Abalard said: Jus is the Genus, and Law a species of it... Certainly, the contract on its face to give those bonus's is legal; but if the law is not just, then the law is not really law, but in this case, as in many cases, is only an agreement between the powerful to enforce their own prerogatives...
Whether they should take the money is immaterial... I am certain they will, and that it will provide a clear lesson for the people... The rich are not rich because they love us, and because they care for our well being...The rich are rich because they hate us, and hold us in contempt, and want to hurt us...
In protecting the economic system the politicians thought to protect themselves... Now they are learning that their help is expected, and that the people are expected to support the economy which does not support them... It is time for a change, but first, people must change their minds, and when they realize all their morality is pointless so long as immorals run their world, then there will be change..