abiding citizens and allow them their freedom, and even after they have served their time in jail what do we think about the kind of parents they would be? their sexual preferences aside i mean...

but this is off topic again, sorry. we were supposed to be trying to find what are the ideal parents or family.

now to get to the quote above-i particularly like the part where you say:
It doesn't matter what the "element" that constitutes the Father, or the "element" that constitutes the Mother, they will make the ideal child that will be a "mixture" of both. That child needs has to adapt to those elements the make up his "being".

what do you mean by 'element'? here it sounds as if you are saying the child produced by the ideal parents will grow up to be a blend of male and female qualities, balanced in such a way as he can live up to his full potential, consistent and comfortable within himself as well as in the world around him. to me that would be ideal. now that child when grown would also be an ideal parent. so why should it make any difference if he or she chooses a partner of the same biological sex when their psyche is a proper balance of the male and female qualities?

i realize you have stipulated that they must be biologically connected, but i am not sure that is as much of an issue-here there can be studies and statistics, but i prefer not to depend on those too much since they can be manipulated and twisted depending on who does them and what they are trying to prove. i have seen too many biologically connected parents, my own and those of people i have met in life, who were heterosexual and yet unfit as parents. in fact they had no instinct for it and no interest in it at all. they never even chose to have children, but did it because everyone does-it is the thing to do. they never gave it a thought either before or after. they produced both heterosexual and homosexual children.

also your statement: "There will be missing links to all those communications he receives from those sources he/she is composed of. This is what I referred to in an earlier post as to a "psychic" link."

this is a very intriguing idea. you say you cant explain that, and consider it to be common sense-but i am sadly lacking in that department. can you try to explain it? do you mean to say that the resulting human being will be unable to connect with the male and female aspects of his own psyche? if so, yes of course that is true if either of the parents had that problem. but a homosexual could conceivably be able to relate to both the male and female aspects of their own psyche, perhaps even in a more complete way than a heterosexual person ever could. why not?

so if you leave out the factor of there being a biological connection, where is the objection? bonding aside as well, because parents can have a biological bond to their children and fail them in every way. so why is this a prerequisite for parenthood?
Reply Tue 26 May, 2009 06:40 am
I am going to take a break from this thread. This is such a serious subject to me and I am very set in my thinking. I am going to put togther another post to illustate perhaps in a better way to approach the subject of "the ideal family", without all the fireworks. Ha.

Dunkler Schatten
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 08:59 pm
well the topic of this post appears to be ideal family so...I'll say any family that can give a child the love, caring, and discipline that a growing youth would need. That could be a single father, single mother (hell, I was practically raised with a single mother, what with my dad out to see all the time), father and mother, two fathers, two mothers, so long as they can give that child the love they need, spend time with that child, then that is a family.

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