Theaetetus wrote:This is why the localized charity make far more sense. The money can be seen in action.
Ok, so under the assumption that we as humans do have a duty to give to others consistently even if it is detrimental to our own level/amount of commodities, you feel that local charities should be given to rather then charities across sea's, because we are more certain the money will be used for its original intention.
Now, lets introduce the current problem, our government does give to our poor, we have a lot of public outlets to deal with our problems at home, and it seems THEY ignore some major places that are much more fubar. Does this mean we need to evaluate who needs the help more and who is already doing what where? For example, if there is all this government financed help in New Orleans, but our close neighbor Mexico is getting raped by globalization (assuming that you agree with that) should we instead give to Mexico considering nobody is touching their problems? But then we have Africa, further then Mexico, which has easily proven to be the most fubar. So should distance determine who we give to? Assuming we would have the same doubts about where our money is going to Mexico and Africa. So when it is concluded that Africa needs it much more. Should we then give to Africa rather then Mexico? Even though Mexico is closer?
Note: take your time, sorry that post is really choppy, im philo'd out ATM haha