@Binyamin Tsadik,
in answer to your original questions
- the need to abandon religion or unify it.
if one was to unite the world through jihad, than the latter, if through political means, than the government must take a firm hands off policy
- would the outcome be of an anarchy or democracy or totalitarian?
usually such a collossus would have to be either a dictatorship or an oligarchy, but would also have to be regionized to an incredible extent, almost like feudalism minus the serfs
- Once establishing worldwide nation would there be peace or would it evoke hate.
the entire purpose of a geopolitcal state is to transform any large scale conflicts between groups into smaller scale conflicts between individuals, lilke family feuds, business warfare or a coorporate rivalry, such are the conflicts that provide more growth than destruction and should be the object of any government
- would the public be allowed to know of an actual mergence?
once again, it depends on the nationalistic principal, if through a military or rabble-rousing persona, the public cant help but know, but if through an elaborate, subtle coup, most people dont even pay enough attention to verify that their own state maintains sovereignty as we speak, and the masses would be easily confounded
- would it be economically beneficial to everybody
the breakup of tarrif barriers and the decline of undeveloped nations undermining the developed ones via demi-slave labor (easily remedied by a universal minimum wage and a government willing to be a nonbiased arbiter in all worker-employer struggles would bring about a boomtime equivalent to the industrial revolution
- would there just be moral chaos or allow for a broader view of rationalizing?
no comment, thats up to whether or not the populace would choose to embrace enlightenment
- Would it be a complex bureaucracy, or simple ( no its not fun to consider the fact that the system would probably just branch off into subnational 'bureaus' anyways)
it would have to be a burocracy, a streamlined one, but a burocracy nonetheless, it is physically impossible for a small number of people to look after 6.5 billion people, napoleon only had to deal with 30 million, and he lasted less than a decade total
- Would scientific progress become stagnant or become more innovative?
the coupling of no more need for military funding and lack of population killing wars would force the government to give out more grants and jumpstart any scientific progress it could
- Would this just evoke a World War 3 due to potential instability, and therefore providing the chance to destroy humanity making the unity concept completely irrational for our time. Or would the World War three be a stage to the completion of a world wide single nation?
if there is a world war three, either a it will be a war of specialists where the casualties will be at their worst as bad as the last world war, which would be an ideal crucible for a global state, or a nuclear war, which is an enormous game over